528 | 528 | - name: --crg-id
529 | 529 | type: string
530 | 530 | short-summary: The crg id used to associate the new cluster with the existed Capacity Reservation Group resource.
| 531 | + - name: --enable-asm --enable-azure-service-mesh |
| 532 | + type: bool |
| 533 | + short-summary: Enable Azure Service Mesh addon. |
531 | 534 |
532 | 535 | examples:
533 | 536 | - name: Create a Kubernetes cluster with an existing SSH public key.
604 | 607 | text: az aks create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyManagedCluster --enable-vpa
605 | 608 | - name: create a kubernetes cluster with a Capacity Reservation Group(CRG) ID.
606 | 609 | text: az aks create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyMC --kubernetes-version 1.20.9 --node-vm-size VMSize --assign-identity "subscriptions/SubID/resourceGroups/RGName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myID" --enable-managed-identity --crg-id "subscriptions/SubID/resourceGroups/RGName/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/CapacityReservationGroups/MyCRGID"
| 610 | + - name: Create a kubernetes cluster with Azure Service Mesh enabled. |
| 611 | + text: az aks create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyManagedCluster --enable-azure-service-mesh |
607 | 612 | """
608 | 613 |
609 | 614 | helps['aks update'] = """
1827 | 1832 | - name: --node-image-only
1828 | 1833 | type: bool
1829 | 1834 | short-summary: Only upgrade node image for agent pools.
| 1835 | + - name: --enable-force-upgrade |
| 1836 | + type: bool |
| 1837 | + short-summary: Enable forceUpgrade cluster upgrade settings override. |
| 1838 | + - name: --disable-force-upgrade |
| 1839 | + type: bool |
| 1840 | + short-summary: Disable forceUpgrade cluster upgrade settings override. |
| 1841 | + - name: --upgrade-override-until |
| 1842 | + type: string |
| 1843 | + short-summary: Until when the cluster upgradeSettings overrides are effective. |
| 1844 | + long-summary: It needs to be in a valid date-time format that's within the next 30 days. For example, 2023-04-01T13:00:00Z. Note that if --force-upgrade is set to true and --upgrade-override-until is not set, by default it will be set to 3 days from now. |
| 1845 | +
1830 | 1846 | examples:
1831 | 1847 | - name: Upgrade a managed Kubernetes cluster to a newer version. (autogenerated)
1832 | 1848 | text: az aks upgrade --kubernetes-version 1.12.6 --name MyManagedCluster --resource-group MyResourceGroup
2072 | 2088 | - name: --roles
2073 | 2089 | type: string
2074 | 2090 | short-summary: Specify the comma-separated roles.
2075 |
| - - name: --source-resource-id -r |
| 2091 | + - name: --source-resource-id |
2076 | 2092 | type: string
2077 | 2093 | short-summary: Specify the source resource id of the binding.
2078 | 2094 |
2101 | 2117 | type: string
2102 | 2118 | short-summary: Specify the role binding name.
2103 | 2119 | """
| 2120 | + |
| 2121 | +helps['aks mesh'] = """ |
| 2122 | + type: group |
| 2123 | + short-summary: Commands to manage Azure Service Mesh. |
| 2124 | + long-summary: A group of commands to manage Azure Service Mesh in given cluster. |
| 2125 | +""" |
| 2126 | + |
| 2127 | +helps['aks mesh enable'] = """ |
| 2128 | + type: command |
| 2129 | + short-summary: Enable Azure Service Mesh. |
| 2130 | + long-summary: This command enables Azure Service Mesh in given cluster. |
| 2131 | + parameters: |
| 2132 | + - name: --revision |
| 2133 | + type: string |
| 2134 | + short-summary: Azure Service Mesh revision to install. |
| 2135 | + - name: --key-vault-id |
| 2136 | + type: string |
| 2137 | + short-summary: The Azure Keyvault id with plugin CA info. |
| 2138 | + - name: --ca-cert-object-name |
| 2139 | + type: string |
| 2140 | + short-summary: Intermediate cert object name in the Azure Keyvault. |
| 2141 | + - name: --ca-key-object-name |
| 2142 | + type: string |
| 2143 | + short-summary: Intermediate key object name in the Azure Keyvault. |
| 2144 | + - name: --cert-chain-object-name |
| 2145 | + type: string |
| 2146 | + short-summary: Cert chain object name in the Azure Keyvault. |
| 2147 | + - name: --root-cert-object-name |
| 2148 | + type: string |
| 2149 | + short-summary: Root cert object name in the Azure Keyvault. |
| 2150 | + examples: |
| 2151 | + - name: Enable Azure Service Mesh with selfsigned CA. |
| 2152 | + text: az aks mesh enable --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster |
| 2153 | + - name: Enable Azure Service Mesh with plugin CA. |
| 2154 | + text: az aks mesh enable --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster --key-vault-id /subscriptions/00000/resourceGroups/foo/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/foo --ca-cert-object-name my-ca-cert --ca-key-object-name my-ca-key --cert-chain-object-name my-cert-chain --root-cert-object-name my-root-cert |
| 2155 | +""" |
| 2156 | + |
| 2157 | +helps['aks mesh disable'] = """ |
| 2158 | + type: command |
| 2159 | + short-summary: Disable Azure Service Mesh. |
| 2160 | + long-summary: This command disables Azure Service Mesh in given cluster. |
| 2161 | +""" |
| 2162 | + |
| 2163 | +helps['aks mesh enable-ingress-gateway'] = """ |
| 2164 | + type: command |
| 2165 | + short-summary: Enable an Azure Service Mesh ingress gateway. |
| 2166 | + long-summary: This command enables an Azure Service Mesh ingress gateway in given cluster. |
| 2167 | + parameters: |
| 2168 | + - name: --ingress-gateway-type |
| 2169 | + type: string |
| 2170 | + short-summary: Specify the type of ingress gateway. |
| 2171 | + long-summary: Allowed values are "External" which is backed by a load balancer with an external IP address; "Internal" which is backed by a load balancer with an internal IP address. |
| 2172 | + examples: |
| 2173 | + - name: Enable an internal ingress gateway. |
| 2174 | + text: az aks mesh enable-ingress-gateway --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster --ingress-gateway-type Internal |
| 2175 | +""" |
| 2176 | + |
| 2177 | +helps['aks mesh disable-ingress-gateway'] = """ |
| 2178 | + type: command |
| 2179 | + short-summary: Disable an Azure Service Mesh ingress gateway. |
| 2180 | + long-summary: This command disables an Azure Service Mesh ingress gateway in given cluster. |
| 2181 | + parameters: |
| 2182 | + - name: --ingress-gateway-type |
| 2183 | + type: string |
| 2184 | + short-summary: Specify the type of ingress gateway. |
| 2185 | + long-summary: Allowed values are "External" which is backed by a load balancer with an external IP address, "Internal" which is backed by a load balancer with an internal IP address. |
| 2186 | + examples: |
| 2187 | + - name: Disable an internal ingress gateway. |
| 2188 | + text: az aks mesh disable-ingress-gateway --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster --ingress-gateway-type Internal |
| 2189 | +""" |
| 2190 | + |
| 2191 | +helps['aks mesh get-revisions'] = """ |
| 2192 | + type: command |
| 2193 | + short-summary: Discover available Azure Service Mesh revisions and their compatibility. |
| 2194 | + long-summary: This command lists available Azure Service Mesh revisions and their compatibility information for the given location. |
| 2195 | + examples: |
| 2196 | + - name: Discover Azure Service Mesh revisions. |
| 2197 | + text: az aks mesh get-revisions --location westus2 |
| 2198 | + crafted: true |
| 2199 | +""" |
| 2200 | + |
| 2201 | +helps['aks mesh get-upgrades'] = """ |
| 2202 | + type: command |
| 2203 | + short-summary: Discover available Azure Service Mesh upgrades. |
| 2204 | + long-summary: This command lists available Azure Service Mesh upgrades for the mesh revision installed on the cluster. |
| 2205 | + examples: |
| 2206 | + - name: Discover Azure Service Mesh upgrades. |
| 2207 | + text: az aks mesh get-upgrades --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster |
| 2208 | +""" |
| 2209 | + |
| 2210 | +helps['aks mesh upgrade start'] = """ |
| 2211 | + type: command |
| 2212 | + short-summary: Initiate Azure Service Mesh upgrade. |
| 2213 | + long-summary: This command initiates upgrade of Azure Service Mesh to the specified revision. |
| 2214 | + parameters: |
| 2215 | + - name: --revision |
| 2216 | + type: string |
| 2217 | + short-summary: Azure Service Mesh revision to upgrade to. |
| 2218 | + examples: |
| 2219 | + - name: Initiate Azure Service Mesh upgrade. |
| 2220 | + text: az aks mesh upgrade start --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster --revision asm-1-18 |
| 2221 | +""" |
| 2222 | + |
| 2223 | +helps['aks mesh upgrade'] = """ |
| 2224 | + type: group |
| 2225 | + short-summary: Commands to manage the upgrades for Azure Service Mesh. |
| 2226 | + long-summary: A group of commands to manage the upgrades for Azure Service Mesh in given cluster. |
| 2227 | +""" |
| 2228 | + |
| 2229 | +helps['aks mesh upgrade complete'] = """ |
| 2230 | + type: command |
| 2231 | + short-summary: Complete Azure Service Mesh upgrade. |
| 2232 | + long-summary: This command completes Azure Service Mesh canary upgrade by removing the previous revision. |
| 2233 | + examples: |
| 2234 | + - name: Complete Azure Service Mesh upgrade. |
| 2235 | + text: az aks mesh upgrade complete --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster |
| 2236 | +""" |
| 2237 | + |
| 2238 | +helps['aks mesh upgrade rollback'] = """ |
| 2239 | + type: command |
| 2240 | + short-summary: Rollback Azure Service Mesh upgrade. |
| 2241 | + long-summary: This command rolls back Azure Service Mesh upgrade to the previous stable revision. |
| 2242 | + examples: |
| 2243 | + - name: Rollback Azure Service Mesh upgrade. |
| 2244 | + text: az aks mesh upgrade rollback --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster |
| 2245 | +""" |
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