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Azure CLI Subprocess Guidelines

In certain CLI modules, there are scenarios that need to call a subprocess to run commands outside CLI, like getting kubectl info in aks, or deployment setup in mysql using git and gh, through python built-in subprocess module. Despite its simplicity and versatility, ensuring the security of applying it can be challenging in different platforms under different circumstance, and it is error-prone for developers to neglect security best practices during development.

Insecure Use Of Commands Under Subprocess Module

Dynamic command construction under risk

Assume a script that needs to read in user_input from users to execute a git related command and runs it through subprocess using shell. In regular cases, users would add a valid git command, like git --version or something else, but if undesired input gets logged into this system, like --version;echo aa, the appended ;echo aa would be executed by subprocess too, like below:

import subprocess
user_input = input("input a git command to run: ")
cmd = f"git {user_input}", shell=True)
input a git command to run: --version;echo aa
git version 2.34.1

This is a simple example for demonstrating the side effects in python's subprocess improper usage. And it's common for CLI developers to build and execute commands dynamically from users' input in a more complicated way. When constructing and executing commands in subprocess through shell=True, it exposes a big security vulnerability to potential malicious users outside.

Mitigating Security Vulnerability When Calling Subprocess Commands

There are several aspects of security practices that developers need to have in mindset to safeguard their CLI modules from command injection attacks.

CLI centralized subprocess executing

Azure CLI provides a centralized function run_cmd adapted from official, with necessary argument covered and illegal input blocking enforced.

What developers need to do is:

  1. from azure.cli.core.util import run_cmd
  2. replace (or Popen or check_call or check_output or call) with run_cmd.
  3. construct cmd args as array, like [executable, arg0, arg1, arg2, ...]

run_cmd add necessary argument type checks and process the input and output the same way as, and block potential risks from commands constructed from user input. Below is an example for run_cmd use case:

# code before:
cmd = f"git commit -m {user_message}"
import subprocess
output =, shell=True, check=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if output.returncode != 0:
      raise CLIInternalError('Command execution failed, command is: '{}', error message is: {}'.format(cmd, output.stderr))
return output.stdout

If run_cmd is applied, it would be like:

# code after:
cmd = ["git","commit", "-m", user_message]
import subprocess
from azure.cli.core.util import run_cmd
output = run_cmd(cmd, check=False, capture_output=True)
if output.returncode != 0:
      raise CLIInternalError('Command execution failed, command is: '{}', error message is: {}'.format(cmd, output.stderr))
return output.stdout

All various kinds of subprocess Popen calling use cases can be easily adjusted into run_cmd with security risks processed and eliminated in this centralized function.


Besides that, developers might need to know some parts of the accessibility in both run_cmd and subprocess

  1. when calling shell built-in cmds, like dir or echo, using shell=True in windows platform, subprocess implicitly uses cmd.exe, while run_cmd asks developers to provide the cmd.exe as executable file specifically in the arg list's first item, like ["cmd.exe", "/c", "echo", "abc"]
  2. if developers want to find an easy way to split their current cmd string into list, for unix-like platforms, developers can apply shlex.split for quick access. But a prepared cmd statement is still more recommended (for more info about prepared cmd statement, please read below sections).
  3. if developers want to locate the target command's executable file, a tool developers can use is shutil.which that gives the full executable file path in system, like shutil.which(git) returns the full git.exe path in windows platform C:\\Program Files\\Git\\cmd\\git.EXE.
  4. if the target cmd is az-related, like az group show --name xxxx, please see the following "az-related cmd execution" section.

az-related command execution

If the target cmd is az-related, like az group show --name xxxx, instead of using subprocess, CLI recommends using internal function call to get the target information, as the following three options (if applicable):

  1. SDK operation. If target cmd is an operation from SDK, developers can apply corresponding method from SDK directly. For example:
# code before:
cmd = "az group show --name {}".format(resource_group_name)
import json
import subprocess
output =, shell=True, check=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
resourceGroup = json.loads(output.stdout)
location = resourceGroup['location']

# code after:
from azure.cli.core.commands.client_factory import get_mgmt_service_client
from azure.cli.core.profiles import ResourceType
resource_client = get_mgmt_service_client(cmd.cli_ctx, ResourceType.MGMT_RESOURCE_RESOURCES)
location = resource_client.resource_groups.get(resource_group_name).location
  1. Atomic cmd from codegen. If this cmd has been migrated through codegenV2, developers can call its atomic cmd. For example:
# code before:
cmd = "az monitor autoscale show --name {} --resource-group {}".format(autoscale_name, resource_group_name)
import json
import subprocess
output =, shell=True, check=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
autoscale_settings = json.loads(output.stdout)

# code after:
from .aaz.latest.monitor.autoscale import Show as AutoScaleShow
autoscale_settings = AutoScaleShow(cli_ctx=instance.cli_ctx)(command_args={
    "resource_group": resource_group_name, 
    "autoscale_name": autoscale_name
  1. if neither of the two methods above is applicable, developers can apply the central function run_az_cmd CLI provided to execute az-related cmds. For example:
# code before:
cmd = "az group show --name {}".format(resource_group_name)
import json
import subprocess
output =, shell=True, check=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
resourceGroup = json.loads(output.stdout)
location = resourceGroup['location']

# code after:
cmd = ["az", "group", "show", "--name", resource_group_name]
from azure.cli.core.util import run_az_cmd
resourceGroup = run_az_cmd(cmd).result
location = resourceGroup['location']

Best practices in subprocess use cases

The following sections discuss some secure coding conventions that, when implemented, can help protect CLI applications from command injection vulnerabilities when using subprocess module.

Proper input validation and sanitization

Input from users or external sources should never be trusted when appending them into subprocess cmd. Developers better provide expected patterns to validate and sanitize user input before adding that into subprocess' cmd. Below is an example input sanitizer that only allows alphanumeric characters from the input string.

import re
def sanitize_input(user_input):
    return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', user_input)

In a real CLI module scenario, developers better use their corresponding sanitization pattern for reducing the chaining commands risks.

Use parameterized cmd statement

A parameterized cmd statement is a way to structure a command starting from defining the command structure first and then provide the parameters that should be inserted into the command separately. In this way, the system will treat the first item as the executable file and the left item as args of that executable application.

# instead of
cmd = f"git {user_input}"
# using 
cmd = ["git", user_input]

Avoid use shell=True with user_inputs

When using subprocess module, avoid shell=True argument when it comes with cmd containing user inputs. When python executes a command with shell=True, the system shell will interpret any string passed in and if this string contains user input without proper sanitization, an attacker can inject malicious commands, as demonstrated in the very beginning of this doc.


Ensuring the safety of Azure CLI from command injection under subprocess calling requires an in-depth understanding of these vulnerabilities and also proactive measures to counteract potential exploits. CLI developers should apply the security practices before using builtin subprocess, and it's recommended to use the centralized function run_cmd CLI provided (or the applicable three methods for az-related cmds) , to safeguard CLI modules from command injection attack and for future more accessible security enforcements.