diff --git a/art-blocks-101/introducing-the-onchain-generator.md b/art-blocks-101/introducing-the-onchain-generator.md index bb5476ab..057debd1 100644 --- a/art-blocks-101/introducing-the-onchain-generator.md +++ b/art-blocks-101/introducing-the-onchain-generator.md @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Our implementation combines several key components: - **The Core Contracts**: Store the project's creative code and token-specific data that define each unique artwork. - **[The Dependency Registry](https://etherscan.io/address/0x37861f95882ACDba2cCD84F5bFc4598e2ECDDdAF#readProxyContract)**: Manages JavaScript library dependencies for projects across supported Art Blocks contracts. Dependencies can be referenced via CDN or stored fully on-chain, allowing for progressive decentralization. We've started by uploading our most widely used dependencies on-chain: **p5.js** (v1.0.0) and **three.js** (v0.124.0), with plans to add more over time. -- **[scripty.sol](https://github.com/intartnft/scripty.sol)**: "A gas-efficient on-chain HTML builder service that's tuned for stitching large JS based tags together." Created by [int.art](int.art). Big shout out to the int.art team for building **scripty.sol**, which was instrumental in making this project possible! +- **[scripty.sol](https://github.com/intartnft/scripty.sol)**: "A gas-efficient on-chain HTML builder service that's tuned for stitching large JS based tags together." Created by [int.art](https://int.art/). Big shout out to the int.art team for building **scripty.sol**, which was instrumental in making this project possible! - **[The Generator Contract](https://etherscan.io/address/0x953D288708bB771F969FCfD9BA0819eF506Ac718#readProxyContract)**: Orchestrates the entire process by combining the project script and token data from the core contracts with the appropriate dependency from the registry, assembling everything into a complete, ready-to-view HTML document using **scripty.sol**. The generator supports both plain text HTML and base64-encoded data URIs for maximum flexibility in how the artworks can be displayed. ## Looking Forward