The CLI Restaurant Billing System is a simple Python script that allows users to:
- View a restaurant menu.
- Place an order with multiple items and quantities.
- Generate a bill and save it as a text file.
- Displays a menu with prices.
- Allows customers to order multiple items.
- Calculates total bill and displays a receipt.
- Saves the bill to a text file (
- Python 3.x
(built-in) for file handling
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd restaurant-billing-system
1. View Menu
2. Order Food
3. Get Bill & Save
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Enter the food item you want (or type 'done' to finish): Pizza
Enter quantity for Pizza: 2
2 Pizza(s) added to your order!
Enter the food item you want (or type 'done' to finish): Juice
Enter quantity for Juice: 1
1 Juice(s) added to your order!
Enter the food item you want (or type 'done' to finish): done
--- Bill ---
Pizza (x2): $17.98
Juice (x1): $2.99
Total: $20.97
Thank you for dining with us!
Bill has been saved to 'bill.txt'.
Users can only order items available in the menu. The script validates numeric input for quantity. The generated bill is saved as a text file for future reference.
Feel free to contribute by improving the UI, adding more features, or enhancing functionality. Fork the repo and submit a pull request!
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.
Burhanali2211 - Creator of this CLI-based Restaurant Billing System.