Releases: AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-objc
Releases · AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-objc
- Added initial macOS support**
- Better resolution of authorities for silent token acquisition
- Added backward compatibility for legacy account storages
- Added backward compatibility for ADAL macOS cache
** This version of MSAL is the first one that has full macOS support. You're free to start your testing and integration with this version. However, we're planning to add some advanced macOS SSO features in the next MSAL release. If you're planning to take a dependency on those advanced SSO features, you should wait shipping your app to production with MSAL for macOS until the next release, but you can start testing and integration now. If you're using MSAL in a single app, you can ship now.
- Better handling of cases when JSON has NSNulls in serialized cache items
- Updated to new v2 broker protocol
- Better error handling in CBA cancellation flows
- Don't read corrupted refresh tokens from cache