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Practical Multicluster with Linkerd

This is the documentation - and executable code! - for the Practical Multicluster Service Mesh Academy workshop. The easiest way to use this file is to execute it with demosh.

Things in Markdown comments are safe to ignore when reading this later. When executing this with demosh, things after the horizontal rule below (which is just before a commented @SHOW directive) will get displayed.

This workshop requires kind and k3d, and assumes that you can run a lot of clusters at once.

Practical Multicluster with Linkerd

We talk a lot about multicluster as a performance or availability tool, but today we're going to show it off more as a tool for managing development, using entire clusters for progressive delivery, etc.

This demo runs using both kind and k3d - at the same time - to dynamically create and delete clusters. Basically, we're using kind as one cloud provider and k3d as a different cloud provider. We'll use Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd to tie everything together, and we'll use a new tool called localcluster to spin clusters up and down and handle routing, etc.


This demo will not work with Docker Desktop for Mac. Sorry about that, but unfortunately Docker Desktop doesn't meaningfully bridge the Docker network to the host network. If you're on a Mac, try Orbstack instead (

Also, we're only showing IPv4 at the moment. Everything should work with IPv6 or dualstack, but that's for a later version!

Finally, we're not really going to show a proper global high-availability ingress in this demo, since this is Service Mesh Academy, not Ingress Academy. We're going to use a cluster called 'cdn' to kind of fake having a CDN in front of everything handling proper ingress.

And with all that said, let's get started!

Starting Out: CDN + a single cluster

As a starting point, we've set up our cdn cluster and a single faces cluster running in kind. (We also have clusters called color and color-b which we're not using yet.)

kind get clusters

In the faces cluster, we have Faces running with a LoadBalancer service for its GUI. As usual, this is really not the right way to run Faces, it's just the simplest setup for this demo!

kubectl --context faces get svc -n faces faces-gui

The faces-gui Service is mirrored to the cdn cluster, so we can access it from there, too:

kubectl --context cdn get svc -n faces

It appears as the faces-gui-faces Service, since the mirrored services get the cluster name tacked on the end.

Also in the cdn cluster, we have Emissary running as a simple CDN wannabe: yup, we're using an entire Envoy to do a single L4 route. (We'll be updating this later with a Rust L4 proxy instead -- but that's for another day!)

kubectl --context cdn get tcpmapping -n faces -o yaml
kubectl --context cdn get svc -n emissary emissary -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports}' | jq

So! We should be able to grab the LoadBalancer IP address of the emissary Service in the cdn cluster...

CDNADDR=$(kubectl --context cdn get svc -n emissary emissary -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
echo "CDN IP: http://${CDNADDR}/"

...and use that to check out Faces in the browser!

Going More Multicluster

This is entertaining, but it's not really multicluster yet, even given the "CDN", because we're still just using one cluster for the actual service. So let's change that.

One of the really cool things you can start doing with Linkerd's pod-to-pod multicluster is using clusters the way we used to use namespaces. Why? It lets your development teams have tremendous control and autonomy and they can't mess up anything else. So let's start by splitting the faces cluster up. Let's suppose we want our smiley team to have their own cluster.

This first means we need a cluster, which... wow, there are a lot of details to keep track of when doing that. For Linkerd's pod-to-pod multicluster, the clusters need IP routing set up, they need non-overlapping Pod CIDRs, they need... enough stuff that it can be tricky. So we're going to use a tool called localcluster to handle all that. (At the moment, localcluster lives in this repo.)

Here's the localcluster definition file for our smiley cluster:

bat clusters/smiley/sma.yaml

And here's what it does to create the smiley cluster:

./localcluster create --dryrun clusters smiley

You can see that, uh, there's a lot of stuff that goes on in there! So let's get to it.

./localcluster create clusters smiley

OK, given the cluster, let's get Linkerd going.

rm -f clusters/smiley/issuer*
./localcluster certs clusters smiley
./localcluster linkerd --dryrun clusters smiley
./localcluster linkerd clusters smiley

...and let's link up smiley with the rest of its group. This is another one that will affect more than just smiley.

./localcluster group clusters smiley
linkerd --context faces mc check

Splitting Faces

OK, let's get Faces running in the smiley cluster. We'll have its smiley workload return heart-eyed smilies.

kubectl --context smiley create ns faces
kubectl --context smiley annotate ns/faces

helm install --kube-context smiley \
     faces -n faces \
     oci:// --version 1.4.0 \
     --set smiley.smiley=HeartEyes \
     --set smiley.errorFraction=0

We only want the smiley workload, so let's delete all the others. (Obviously this is a silly way to do things, but that's the reality of the Faces chart at the moment.)

kubectl --context smiley delete deploy -n faces faces-gui face color
kubectl --context smiley rollout status -n faces deploy

Then we mirror the smiley Service using pod-to-pod multicluster...

kubectl --context smiley label -n faces \

...which should cause it to appear in the faces cluster.

kubectl --context faces get svc -n faces

At this point we can use an HTTPRoute in the faces cluster to switch traffic over to the mirrored smiley workload.

bat clusters/smiley/route-to-smiley.yaml
kubectl --context faces apply -f clusters/smiley/route-to-smiley.yaml

After that, we can delete the smiley workload from the faces cluster.

kubectl --context faces delete deploy -n faces smiley

WAIT A MINUTE (part 1)

Did anyone catch what we just did? There are three incredibly cool things that we just did that are worth calling out.

  1. We took a workload that was running in one cluster, and we moved it to another cluster.
  1. We did it without changing the workload at all.
  1. We did it in a way that permits progressive delivery.

Let's prove point 3 by progressively migrating color out of the faces cluster. I've set up a color cluster the same as the smiley cluster already, with the color workload running (set to return green):

kubectl --context color get pods -n faces we can go ahead and mirror its color Service to the faces cluster.

kubectl --context color label -n faces \
kubectl --context faces get svc -n faces

At this point, we'll once again do an HTTPRoute in the faces cluster to switch traffic over, but we'll do it gradually this time.

bat clusters/color/route-to-color-10.yaml
kubectl --context faces apply -f clusters/color/route-to-color-10.yaml
kubectl --context faces edit httproute -n faces color-route
kubectl --context faces edit httproute -n faces color-route
kubectl --context faces edit httproute -n faces color-route

At this point everything is green, and we can delete the color workload from the faces cluster.

kubectl --context faces delete deploy -n faces color

But wait! there's more! I also have a precreated color-b cluster with just the color workload, returning the original blue... and we can progressively switch between those two, from faces.

kubectl --context color-b get pods -n faces
kubectl --context color-b label -n faces \
kubectl --context faces get svc -n faces
bat clusters/color-b/route-to-color-b-10.yaml
kubectl --context faces apply -f clusters/color-b/route-to-color-b-10.yaml
kubectl --context faces edit httproute -n faces color-route
kubectl --context faces edit httproute -n faces color-route
kubectl --context faces edit httproute -n faces color-route

WAIT A MINUTE (part 2)

Everybody caught that bit, too, right? We have an HTTPRoute in one cluster doing actual progressive delivery where the two versions of our workload are in two other clusters. In other words, we're progressively delivering clusters now.

There are a lot of really fascinating things we could do here:

  • Obviously, this is a great tool for letting development teams work independently. If they have their own clusters, it's really hard to step on each other's toes.
  • If you have different clusters, you can also vary a lot more things. Linkerd multicluster is perfectly happy to use different versions of Kubernetes, different versions of Linkerd, different CNIs, different versions of CRDs... the sky's the limit.
  • Remember also that as you vary those things... you can do progressive delivery. Or A/B testing.

Routing Notes

Remember that what we have set up looks like this:

  • Our HTTP request goes to the Emissary Service in the cdn cluster.
  • Emissary sends it to a Service in the cdn cluster that's mirrored from the faces cluster.
  • Linkerd in the cdn cluster sends the request to the faces cluster, because that's what mirrored services do.
  • The faces GUI in the faces cluster makes a new request to the face workload in the faces cluster. Linkerd does mTLS but no cluster-crossing stuff here.
  • The face workload talks to smiley and color, which are HTTPRoutes in the face cluster.
  • Both smiley and color redirect to Services mirrored from other clusters.
  • Linkerd in the faces cluster sends the request to the smiley or color cluster, because, again, that's the point of mirrored services.

There's an axiom in Gateway API routing: you only get one layer of routing -- a given HTTPRoute can't use another HTTPRoute as a backend. So how are we able to do two layers of routing here? (Hint: it's not because Emissary isn't using Gateway API.)

The critical bit here is that we're routing two separate requests:

  1. Browser -> cdn Emissary -> Linkerd mirrored Service -> face workload in the faces cluster
  1. face workload in the faces cluster -> smiley or color HTTPRoute -> Linkerd mirrored Service -> smiley or color clusters

The request in step 2 is not the same request as the one in step 1, which means that it gets its own chance to do routing magic. As long as you set things up like that, you can do arbitrarily complex things with routing. Obviously, there's a latency cost, but Linkerd is fast enough that it often simply doesn't matter.

Multicloud and Multicluster

We haven't really talked about where these clusters are running, yet. As it happens, we're using kind clusters so far.

kind get clusters

...or, well, OK, I lied. We're using kind and k3d clusters:

k3d cluster list

Every request being made here hits the k3d cdn cluster and then Linkerd multicluster takes it over to the kind faces cluster (mTLS'd all the way). This isn't relying on any special networking: where the kind clusters are, at the moment, doing pod-to-pod multicluster, the cdn cluster is doing gateway-based multicluster to the faces cluster. Those clusters do not have any special routing going on, and we can prove it by looking at some CIDRs and endpoints:

./localcluster info clusters cdn
kubectl --context cdn get svc -n faces faces-gui-faces
kubectl --context cdn get endpoints -n faces faces-gui-faces

./localcluster info clusters faces
kubectl --context faces get svc -n faces faces-gui
kubectl --context faces get endpoints -n faces faces-gui

The endpoint for the faces-gui-faces Service in the cdn cluster is definitely not something the faces cluster's CIDRs... also, it's on a bizarre port. Turns out that's the Linkerd multicluster gateway!

kubectl --context faces get svc -n linkerd-multicluster linkerd-gateway

And hey, look, that's a LoadBalancer Service -- which means that its EXTERNAL-IP address really should be globally routable.

Compare and contrast with what goes on between faces and smiley:

./localcluster info clusters faces
kubectl --context faces get svc -n faces smiley-smiley
kubectl --context faces get endpoints -n faces smiley-smiley
linkerd --context faces diagnostics endpoints smiley-smiley.faces.svc.cluster.local

./localcluster info clusters smiley
kubectl --context smiley get svc -n faces smiley
kubectl --context smiley get endpoints -n faces smiley

where we can see that the faces cluster is routing directly across to a Pod in the smiley cluster.

Disaster Recovery

Onward with another application! Honestly, disaster recovery is kind of anticlimactic after what we've already shown, because it's really just another application of what we've already shown... but's let's look anyway, because there is one important bit to pay attention to.

As before, I've precreated a faces-dr cluster that's already running Faces. It's even already linkerd to the cdn cluster, so if we mirror its faces-gui Service, we should see a faces-gui-faces-dr Service appear in the cdn cluster.

kubectl --context faces-dr label -n faces \
kubectl --context cdn get svc -n faces

If we then apply a second TCPMapping in the cdn cluster, we should see a 50/50 split between the faces-gui-faces and faces-gui-faces-dr Services.

bat clusters/faces-dr/tcpmapping.yaml
kubectl --context cdn apply -f clusters/faces-dr/tcpmapping.yaml

So... what's the important bit? Well, it's that we haven't talked about what kind of DR we want and how to make it happen. What I'm showing here is really active-active failover: split traffic between two clusters (which, in the real world, would be set up to behave the same) and then if one goes down... well... what happens?

kubectl --context faces scale deploy -n faces faces-gui --replicas=0

As it happens, Emissary handles this pretty gracefully when we're using it as an L4 router, but that's mostly just luck. Let's scale our "failing" faces-gui back up and see what happens.

kubectl --context faces scale deploy -n faces faces-gui --replicas=1

The right way to manage this, of course, is with active health checking that simply stops routing to the broken cluster, for example:

kubectl --context cdn delete tcpmapping -n faces faces-dr-mapping

There are other kinds of failover, of course. You could do active-passive. You could, in fact, spin up an entirely new cluster only after your main cluster crashes -- it feels like localcluster took forever with the smiley cluster in the beginning, but in fact setting up all the clusters I use for this demo takes only five minutes or so on my Mac, and maybe that kind of downtime is fine. The point is that switching the entire app to a different cluster is easy, and fast, with multicluster.

WAIT A MINUTE (part 3)

As usual, there are a couple of really cool things that I haven't told you yet.

First: faces and its brethren are running in kind clusters, but faces-dr is a k3d cluster. So this is actually showing a multi-cloud failover: there's nothing special about the networking between the cdn, faces, and faces-dr clusters, which means it'll work everywhere.

Wanna do GKE to AWS? Knock yourself out. EKS to Azure? Sure. It's all the same: the only thing that Linkerd gateway-based multicluster relies on is working LoadBalancer services. (It's fine if the traffic goes over the public Internet, too: mTLS for the win!)

Second: faces-dr doesn't actually have a running smiley workload:

kubectl --context faces-dr get pods -n faces

That screaming-face smiley workload is actually running in a separate smiley-dr cluster, with its Service mirrored to the faces-dr cluster.

kubectl --context smiley-dr get pods -n faces
kubectl --context faces-dr get svc -n faces smiley

So we're showing multicloud multicluster, just to reinforce that you're not limited to one multicluster setup: you can do all the tricks with progressive delivery, etc., across multiple clusters at the same time.

Finally, to reinforce the obvious: the cdn cluster is a single point of failure in this demo. If you're really serious about multicloud, you need to get serious about globally distributed ingress, which is a whole thing all its own. Using a proper CDN is one of the simpler ways to do it, though there are others.


Finally, migration.

We already showed this, actually:

  • We moved the smiley workload from the faces cluster to the smiley cluster.
  • We progressively moved the color workload from the faces cluster to the color cluster, then we progressively moved it to the color-b cluster. (We could move it back, of course.)
  • We did an active-active failover with the faces and faces-dr clusters.

...OK, fine, we didn't really show the full-on cross-cloud migration, since we rolled back to the faces cluster after splitting to faces-dr. So OK, let's do that.

First, we reapply the CDN mapping that splits the traffic between faces and faces-dr:

kubectl --context cdn apply -f clusters/faces-dr/tcpmapping.yaml

Then, we delete the mapping that's carrying traffic to faces.

kubectl --context cdn delete tcpmapping -n faces faces-mapping

Then we're done. Let's prove it by deleting all the clusters on the faces side:

./localcluster delete clusters faces color color-b smiley

Oh look, our app is still working! So... there you go, there's a cross-cloud migration.

That's probably the most important lesson about multicluster: once you have a really easy way to route across clusters, you have a really easy way to migrate too.


So there you have it! Honestly, the hardest part of this demo is creating clusters dynamically, and linking them together: once the links are in place, actually running things across clusters is easy.

Ultimately, that's the point of practical multicluster work: namespaces aren't your only tool any more, and many areas where we found limitations because of cluster boundaries aren't that big a deal any more. You can do a lot with multicluster; we're pretty much just scratching the surface here.

Finally, feedback is always welcome! You can reach me at or as @flynn on the Linkerd Slack (