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OpenTelemetry and Linkerd with Dash0

This is the documentation - and executable code! - for the Service Mesh Academy workshop about OpenTelemetry and Linkerd. The easiest way to use this file is to execute it with demosh.

Things in Markdown comments are safe to ignore when reading this later. When executing this with demosh, things after the horizontal rule below (which is just before a commented @SHOW directive) will get displayed.

You'll need to start this workshop with:

  • an EMPTY Kubernetes cluster
  • an account on Dash0
  • the $DASH0_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable set to your Dash0 authorization token
  • the $DASH0_OTLP_ENDPOINT environment variable set to your Dash0 OTLP via GRPC endpoint. Make sure you're using the "OTLP via GRPC" endpoint, not the one for "OTLP via HTTP".

When you use demosh to run this file, requirements will be checked for you.

OpenTelemetry and Linkerd with Dash0

In this workshop, we're going to take a look at how get Linkerd playing nicely with OpenTelemetry, using Dash0 ( to show off what OpenTelemetry brings you. If you don't already have a Dash0 account, head on over and get set up with one - it's free! - and then come back here.

When you do that, make sure to set up your environment with DASH0_AUTH_TOKEN and DASH0_OTLP_ENDPOINT containing the token and the endpoint for the Dash0 API. You can find these on the Settings page of the Dash0 dashboard.

Installing Linkerd

We'll start by firing up Linkerd in our cluster. This is a pretty typical CLI installation based on the Linkerd installation instructions at

We'll be using an edge release of Linkerd for this workshop - you need at least edge-25.1.3 - but stable releases after that will work fine too.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL | sh
linkerd version --short --client
linkerd check --pre
linkerd install --crds | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd install ${LINKERD_EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd viz install | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd check

So that's Linkerd running! Next up, let's get the OpenTelemetry demo app, otel-demo, running.

Installing the demo app

The otel-demo app is a microservices application that's heavily instrumented for OpenTelemetry. It'll typically be installed from its Helm chart at

but we're cheating a bit: we used helm template to fetch the YAML, and we've added the annotation to the Pods created by the chart, for example:

yq 'select(.kind == "Deployment")' < otel-demo/otel-demo.yaml \
    | yq 'select(di==1)' \
    | bat -l yaml

This annotation tells Linkerd which service name the proxy for this Pod should use when sending traces to OpenTelemetry, so that you can tell which proxy is which in when reading the traces! (And we know this is clumsy at the moment -- we're working on that.)

So! We start by creating a namespace for otel-demo and annotating it for Linkerd injection...

kubectl create ns otel-demo
kubectl annotate ns otel-demo

The otel-demo app also needs to use an auth token to send traces to Dash0, and it needs to know the OTLP endpoint for Dash0. We'll get those from the DASH0_AUTH_TOKEN and DASH0_OTLP_ENDPOINT environment variables, and substitute them into the correct places as we apply the otel-demo YAML:

        < otel-demo/otel-demo.yaml \
        | kubectl apply -n otel-demo -f -

watch kubectl get pods -n otel-demo

At this point, we can flip over and take a look at the otel-demo app in the Dash0 dashboard!

Adding the Jaeger extension

So that's well and good, but we have no Linkerd information in the traces. Let's fix that.

The Linkerd proxy can add its own spans to any OpenTelemetry traces that are present in the requests coming through the proxy, but this only happens if we've also told the proxy to send those spans to some OpenTelemetry collector. At present, the horribly-misnamed Linkerd Jaeger extension is the simplest way to do this... but be careful!

If you just install the Jaeger extension, it will install various components that we really don't want. The only thing we want it to do is to tell Linkerd's proxies to send traces to an OpenTelemetry collector (in this case, the one supplied by the otel-demo application). We'll use a custom values file for that:

bat jaeger-linkerd.yaml

Given that, installing the extension is simple:

linkerd jaeger install --values ./jaeger-linkerd.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd jaeger check

But if we go back to the Dash0 dashboard now, we still won't see any Linkerd information. That's because the Linkerd proxies are still running with the old configuration.

Rolling out linkerd proxies across the demo application

To get the proxies to pick up their shiny new OTel configuration, we need to restart them. We can do this with a simple kubectl rollout restart command:

kubectl rollout restart -n otel-demo deploy,statefulset

Now we'll wait for that to finish...

watch kubectl get pods -n otel-demo

and now we should see Linkerd trace information in the Dash0 dashboard!