From f157babb9033153e507042f6a330b117b00a413a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "azure-service-operator-automation[bot]"
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2025 08:17:35 +1300
Subject: [PATCH] Update Code Structure Diagrams (#4584)
Co-authored-by: theunrepentantgeek <>
docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-codegen-structure.svg | 2 +-
docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-v1-structure.svg | 2 +-
docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-v2-structure.svg | 2 +-
docs/hugo/content/contributing/asoctl-structure.svg | 2 +-
4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-codegen-structure.svg b/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-codegen-structure.svg
index 5589e7e734..d90b714143 100644
--- a/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-codegen-structure.svg
+++ b/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-codegen-structure.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
-internal internal testcases testcases test test reporting reporting jsonast jsonast functions functions conversions conversions config config codegen codegen astmodel astmodel astbuilder astbuilder testdata testdata testdata testdata testdata testdata testdata testdata pipeline pipeline testdata testdata storage storage testdata testdata testdata testdata ArmResource ArmResource AllOf AllOf .go .json .md .mod .yaml each dot sized by file size
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+internal internal testcases testcases test test reporting reporting jsonast jsonast functions functions conversions conversions config config codegen codegen astmodel astmodel astbuilder astbuilder testdata testdata testdata testdata testdata testdata testdata testdata pipeline pipeline testdata testdata storage storage testdata testdata testdata testdata ArmResource ArmResource AllOf AllOf .go .json .md .mod .yaml each dot sized by file size
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diff --git a/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-v1-structure.svg b/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-v1-structure.svg
index dd15a6d15d..8b8dd4e8dc 100644
--- a/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-v1-structure.svg
+++ b/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-v1-structure.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
-scripts scripts pkg pkg devops devops controllers controllers config config charts charts api api secrets secrets resourcemanager resourcemanager helpers helpers errhelp errhelp samples samples rbac rbac default default crd crd azure-service-operator azure-service-operator v1beta1 v1beta1 v1alpha2 v1alpha2 v1alpha1 v1alpha1 kube kube keyvault keyvault vnet vnet vmss vmss vmext vmext vm vm storages storages rediscaches rediscaches psql psql pip pip nic nic mysql mysql keyvaults keyvaults eventhubs eventhubs cosmosdb cosmosdb config config azuresql azuresql appinsights appinsights apim apim patches patches crds crds templates templates redis redis vnetrule vnetrule server server psqluser psqluser database database vnetrule vnetrule server server mysqluser mysqluser database database sqldatabase sqldatabase account account azuresqldb azuresqldb apimgmt apimgmt generated generated .gitignore .go .json .md .mod .mysql .sh .yaml .yml each dot sized by file size
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+scripts scripts pkg pkg devops devops controllers controllers config config charts charts api api secrets secrets resourcemanager resourcemanager helpers helpers errhelp errhelp samples samples rbac rbac default default crd crd azure-service-operator azure-service-operator v1beta1 v1beta1 v1alpha2 v1alpha2 v1alpha1 v1alpha1 kube kube keyvault keyvault vnet vnet vmss vmss vmext vmext vm vm storages storages rediscaches rediscaches psql psql pip pip nic nic mysql mysql keyvaults keyvaults eventhubs eventhubs cosmosdb cosmosdb config config azuresql azuresql appinsights appinsights apim apim patches patches crds crds templates templates redis redis vnetrule vnetrule server server psqluser psqluser database database vnetrule vnetrule server server mysqluser mysqluser database database sqldatabase sqldatabase account account azuresqldb azuresqldb apimgmt apimgmt generated generated .gitignore .go .json .md .mod .mysql .sh .yaml .yml each dot sized by file size
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diff --git a/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-v2-structure.svg b/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-v2-structure.svg
index 1d11a5e76c..0b63f9d1de 100644
--- a/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-v2-structure.svg
+++ b/docs/hugo/content/contributing/aso-v2-structure.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
-samples samples pkg pkg internal internal config config charts charts api api network network insights insights documentdb documentdb cache cache controllers controllers util util web web synapse synapse storage storage sql sql signalrservice signalrservice servicebus servicebus search search resources resources network network monitor monitor managedidentity managedidentity keyvault keyvault insights insights eventhub eventhub eventgrid eventgrid documentdb documentdb devices devices dbforpostgresql dbforpostgresql dbformysql dbformysql dbformariadb dbformariadb dataprotection dataprotection containerservice containerservice compute compute cdn cdn cache cache batch batch authorization authorization app app apimanagement apimanagement recordings recordings v1api20230101 v1api20230101 v1api20220901 v1api20220901 v1api20211101 v1api20211101 v1api20240301 v1api20240301 v1api20220701 v1api20220701 v1api20201101 v1api20201101 v1api20240815 v1api20240815 v1api20231115 v1api20231115 v1api20210515 v1api20210515 v1api20231001 v1api20231001 v1api20220801 v1api20220801 .gitignore .go .md .mod .mysql .sql .tpl .txt .yaml each dot sized by file size
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+samples samples pkg pkg internal internal config config charts charts api api network network insights insights documentdb documentdb cache cache controllers controllers util util web web synapse synapse storage storage sql sql signalrservice signalrservice servicebus servicebus search search resources resources network network monitor monitor managedidentity managedidentity keyvault keyvault insights insights eventhub eventhub eventgrid eventgrid documentdb documentdb devices devices dbforpostgresql dbforpostgresql dbformysql dbformysql dbformariadb dbformariadb dataprotection dataprotection containerservice containerservice compute compute cdn cdn cache cache batch batch authorization authorization app app apimanagement apimanagement recordings recordings v1api20230101 v1api20230101 v1api20220901 v1api20220901 v1api20211101 v1api20211101 v1api20240301 v1api20240301 v1api20220701 v1api20220701 v1api20201101 v1api20201101 v1api20240815 v1api20240815 v1api20231115 v1api20231115 v1api20210515 v1api20210515 v1api20231001 v1api20231001 v1api20220801 v1api20220801 .gitignore .go .md .mod .mysql .sql .tpl .txt .yaml each dot sized by file size
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diff --git a/docs/hugo/content/contributing/asoctl-structure.svg b/docs/hugo/content/contributing/asoctl-structure.svg
index 0ae9a66fbf..9307fb8f5b 100644
--- a/docs/hugo/content/contributing/asoctl-structure.svg
+++ b/docs/hugo/content/contributing/asoctl-structure.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
-pkg pkg internal internal cmd cmd importresources importresources importreporter importreporter template template crd crd import_azure_resour... import_azure_resour... import_azure_resour... export_templat... export_templat... export_templat... root.go root.go root.go clean-crd... clean-crd... clean-crd... log.go log.go log.go go.sum go.sum go.sum go.mod go.mod go.mod importable_arm_resour... importable_arm_resour... importable_arm_resour... resource_importer.go resource_importer.go resource_importer.go importable_arm... importable_arm... importable_arm... result.go result.go result.go import_factor... import_factor... import_factor... import_facto... import_facto... import_facto... resource_imp... resource_imp... resource_imp... find_resou... find_resou... find_resou... find_chil... find_chil... find_chil... find_chil... find_chil... find_chil... find_gro... find_gro... find_gro... bar.go bar.go bar.go log.go log.go log.go testdata/loc... testdata/loc... testdata/loc... template.go template.go template.go template_t... template_t... template_t... cleaner_test.go cleaner_test.go cleaner_test.go cleaner.go cleaner.go cleaner.go .cmd .go .mod .yaml each dot sized by file size
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+pkg pkg internal internal cmd cmd importresources importresources importreporter importreporter template template crd crd import_azure_resour... import_azure_resour... import_azure_resour... export_templat... export_templat... export_templat... root.go root.go root.go clean-crd... clean-crd... clean-crd... log.go log.go log.go go.sum go.sum go.sum go.mod go.mod go.mod importable_arm_resour... importable_arm_resour... importable_arm_resour... resource_importer.go resource_importer.go resource_importer.go importable_arm... importable_arm... importable_arm... result.go result.go result.go import_factor... import_factor... import_factor... import_facto... import_facto... import_facto... resource_imp... resource_imp... resource_imp... find_resou... find_resou... find_resou... find_chil... find_chil... find_chil... find_chil... find_chil... find_chil... find_gro... find_gro... find_gro... bar.go bar.go bar.go log.go log.go log.go testdata/loc... testdata/loc... testdata/loc... template.go template.go template.go template_t... template_t... template_t... cleaner_test.go cleaner_test.go cleaner_test.go cleaner.go cleaner.go cleaner.go .cmd .go .mod .yaml each dot sized by file size
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