The Fugaku cluster is located at the Riken Center for Computational Science (Japan).
If you are new to this system, please see the following resources:
Use the following commands to download the WarpX source code and switch to the correct branch:
git clone $HOME/src/warpx
Compiling WarpX on Fugaku is more practical on a compute node. Use the following commands to acquire a compute node for one hour:
pjsub --interact -L "elapse=02:00:00" -L "node=1" --sparam "wait-time=300" --mpi "max-proc-per-node=48" --all-mount-gfscache
We use system software modules, add environment hints and further dependencies via the file $HOME/fugaku_warpx.profile
Create it now, modify it if needed, and source it (it will take few minutes):
cp $HOME/src/warpx/Tools/machines/fugaku-riken/fugaku_warpx.profile.example $HOME/fugaku_warpx.profile
source $HOME/fugaku_warpx.profile
.. dropdown:: Script Details :color: light :icon: info :animate: fade-in-slide-down .. literalinclude:: ../../../../Tools/machines/fugaku-riken/fugaku_warpx.profile.example :language: bash
Finally, since Fugaku does not yet provide software modules for some of our dependencies, install them once:
bash $HOME/src/warpx/Tools/machines/fugaku-riken/
.. dropdown:: Script Details :color: light :icon: info :animate: fade-in-slide-down .. literalinclude:: ../../../../Tools/machines/fugaku-riken/ :language: bash
Use the following :ref:`cmake commands <building-cmake>` to compile the application executable:
cd $HOME/src/warpx
rm -rf build
export CC=$(which mpifcc)
export CXX=$(which mpiFCC)
export CFLAGS="-Nclang"
export CXXFLAGS="-Nclang"
cmake -S . -B build -DWarpX_COMPUTE=OMP \
-DWarpX_DIMS="1;2;3" \
cmake --build build -j 48
That's it!
A 3D WarpX executable is now in build/bin/
and :ref:`can be run <running-cpp-fugaku>` with a :ref:`3D example inputs file <usage-examples>`.
In non-interactive runs, you can use pjsub where can be adapted from:
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../Tools/machines/fugaku-riken/ :language: bash :caption: You can copy this file from ``Tools/machines/fugaku-riken/``.
Note: the Boost Eco Mode
mode that is set in this example increases the default frequency of the A64FX
from 2 GHz to 2.2 GHz, while at the same time switching off one of the two floating-point arithmetic
pipelines. Some preliminary tests with WarpX show that this mode achieves performances similar to those of
the normal mode but with a reduction of the energy consumption of approximately 20%.