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Neptune GraphQL Utility Command Line options Reference

--help, --h, -help, -h

--version, -v

--quiet, -q
Logs to the console only the errors.


--input-schema <value>, -is <value>
--input-schema-file <value>, -isf <value>
The GraphQL schema with or without directives as data or file name.

--input-schema-changes-file <value>, -isc <value>
The file that contains your GraphQL schema changes to be applied when you run the utility multiple time. When you run the utility pointing to a database multiple times, and you manually changed the GraphQL source schema, maybe adding a custom query, your changes will be lost. To avoid it, add your changes to the a json file and pass it to this option. See section Re-apply your changes for the file format.

     { "type": "graphQLTypeName",
       "field": "graphQLFieldName",
       "action": "remove|add",
       "value": "value"

--input-graphdb-schema <value>, -ig <value>
--input-graphdb-schema-file <value>, -igf <value>
The graphdb schema as data or file name. Instead of pointing to a Neptune database you can edit a graphdb schema as use it as input.

    "nodeStructures": [
        { "label":"nodelabel1",
            "properties": [
                { "name":"name1", "type":"type1" }
        { "label":"nodelabel2",
            "properties": [
                { "name":"name2", "type":"type1" }
    "edgeStructures": [
        { "label":"label1",
            "directions": [
                { "from":"nodelabel1", "to":"nodelabel2", "relationship":"ONE-ONE|ONE-MANY|MANY-MANY"  }
            "properties": [
                { "name":"name1", "type":"type1" }

--input-graphdb-schema-neptune-endpoint <value>, -ie <value>
The Neptune database endpoint from which the utility extract the graphdb schema. Format: host:port

Output options

--output-folder-path <value>, -o <value>
Changes the default output folder ./output

--output-schema-file <value>, -os <value>
The file name output for the GraphQL schema. If not specified the default is output.schema.graphql, or if a pipeline name is set with --create-update-aws-pipeline-name the file name is going to be pipeline-name.schema.graphql.

--output-source-schema-file <value>, -oss <value>
The file name output for the GraphQL schema with directives. If not specified the default is output.source.schema.graphql, or if a pipeline name is set with --create-update-aws-pipeline-name the file name is going to be pipeline-name.source.schema.graphql

--output-schema-no-mutations, -onm
The inferred GraphQL schema will not have mutations, just queries.

--output-neptune-schema-file <value>, -og <value>
The file name output for discovered Neptune graphdb schema. If not specified the default is output.graphdb.json, or if a pipeline name is set with --create-update-aws-pipeline-name the file name is going to be pipeline-name.graphdb.json.

--output-js-resolver-file <value>, -or <value>
The file name output for a copy of the resolver code. If not specified the default is output.resolver.graphql.js, or if a pipeline name is set with --create-update-aws-pipeline-name the file name is going to be pipeline-name.resolver.graphql.js. This file is also zipped in the code package uploaded to the Lambda function that run the resolver.

--output-resolver-query-sdk, -ors --output-resolver-query-https, -orh
The default method for the Lambda uses to query Neptune is the Neptune-data SDK option --output-resolver-query-sdk. The SDK is available inly from Neptune version When the utility detect an older Neptune version, it stops suggesting to use the HTTPS Lambda option --output-resolver-query-https. If you prefer the HTTPS query method just use --output-resolver-query-https.

--output-lambda-resolver-zip-file <value>, -olf <value>
The file name for the Lambda zip package, the default is

--output-no-lambda-zip, -onl
Does not create the Lambda zip file.

Create AWS resources

--create-update-aws-pipeline, -p
This trigger the creation of the AWS resources for the GraphQL API, including the AppSync GraphQL API and the Lambda that run the resolver.

--create-update-aws-pipeline-name <value>, -pn <value>
This set the name for the pipeline like pipeline-nameAPI for the AppSync API or pipeline-nameFunction for the Lambda function. If not specifies and --create-update-aws-pipeline will use the Neptune database name.

--create-update-aws-pipeline-region <value>, -pr <value>
This set the AWS region in which the pipeline for the GraphQL API is created. If not specified will default to us-east-1, or use the Neptune database region from extracted from the database endpoint.

--create-update-aws-pipeline-neptune-endpoint <value>, -pe <value>
This set the Neptune database endpoint used by the Lambda function to query the Neptune database. If not set it used the endpoint set with --input-graphdb-schema-neptune-endpoint.

--create-update-aws-pipeline-neptune-IAM, -pi
Enable IAM authentication in the Lambda function that queries Neptune, the default is using the Neptune VPC.

--remove-aws-pipeline-name <value>, -rp
It removes the pipeline created with --create-update-aws-pipeline. The resources to remove are from a file called pipeline-name.resources.json.

Create CDK files

--output-aws-pipeline-cdk, -c
This trigger the creation of a CDK file to be use to create the AWS resources for the GraphQL API, including the AppSync GraphQL API and the Lambda that run the resolver.

--output-aws-pipeline-cdk-neptune-endpoint <value>, -ce <value>
This set the Neptune database endpoint used by the Lambda function to query the Neptune database. If not set it used the endpoint set with --input-graphdb-schema-neptune-endpoint.

--output-aws-pipeline-cdk-name <value>, -cn <value>
This set the name for the pipeline like pipeline-nameAPI for the AppSync API or pipeline-nameFunction for the Lambda function. If not specifies and --create-update-aws-pipeline will use the Neptune database name.

--output-aws-pipeline-cdk-region <value>, -cr <value>
This set the AWS region in which the pipeline for the GraphQL API is created. If not specified will default to us-east-1, or use the Neptune database region from extracted from the database endpoint.

--output-aws-pipeline-cdk-file <value>, -cf <name>
This set the CDK file name. If not set the default is pipeline-name-cdk.js.

--output-aws-pipeline-cdk-neptune-IAM, -ci
Enable IAM authentication in the Lambda function that queries Neptune, the default is using the Neptune VPC.