URL-CRAWLER is a Python script that extracts all third-party links from a given domain. It uses the BeautifulSoup library to parse the HTML and filter out links that belong to the same domain as the original domain.
To run this script, you need to have Python 3 installed on your computer, as well as the following Python libraries:
- argparse
- requests
- bs4 (BeautifulSoup)
pip install argparse requests bs4
To use extract_links.py, run the script from the command line and provide the domain you want to extract links from as a command line argument. You can also specify additional options, such as whether to show link status codes or save the links to a file.
Here are some examples:
# Extract links from a single domain and display them in the console
python urlcrawler.py -d example.com
# Extract links from a single domain and save them to a file
python urlcrawler.py -d example.com -o links.txt
# Extract links from multiple domains and save them to a file
python urlcrawler.py -t -o links.txt
# Extract links from a single domain and display their status codes in the console
python urlcrawler.py -d example.com -s
#For more detailed usage instructions, run the script with the -h or --help option.
This script was created by BLACK-SCORP10. You can contact me on Telegram at https://t.me/BLACK_SCORP10 or on Instagram at @hacke_1o1.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.