This is the documentation - and executable code! - for the Service Mesh Academy workshop about new features in Linkerd 2.16. The easiest way to use this file is to execute it with demosh.
Things in Markdown comments are safe to ignore when reading this later. When
executing this with demosh, things after the horizontal rule below (which
is just before a commented @SHOW
directive) will get displayed.
This workshop WILL DESTROY any running k3d cluster named mesh-exp
, and any
Docker containers named dnsmasq
, smiley-1
, and color-1
as well. Be
When you use demosh
to run this file, requirements will be checked for
In this workshop, we'll explore some of the new features in Linkerd 2.16, notably including:
- Support for IPv6
- Authorization policy "audit mode"
- Support for Gateway API gRPCRoute
- Timeouts and retries for HTTPRoute and gRPCRoute
First things first: IPv6 support in Linkerd 2.16! This has been around in edge releases for some time, but 2.16 is its first appearance in a stable release.
There's weirdly little to show here, but check it out:
kubectl get svc -n faces
You can see that in fact I'm running on a dualstack cluster, that my Services mostly have IPv6 addresses... and everything Just Works, as we can see if we flip to a browser:
The Fine Print:
- This is a
doesn't yet support IPv6.
doesn't have native loadbalancer support, so I'm also using MetalLB so that I can use Services of type LoadBalancer... and I'm using the IPv4 load balancer address to show off the automagic dual-stack support and address-family translation in Linkerd.
In the interests of time, I'm not showing how the cluster is set up -- for all the gory details, check out the
script in the workshop repo, or check out our IPv6 Service Mesh Academy workshop:
Next up we'll show off some automation features in 2.16 that make it much easier to work with external workloads. We'll head back to the IPv4 world for this (keep an eye out for dualstack external workloads in a later Linkerd release!).
We're going to have a k3d cluster running the Linkerd control plane with an
in-cluster workload, then we'll have multiple VMs running outside the
cluster (but connected to the same Docker network). Let's start by getting our
cluster running, connected to the mesh-exp
Docker network.
k3d cluster delete mesh-exp >/dev/null 2>&1
k3d cluster create mesh-exp \
--network=mesh-exp \
--port 80:80@loadbalancer \
--port 443:443@loadbalancer \
--k3s-arg '--disable=traefik,metrics-server@server:0'
Once that's done, let's get Linkerd up and running. Since we're showing off the external workload automation feature for this, you'll need a free Buoyant account for this. If you don't already have an account, hit up to get one.
Once that's done and you've set the environment variables it'll tell you about, it's time to make sure we have the right version of Linkerd installed!
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL | \
LINKERD2_VERSION=enterprise-2.16.0 sh
linkerd version --proxy --client --short
Once that's done, we install Linkerd's CRDs, being careful to tell Linkerd
that we want to manage external workloads -- if you forget that --set
you'll end up missing the crucial ExternalGroup resource, so make sure it's
linkerd install --crds --set manageExternalWorkloads=true | kubectl apply -f -
After that we install Linkerd itself. Note that we're explicitly specifying the trust anchor and identity issuer certificate -- these are certs that I generated earlier and have stored locally, which is important because we'll need to use those certificates for identity in our external workloads.
linkerd install \
--identity-trust-anchors-file ./certs/ca.crt \
--identity-issuer-certificate-file ./certs/issuer.crt \
--identity-issuer-key-file ./certs/issuer.key \
--set manageExternalWorkloads=true \
--set disableIPv6=false \
| kubectl apply -f -
linkerd check
OK! Now that we have Linkerd running in our cluster, let's get an application running there too. We're going to use our usual Faces demo for this, so let's start by just installing it using its Helm chart.
First, we'll set up the faces
namespace, with Linkerd injection for the
whole namespace...
kubectl create namespace faces
kubectl annotate namespace faces
...and then we'll install the Faces demo itself. We'll tell the chart to make the GUI service a LoadBalancer, to make it easy to talk to, and we'll also tell it to make the workloads error-free -- for now...
helm install faces -n faces \
oci:// --version 1.4.1 \
--set gui.serviceType=LoadBalancer \
--set color2.enabled=true \
--set color2.color=green \
--set face.errorFraction=0 \
--set backend.errorFraction=0
We'll wait for our Pods to be running before we move on.
kubectl rollout status -n faces deploy
kubectl get pods -n faces
kubectl get svc -n faces
OK! If we flip over to look at the GUI right now (using the IP address shown
for the faces-gui
Service), we should see grinning faces on blue
So this is all well and good, but it's also not very interesting because it's
just running a Kubernetes application. Let's change that. We'll run the
and color
workloads outside the cluster, but still using Linkerd
for secure communications.
Let's start by ditching those workloads in Kubernetes.
kubectl delete -n faces deploy smiley color
If we flip over to look now, we'll see endless cursing faces on grey
backgrounds, since the face
workload is responding, but smiley
and color
are not. Let's fix that.
OK, first things first: what needs to happen to get an external workload hooked up with Linkerd? At a VERY high level:
Our external workload needs to be on a machine with direct IP access to the Pod and Service IP ranges of the cluster.
Our external workload needs to have access to the Kubernetes DNS, so that workloads can talk to other workloads (and so that we can use a DNS name to refer to the control plane!).
Our external workload needs a SPIFFE identity so that the Linkerd proxy knows that it's safe.
Our external workload needs to run the Linkerd proxy next to it, just like we do in Kubernetes.
New for BEL and the autoregistration harness, we need an ExternalGroup resource in the cluster, so that the autoregistration harness can manage ExternalWorkload resources for us! just like Deployments and Pods.
SO. Let's get started on this.
We'll start with routing. Our external workloads will be running in containers
attached to the same network as our k3d cluster, but they still need to be
explicitly told how to route to the cluster. Specifically, we're going to run
ip route add
in our containers to tell them to route to the Pod and Service
CIDRs via the Node's IP. We can get the Node's IP and the Pod CIDR from
Kubernetes itself:
NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes -ojsonpath='{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}')
echo "NODE_IP is ${NODE_IP}"
POD_CIDR=$(kubectl get nodes -ojsonpath='{.items[0].spec.podCIDR}')
echo "POD_CIDR is ${POD_CIDR}"
...but we can't get the Service CIDR, weirdly. So we'll just hardcode that; be aware that you might need to change this if your cluster is weirder than ours.
export SVC_CIDR=""
We're going to tackle DNS by first editing the kube-dns
Service to make it a
NodePort on UDP port 30000, so we can talk to it from our Node, then running
as a separate Docker container to forward DNS requests for cluster
Services to the kube-dns
This isn't a perfect way to tackle this in production, but it's not completely
awful: we probably don't want to completely expose the cluster's DNS to the
outside world. So, first we'll switch kube-dns
to a NodePort:
kubectl edit -n kube-system svc kube-dns
kubectl get -n kube-system svc kube-dns
...and then we'll fire up dnsmasq
in a container using the
image, volume mounting a custom entrypoint script:
bat bin/
docker kill dnsmasq >/dev/null 2>&1
docker rm dnsmasq >/dev/null 2>&1
docker run --detach --rm --cap-add NET_ADMIN --net=mesh-exp \
-v $(pwd)/bin/ \
--entrypoint sh \
--name dnsmasq drpsychick/dnsmasq \
-c /usr/local/bin/
Once that's done, we can get the IP address of the dnsmasq
container to use
DNS_IP=$(docker inspect dnsmasq | jq -r '.[].NetworkSettings.Networks["mesh-exp"].IPAddress')
echo "DNS_IP is ${DNS_IP}"
This is the most horrible bit in this demo. The way you manage SPIFFE identities is that you run a SPIRE agent, which talks to a SPIRE server. The agent is given some information to prove which entity it belongs to (a process called attestation), and in turn the server provides the SPIFFE identity itself.
For this demo, we're just going to run an agent and a server in every workload container, mounting the Linkerd trust anchor into our container for the SPIRE server to use.
This is a terrible idea in the real world. Don't do this. But, since this is not a SPIRE attestation demo, it's what we're going to do.
We have this baked into our Docker image as a script called bootstrap-spire
bat -l bash bin/bootstrap-spire
Finally, we need to run the Linkerd proxy for our external workloads... and this is where the autoregistration harness really shines. The harness is a new feature in BEL that manages both the nuts and bolts of managing iptables and running the proxy, and also talks to the autoregistration controller to manage ExternalWorkload resources for us.
- The harness itself ships as a Debian or RPM package.
- You install it on your external workload machine (or container, in our case).
- It provides a
resource that knows how to handle iptables and the proxy for you(!!).
The autoregistration system requires an ExternalGroup resource to be present in the cluster, so that it can know how to create ExternalWorkload resources!
is a Docker image built in this
directory, to serve as a base for external workloads that use the BEL
autoregistration harness. It contains the harness package, the SPIRE agent,
the SPIRE server, and the BEL bootstrap script, which is honestly really
bat -l bash bin/bootstrap-bel
It just installs the harness, bootstraps SPIRE as we saw before, then starts the workload itself.
Of course, that assumes that there's a workload present! For this demo, we've
taken the demo-bel-external-workload
image and built an image on top of it
that includes the Faces workload. This is the faces-bel-external-workload
It is literally the demo-bel-external-workload
image with the Faces
workload copied into /workload/start
So let's actually get some external workloads running, starting with the
workload. First things first: we need an ExternalGroup resource for
bat bel/smiley-group.yaml
kubectl apply -f bel/smiley-group.yaml
This won't do anything yet, because we don't have any external workloads registering. So. Onward!
Now that we have an ExternalGroup, we'll fire up the smiley
workload in a
container called smiley-1
. we'll start the smiley
workload in a container
called smiley-1
(and we'll set its hostname so that the GUI can show it if
we want to.)
is critical here: it's how the autoregistration harness
knows which ExternalGroup to connect this workload to.
docker kill smiley-1 >/dev/null 2>&1
docker rm smiley-1 >/dev/null 2>&1
docker run --rm --detach \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--network=mesh-exp \
--dns=${DNS_IP} \
--name=smiley-1 \
--hostname=smiley-docker-ext1 \
-v "$(pwd)/certs:/opt/spire/certs" \
-e WORKLOAD_NAME=smiley \
-e NODE_NAME='$(hostname)' \
-e FACES_SERVICE=smiley \
-e DELAY_BUCKETS=0,50,100,200,500,1000 \${WORKLOAD_IMAGE_TAG}
Once we have that running, we should see an ExternalWorkload - and some endpoints - appear for it... and when that happens, the GUI should show some differences!
watch 'sh -c "kubectl get externalworkloads -n faces; linkerd dg endpoints smiley.faces.svc.cluster.local"'
At this point we have grinning faces on grey backgrounds, because smiley
now responding -- but of course, there's still no color
workload. So let's
fix that, by doing exactly the same thing for color
workload as we just did
for smiley
. First, let's get its ExternalGroup set up:
bat bel/color-group.yaml
kubectl apply -f bel/color-group.yaml
...and then we'll start the color
workload in a container called color-1
docker kill color-1 >/dev/null 2>&1
docker rm color-1 >/dev/null 2>&1
docker run --rm --detach \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--network=mesh-exp \
--dns=${DNS_IP} \
--name=color-1 \
--hostname=color-docker-ext1 \
-v "$(pwd)/certs:/opt/spire/certs" \
-e WORKLOAD_NAME=color \
-e NODE_NAME='$(hostname)' \
-e FACES_SERVICE=color \
-e DELAY_BUCKETS=0,50,100,200,500,1000 \${WORKLOAD_IMAGE_TAG}
Once again, we should see things happen here!
watch 'sh -c "kubectl get externalworkloads -n faces; linkerd dg endpoints color.faces.svc.cluster.local"'
ExternalWorkloads end up defining EndpointSlices, too:
kubectl get endpointslices -n faces
You can see that there are a "normal" slices for both smiley
and color
created by the usual Kubernetes EndpointSlice controller, with no Endpoints --
this is because the Kubernetes EndpointSlice controller doesn't know about our
ExternalWorkloads. But there are also slices created by the Linkerd
EndpointSlice controller, which does know about our ExternalWorkloads, so it
has the correct external workload IP addresses.
So! this is well and good. Suppose we want to do more?
For starters, if you look closely, you'll realize that we're actually just slotting ExternalWorkloads into the existing Service/Deployment/Pod paradigm:
ExternalGroups are like Deployments; where Deployments cause Pods to be created, ExternalGroups cause ExternalWorkloads to be created.
Services effectively select across Pods and ExternalWorkloads, because the Linkerd ExternalWorkload EndpointSlice controller creates EndpointSlices that Services can use.
So let's take a look at what happens if we create another external workload
called smiley2
, which returns heart-eyed smileys but fails 25% of the time.
Note that this time we're also setting up a new Service, smiley2
, rather
than just using the labels from the smiley
bat bel/smiley2.yaml
kubectl apply -f bel/smiley2.yaml
docker kill smiley2-1 >/dev/null 2>&1
docker rm smiley2-1 >/dev/null 2>&1
docker run --rm --detach \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--network=mesh-exp \
--dns=${DNS_IP} \
--name=smiley2-1 \
--hostname=smiley2-docker-ext1 \
-v "$(pwd)/certs:/opt/spire/certs" \
-e WORKLOAD_NAME=smiley2 \
-e NODE_NAME='$(hostname)' \
-e FACES_SERVICE=smiley \
-e SMILEY=HeartEyes \
-e DELAY_BUCKETS=0,50,100,200,500,1000 \${WORKLOAD_IMAGE_TAG}
As usual, we're expecting to see endpoints and such appear...
watch 'sh -c "kubectl get externalworkloads -n faces; linkerd dg endpoints smiley2.faces.svc.cluster.local"'
Note that we see the usual grinning faces, with no heart-eyed smileys yet... but we can change that with an HTTPRoute!
bat bel/smiley-route.yaml
kubectl apply -f bel/smiley-route.yaml
(For some reason this can take a little while to take effect. Just give it a minute or so.)
The fact that the workloads are external doesn't affect how Linkerd can work with them. Also... we have metrics now.
In Linkerd 2.16 we have per-route metrics for HTTP and gRPC routes, which is pretty cool. We'll start with a look at HTTPRoute metrics.
One limitation of this, at the moment, is that the Linkerd core publishes
metrics, but Linkerd Viz doesn't know how to display them. There's some cool
stuff coming up in a future Linkerd release here, but for now, though, we'll
just look at things with the linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics
needs a pod name to work with, so we'll grab the name of the
FACEPOD=$(kubectl get pods -n faces -l 'service=face' \
-o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }')
#@print "# Found face pod ${FACEPOD}"
Given that, we can now run proxy-metrics
to see all the metrics for that
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n faces pod/${FACEPOD} | more
OK... that's a lot! We do a lot more digging into all the metrics we have available in the "Metrics, Dashboards, and Charts, Oh My!" Service Mesh Academy workshop:
but we're just going to cut to the chase right now: the metric called
will give us a breakdown
of how things went, broken down by HTTPRoute backendRef
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n faces pod/${FACEPOD} \
| grep outbound_http_route_backend_response_statuses_total \
| more
Even that's a lot, so let's just look at the first two:
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n faces pod/${FACEPOD} \
| grep outbound_http_route_backend_response_statuses_total \
| head -2 | sed -e 's/,/\n/g'
...and that, in turn, gives us a way to look just at outbound errors from the
Pod to our smiley-edge
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n faces pod/${FACEPOD} \
| grep outbound_http_route_backend_response_statuses_total \
| grep 'route_name="smiley-edge"' \
| grep -v 'http_status="200"' | sed -e 's/,/\n/g'
Do that twice, we can get a sense of the error rate:
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n faces pod/${FACEPOD} \
| grep outbound_http_route_backend_response_statuses_total \
| grep 'route_name="smiley-edge"' \
| grep -v 'http_status="200"' | sed -e 's/,/\n/g' && \
sleep 10 && \
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n faces pod/${FACEPOD} \
| grep outbound_http_route_backend_response_statuses_total \
| grep 'route_name="smiley-edge"' \
| grep -v 'http_status="200"' | sed -e 's/,/\n/g'
As primitive as it seems, this is how tools like Linkerd Viz and Grafana work under the hood -- for more, again, check out the "Metrics, Dashboards, and Charts, Oh My!" workshop.
Let's see if we can make the cursing faces go away. Back in the Linkerd 2.15 days, the only way to do this was to use a ServiceProfile... but now we can just annotate our HTTPRoute.
kubectl annotate -n faces httproute smiley-edge \ \
and there should be dramatically fewer cursing faces.
We also have metrics for retries - under outbound_http_route_retry_*
- so we
can see if retries are in play:
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n faces pod/${FACEPOD} \
| grep outbound_http_route_retry | head
Note that we have the route_name
in the metric, so we can look at retries
only for our smiley-edge
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n faces pod/${FACEPOD} \
| grep outbound_http_route_retry \
| grep 'route_name="smiley-edge"'
That's a little unwieldy to read, so let's pare that down to just the basics:
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n faces pod/${FACEPOD} \
| grep outbound_http_route_retry \
| grep 'route_name="smiley-edge"' \
| sed -e 's/{.*}//'
Much better. We can see:
: lots of things are being retriedoutbound_http_route_retry_successes_total
: most of the retries are succeedingoutbound_http_route_retry_limit_exceeded_total
: rather few are hitting the limit
And outbound_http_route_retry_overflow_total
is zero, which tells us that
circuit breaking isn't in play here.
Our smiley faces look better now, but some of the cells are still fading away because things are taking too long.
Let's see about making that better with a timeout.
We'll start with a 300ms timeout on the color
Service itself --
yes, the Service, Linkerd 2.16's annotation-based timeouts can go
on Routes or on Services.
kubectl annotate -n faces service/color \
Immediately, we start seeing some cells with pink backgrounds,
because that's what happens when face
gets a timeout from
We can continue this by adding a timeout to the smiley-edge
kubectl annotate -n faces httproute/smiley-edge \
and now you'll start seeing sleeping faces, but only around the edge of the grid.
Let's continue by looking at GRPCRoute. For that, we'll install the
demo app:
kubectl create ns emojivoto
kubectl annotate ns emojivoto
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL \
| kubectl apply -f -
kubectl rollout status -n emojivoto deploy
We'll go ahead and patch the web-svc
to be of type LoadBalancer to make it
easier to access from the browser. Unfortunately, we have to switch the
Service back to a ClusterIP to let this work in k3d...
kubectl patch svc -n faces faces-gui \
--type merge --patch '{"spec":{"type":"ClusterIP"}}'
kubectl patch svc -n emojivoto web-svc \
--type merge --patch '{"spec":{"type":"LoadBalancer"}}'
kubectl get svc -n emojivoto
If we head to the browser now, we should see the emojivoto
app running.
There are a group of gRPC route metrics, most immediately interestingly the
metrics. But if we look
for those right now, we'll get... nothing.
WEBPOD=$(kubectl get pods -n emojivoto -l 'app=web-svc' \
-o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }')
#@print "# Found web pod ${WEBPOD}"
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n emojivoto pod/${WEBPOD} \
| grep outbound_grpc_route_backend_response_statuses
This is because we don't have any GRPCRoutes defined yet -- if you do HTTP
traffic with no HTTPRoutes, Linkerd will synthesize metrics for you anyway
(with a route_name
of http
), but that doesn't work so well for gRPC. So
let's get some GRPCRoutes going:
bat bel/emoji-route.yaml
kubectl apply -f bel/emoji-route.yaml
The emojivoto
app is a little interesting in that it has separate gRPC calls
for each emoji you can vote for, rather than a single vote
call that takes
an emoji name as a parameter... so we have a lot of routes for that.
bat bel/vote-route.yaml
kubectl apply -f bel/vote-route.yaml
But now we should see some metrics!
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n emojivoto pod/${WEBPOD} \
| grep outbound_grpc_route_backend_response_statuses
It's much more interesting to split this out by route, though:
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n emojivoto pod/${WEBPOD} \
| grep outbound_grpc_route_backend_response_statuses \
| sed -e 's/^.*route_name="\([^"][^"]*\)".* \([0-9][0-9]*\)$/\2 \1/'
and even more interesting to build a poor man's linkerd viz top
from that:
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n emojivoto pod/${WEBPOD} \
| grep outbound_grpc_route_backend_response_statuses \
| sed -e 's/^.*route_name="\([^"][^"]*\)".* \([0-9][0-9]*\)$/\2 \1/' \
| sort -rn | head
What's weird, of course, is how there are more votes for the doughnut emoji
than for any other emoji... hm. It's pretty annoying to use sed
for this, so
let's just look at the raw metrics for the vote-doughnut-route
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n emojivoto pod/${WEBPOD} \
| grep outbound_grpc_route_backend_response_statuses \
| grep 'route_name="vote-doughnut-route"' \
| tr ',' '\n'
Huh. grpc_status="UNKNOWN"
doesn't look good -- remember that that's
gRPC-speak for "we got an error but we don't know what it is", not
"everything's fine". Let's check another route:
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n emojivoto pod/${WEBPOD} \
| grep outbound_grpc_route_backend_response_statuses \
| grep 'route_name="vote-joy-route"' \
| tr ',' '\n'
There we see grpc_status="OK"
, which is much better... which is to say, gRPC
metrics let us see gRPC status codes, rather than HTTP status codes. This is a
good thing.
There are a lot more metrics we could look at here, but we're going to leave that for later (with yet another plug for the "Metrics, Dashboards, and Charts, Oh My!" workshop -- we really do go much deeper down the rabbit hole there).
BUT. Two really important notes on metrics:
- There is some exceptionally cool stuff in the wings for metrics, so stay tuned!
- Everyone remembers that the
workloads for Faces aren't even running in Kubernetes, right?
This is the really cool bit about the rework that's happened for metrics, retries, etc. in Linkerd recently: the logic for all the fancy stuff is staying a layer above the logic for communicating with endpoints, so it doesn't care where the endpoints actually are... which makes it much more powerful for multicluster and external-workload situations.
Another new feature in Linkerd 2.16: authorization policy audit mode. This is a way to see what would happen if you set an authorization policy before actually turning it on.
To see what happens with this, we'll switch the emojivoto
back to
a ClusterIP:
kubectl patch svc -n emojivoto web-svc \
--type merge --patch '{"spec":{"type":"ClusterIP"}}'
and then we'll bring Emissary in as an ingress controller, but we won't mesh it.
kubectl create ns emissary
helm install emissary-crds \
oci:// \
-n emissary \
--version 0.0.0-test \
helm install emissary-ingress \
oci:// \
-n emissary \
--version 0.0.0-test \
--set replicaCount=1 \
--set nameOverride=emissary \
--set fullnameOverride=emissary
kubectl -n emissary wait --for condition=available --timeout=90s deploy -lproduct=aes
Finally, we'll tell Emissary to route to Faces for us:
kubectl apply -f emissary-yaml
At this point, we should happily see Faces in the browser:
Remember, though, we didn't mesh Emissary. If we look at its pods, we'll see that there's only one container per pod -- there's no Linkerd sidecar there.
kubectl get pods -n emissary
Let's go ahead and lock things down so that only meshed workloads get to talk
to Faces. Normally, we'd do this by setting the default inbound policy for the
namespace to all-authenticated
kubectl annotate ns faces \'all-authenticated'
but obviously, if we do that, our application will be unusable until we get Emissary meshed.
Instead, we'll use the new audit
policy, which is exactly the same, except
that we use audit
instead of all-authenticated
kubectl annotate ns faces \
Using audit mode makes the Linkerd proxies log when a connection would be rejected, rather than actually rejecting it.
So let's go ahead and get that done:
kubectl annotate ns faces \
As always, we need to restart the workloads in the namespace when we change its default inbound policy:
kubectl rollout restart -n faces deploy
kubectl rollout status -n faces deploy
If we go back to the browser, we'll see that everything still works:
...but if we look at the logs for the face
workload's proxy, we'll see a
host of messages that include
, telling us which requests
would have failed if we applied the policy for real.
kubectl logs -n faces deploy/face -c linkerd-proxy | grep
If we check the pod IP for Emissary, we'll see that yup, our scary unauthenticated connections are coming from Emissary:
kubectl get pods -n emissary -o wide
In addition to the logs, you'll also get metrics for these audit problems:
FACEPOD=$(kubectl get pods -n faces -l 'service=face' \
-o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }')
echo "Found face pod ${FACEPOD}"
linkerd diagnostics proxy-metrics -n faces pod/${FACEPOD} \
| grep inbound_http_authz_allow_total \
| grep 'authz_name="audit"' \
| sed -e 's/,/\n/g'
Finally, the BEL policy generator has been updated to use audit mode by default, too:
linkerd policy generate > generated.yaml
bat generated.yaml
So there you have it: a whirlwind tour of some of the new features in Linkerd 2.16, including
- IPv6
- external workload automation
- GRPCRoute itself
- metrics, retries, and timeouts for HTTPRoute and GRPCRoute
- and finally authorization policy audit mode!
Obviously there's a lot more to Linkerd 2.16 than this -- we've barely scratched the surface. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Finally, feedback is always welcome! You can reach me at or as @flynn on the Linkerd Slack (