Bylaws of the Massachusetts Eta Chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon
An Honor Society for the Computing and Information Disciplines
Date of Charter Ceremony: May 2018
- These bylaws shall govern the conduct of the chapter in those matters not specifically treated in the Constitution.
- Provisions of these bylaws shall be subordinate to those of the Constitution.
- Election of officers shall be held during a chapter meeting in the middle of each Spring semester.
- Newly elected officers shall be brought up to date for the remainder of the Spring semester and will begin to serve on the last meeting of the Spring semester. In order to be eligible to hold office, all candidates running for office must have been an active member in the chapter for at least one semester.
- The officers of this chapter shall be elected by secret ballot and there shall be no voting of proxies allowed.
- Chapter meetings will be held as scheduled during the Spring and Fall semesters.
- Special meetings may be called by the President, the Executive Council, or by petition of one-half of the active membership of the chapter.
- The order of conduct of a chapter meeting shall be determined by the Director of Internal Development.
- Initiation of new members may be conducted at a regular meeting or at a special meeting called for the purpose.
- Notification of all active members shall be given by the Secretary one week prior to a special meeting. The notification shall state the purpose of the meeting.
- The Executive Board must make efforts to organize at least one voluntary out of Chapter event every month, barring any extraneous circumstances.
- An Active member is required to earn 15 points every semester, and 4 of these points need to be from recruitment activities. These points can earned in the following ways:
Activity | Recruitment | Point Value |
Chapter | False | 1 |
Social Event | False | 1 |
Professional Event | False | 2 |
UPE Project | False | Varies |
Class Announcements | True | 1 |
Recruitment Event | True | 2 |
Recruitment Committee | True | 2 |
- Project Point Attribution is left up to the Executive Board of the Chapter. The Board should appoint a PM for each project, which is required to report any and all effort put in by the members on a regular basis, so that points may be attributed.
- If a member does not meet the active member requirements for a single semester, they will be put on probation.
- If a member on probation fails to meet the point requirements, they will be considered inactive and be removed from the Massachusetts Eta Chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon.
- Alternatively, a member might voluntarily choose to become inactive by informing the Executive Board before the final Drop Class date for the semester in question, according to the Boston University Schedule.
- A member may only choose to be inactive for two semesters during his time in the Chapter.
- If a member is considered inactive for the lack of points for either one or two semesters, they may only choose to go inactive for a single semester.
- If a member is Studying Abroad for a full semester, they should inform the Executive Board two weeks prior to the start of the semester, and will be place in an inactive status, without any hindrance to the limit of semesters they might then choose to be inactive.
- In certain situations, a member studying abroad might maintain their active status, at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- Each new member is required to pay the initiation fee of Upsilon Pi Epsilon National Association (a one-time fee payable to UPE) prior to the initiation ceremony.
- If a new member cannot afford the dues, the member should seek out guidance from a member of the Executive Board to find external means for payment.
- The Executive Board may require membership dues upon approval of 3/4 of all chapter members if it is necessary for the function of the Massachusetts Eta Chapter of UPE.
- One week prior to the election of officers, the Treasurer shall submit to the President and faculty advisor a written statement of the financial condition of the chapter. At the election, this will be submitted to the chapter and entered into the minutes upon acceptance by the chapter.
- Special assessments may be made at any time, upon approval by three-fourths of the active members of the chapter.
- The initiation of new members shall be held at the end of their onboarding period, which shall be no later than two weeks before the end of the semester.
- The initiation ceremony shall specifically avoid any practice which conflicts with Boston University regulations or which constitutes an attack on the personal dignity of the initiates. The activities shall be devised to stimulate the candidate’s interest in computer science and to acquaint them better with members of the chapter.
- There shall be two elections of new members each year.
- The Recruitment Team shall organize marketing and information events in order to find potential applicants.
- All interested applicants will attend the required events as stated in the chapter constitution.
- The interested applicants shall apply for membership in accordance to the application process as stated in the chapter constitution.
- The list of eligible candidates, together application and interview remarks shall be submitted to all eligible voting members of the chapter.
- An affirmative vote of 3/4 or greater is needed for an eligible candidate to be elected for full membership.
- The names of those elected to membership shall be given to the Secretary, who shall then issue invitations to become candidate members of the Upsilon Pi Epsilon National Association, as well as the Massachusetts Eta Chapter.
- Failure of a provisional member to notify the chapter of his or her acceptance of the invitation to membership within two weeks of its issuance shall constitute notice of refusal.
- All provisional members are required to meet at minimum 15 of the active members of the Massachusetts Eta Chapter or a number/percentage determined by the Director of Recruitment.
- All provisional members are required to contribute to the Massachusetts Eta Chapter in a meaningful way. This can vary in terms of scope and technical complexity. The goal of this contribution is to show commitment to the organization, and must be approved by a member of the Executive Board.
- All provisional members are required to attend at least one Chapter meeting, and at least two events, unless given an exception by a member of the Executive Board.
- Any individual placed on the Deny List may not re-apply to the Massachusetts Eta Chapter at any point.
- For an individual to be place on the Deny List, a vote of 3/4 or greater by the members of the Recruitment Committee is needed.
- Any individual placed on the Deny List should be notified of such, and reserves the right to appeal before the Executive Board.
- These bylaws shall become effective immediately upon adoption.
- These bylaws shall remain in effect until revised or amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the active membership of this Chapter.
- A provision of these bylaws may be temporarily suspended by a three-fourths vote of the active membership of the chapter.