For newer versions (v2.0.0-beta and later), visit the Releases page instead.
- Primary theme colors are all slightly lighter than before.
- Fixed study guides not showing up after signing in for the first time.
- Fixed not being able to add teachers to verified study guides.
- The study guide counter now shows the number of new study guides since your last visit.
- Add SG and filter/sort selection menu options are smaller.
- New Feature: Can add teachers to any study guide using the plus button.
- New Feature: Dark mode, which you can set on the Settings page (sorry it doesn't look very appealing)
- New Feature: Primary and accent theme colors, also on the Settings page
- Study guides are now filtered by default to show only the ones applicable to your grade. (You can still change the filters)
- Icons for each study guide are automatically set based on the link.
- The study guide counter shows "--" while the page is loading.
- Study guides and subjects are more compact.
- Updated content on Home page.
- Fixed issue with error messages in the Add a Study Guide form.
- Changed site name from BYTK to HarkerSG.
- Removed study guide submission limit. (Your account will still be disabled if you submit spam.)
- Changed feedback submission limit to 1 hour instead of 2 hours.
- Added filters and sorting options.
- Added toast (snackbar) notice if you try to flag a study guide and your account is disabled.
- Profile pic menu is moved to the left sidebar on smaller devices.
- Added a dialog box to notify users of new features.
- The study guides page shows a spinner while loading.
- You can have up to 3 flags before your account is disabled.
- Sidenote: Everything on this site is automated (including likes, flags, and submitting), meaning that I not checking every study guide that is submitted.
- New Feature: Can pin specific subjects to top by checking the box next to its name.
- Changed study guide submission limit to once every 6 hours instead of 12 hours.
- Changed feedback submission limit to once every 2 hours instead of 6 hours.
- Added a total number of study guides counter.
- Edited "About" description (again).
- Added toast (snackbar) alerts for SG and feedback submissions.
- Study guide cards are slightly more compact.
- Changed study guide submission limit to once every 12 hours instead of 24 hours.
- Changed feedback submission limit to once every 6 hours instead of 12 hours.
- Edited "About" description.
- Fixed top navigation menu overflowing off the screen on small devices.
- Name of the person who submitted a study guide is not shown anymore.
- Added link preview at the top of each card.
- Flag counter for the user now updates real-time.
- Study guide cards are slightly smaller.
- Minor edits to feedback form.
- Added content in About page.
- Added Feedback form.
- Fixed issue with flags counter under name of user.
- Minor security-related bug fixes.
First release!