RCMS (Residential Complex Management System) is a Flutter-based mobile application designed to streamline the management of residential complexes. It offers a variety of features aimed at simplifying tasks for both residents and administrators. With support for multiple languages, themes, and full responsiveness, RCMS ensures a user-friendly experience for everyone.
- Payment with FIB: Easily manage and process payments (monthly fee and water) using the FIB system.
- Request Maintenance: Submit maintenance requests and track their progress directly from the app.
- Make Protest (Complaint): Lodge complaints or protests and receive timely updates on their status.
- Monitor Properties: Keep an eye on various properties within the complex, including payment status.
- Multiple Themes: Choose between two distinct themes (light and dark) to suit your preference.
- Language Support: The app supports Kurdish (KRD) , Arabic (ARB) and English (ENG).
- Fully Responsive: Optimized for both mobile and tablet devices, ensuring a seamless experience across different screen sizes.
- FAQ: Find answers to common questions within the app, helping you to quickly resolve any issues or understand features better.
First the app requires the backend: Back-End Link
Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Barez001159544/graduation_project.git
Navigate to the project directory: cd graduation_project
Install the dependencies: flutter pub get
Run the app: flutter run
Once the app is running, you can:
Log in with your credentials or register a new account that created with the Admin web app. Navigate through the main features in the home screen. Access settings to change themes and languages as per your preference.
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
Barez Azad - barez.001159544@gmail.com Project Link: https://github.com/Barez001159544/graduation_project.git