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🍽️ CLI Restaurant Billing System

📌 Overview

The CLI Restaurant Billing System is a simple Python script that allows users to:

  • View a restaurant menu.
  • Place an order with multiple items and quantities.
  • Generate a bill and save it as a text file.

🚀 Features

  • Displays a menu with prices.
  • Allows customers to order multiple items.
  • Calculates total bill and displays a receipt.
  • Saves the bill to a text file (bill.txt).

🛠️ Built With

  • Python 3.x
  • os (built-in) for file handling

📥 Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd restaurant-billing-system


Sample Output

1. View Menu
2. Order Food
3. Get Bill & Save
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2

Enter the food item you want (or type 'done' to finish): Pizza
Enter quantity for Pizza: 2
2 Pizza(s) added to your order!

Enter the food item you want (or type 'done' to finish): Juice
Enter quantity for Juice: 1
1 Juice(s) added to your order!

Enter the food item you want (or type 'done' to finish): done

--- Bill ---
Pizza (x2): $17.98
Juice (x1): $2.99

Total: $20.97
Thank you for dining with us!

Bill has been saved to 'bill.txt'.

💡 Notes

Users can only order items available in the menu. The script validates numeric input for quantity. The generated bill is saved as a text file for future reference.

🛠️ Contributing

Feel free to contribute by improving the UI, adding more features, or enhancing functionality. Fork the repo and submit a pull request!

📜 License

This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.

👨‍💻 Developed By

Burhanali2211 - Creator of this CLI-based Restaurant Billing System.