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Spawn Handling

ljacqu edited this page Jun 12, 2016 · 4 revisions

This page describes how teleportation is handled and configured in AuthMe.


The following settings have an influence on the spawn feature, listed by priority:

  1. settings.restrictions.noTeleport — if set to true, AuthMe will never teleport players
  2. settings.restrictions.spawnPriority — list of spawns to consider by priority (supported: authme, essentials, multiverse, default)
  3. settings.restrictions.ForceSpawnLocOnJoin.enabled — if set to true, players are teleported to spawn after having logged in successfully
  4. settings.restrictions.ForceSpawnLocOnJoin.worlds — limits the above feature only to the given worlds (case-sensitive)
  5. settings.restrictions.teleportUnAuthedToSpawn — if set to true, teleports players to spawn when they join. Once they log in, they are teleported back to their original location

-- Related: settings.restrictions.SaveQuitLocation must be true for the quit location to be saved

Spawn Priority

Spawn priority is defined in settings.restrictions.spawnPriority (see above), i.e. this setting defines from where the spawn definition should be taken. Possible values:

  • authme — Spawn points defined in spawn.yml (AuthMe folder). See below for details.
  • essentials — Spawn as defined in Essentials' spawn.yml. Only applicable if Essentials is loaded on the server.
  • multiverse — Gets the spawn point saved in Multiverse for the given world. Only possible if Multiverse is loaded and the world is a Multiverse handled world.
  • default — Spawn location of the world (vanilla Minecraft)


    spawnPriority: 'essentials,authme,default'

If Essentials is available, the spawn defined in Essentials is used. If not, the AuthMe spawn is used as second choice. If this also fails, the default is taken.

AuthMe Spawn

The AuthMe spawnpoint is defined in spawn.yml of the AuthMe plugin folder. Example:

  world: world
  x: -171.77925533614896
  y: 99.0
  z: 171.8600493294933
  yaw: -180.43475
  pitch: 13.7999935
  world: world
  x: -167.00317045444243
  y: 98.0
  z: 142.33661923798473
  yaw: -342.2848
  pitch: 11.849992

Players who have never played on the server before are teleported to the firstspawn; otherwise they are teleported to the regular spawn. You can delete the firstspawn section to disable the feature.

AuthMe Spawn Commands

  • /authme spawn teleports you to the AuthMe spawn point
  • /authme setspawn sets the AuthMe spawn point
  • /authme firstspawn teleports you to the AuthMe first spawn point
  • /authme setfirstspawn sets the AuthMe first spawn point

Permission nodes for the commands are listed on the command list page.