The Art Blocks Minter Suite is a collection of smart contracts that enable Artists using V3 core contracts to distribute tokens from their projects to collectors.
A diagram of the new, shared minter suite is shown below. The shared minter suite is a collection of contracts that are able to be used across many Art Blocks Flagship and Engine contracts.
A diagram of the legacy minter suite is shown below. The legacy minter suite is a collection of contracts that may be used by a single Art Blocks Flagship or V3 Engine/Engine Flex contract.
The following table shows which Minters and MinterFilters are compatible with different Art Blocks and Art Blocks Engine Core contracts.
Core Contract Version | Minter Filter | Recommended Minters |
V1, V1_PRTNR | MinterFilterV0 | MinterSetPriceV1 MinterSetPriceERC20V1 MinterDAExpV1 MinterDALinV1 MinterMerkleV0 MinterHolderV0 |
V2 (PBAB) | - | (various PBAB minters) |
V3, V3_Explorations, V3_Engine, V3_Engine_Flex | MinterFilterV1 | MinterSetPriceV4 MinterSetPriceERC20V4 MinterMerkleV5 MinterHolderV4 MinterDALinV4 MinterDAExpV4 MinterDAExpSettlementV2 MinterPolyptychV0* |
V3, V3_Explorations, V3_Engine, V3_Engine_Flex | MinterFilterV2 | MinterSetPriceV5 MinterSetPriceERC20V5 MinterSetPriceMerkleV5 MinterSetPriceHolderV4 MinterDALinV5 MinterDAExpV5 MinterDAExpSettlementV3 MinterSetPricePolyptychV5* |
*only compatible with Engine/Engine Flex contracts
Below is a table of the shared minter filter contracts that are deployed on mainnet and testnets. Note that each of these contracts has a function available to enumerate all globally approved minter contracts, getAllGloballyApprovedMinters()
Network | Shared Minter Filter Contract Address |
Mainnet (Ethereum) | 0xa2ccfE293bc2CDD78D8166a82D1e18cD2148122b |
Artist Staging Goerli | 0xD1d9aD8B1B520F19DFE43Cc975b9470840e8b824 |
Base | 0x1E615ee4C7AC89B525d48AeedF01d76E4e06a2d5 |
Arbitrum One | 0x94560abECb897f359ee1A6Ed0E922315Da11752d |
Artist Staging Arbitrum-Sepolia | 0xa07f47c30C262adcC263A4D44595972c50e04db7 |
These are the smart contracts that receive funds, and split them between the artist(s) and the platform. Artists receive funds directly from these contracts.
- V0 (deprecated): 0x1DEC9E52f1320F7Deb29cBCd7B7d67f3dF785142
- V1: 0x934cdc04C434b8dBf3E1265F4f198D70566f7355
- V2: 0x7B7917e083CeA6d9f6a3060a7330c1072fcb4e40
- V3: N/A, never used in prod.
- V4: 0x234B25288011081817B5cC199C3754269cCb76D2
- V5 (shared with Engine): 0x0635E2f2926b306356b5B3F5CB6489107796b085
- V0 (deprecated): 0x48742D38a0809135EFd643c1150BfC13768C3907
- V0 (updated, deprecated):0x8BdF282Aa9d8d5369945a1Fc27603D41349450e8
- V1: 0x0BbB93c5d118D1dee49e96BCAdc161403f4F8612
- V1: (updated) [0xd325c6e3ffb2da48594fc10aaa42d3c00f9eeefa] (
- V2: 0xe4c6EeF13649e9C4Ad8ae8A9C7fA9A7F26B4287a
- V3: N/A, never used in prod.
- V4: 0x9fEcd2FbC6D890fB93632DcE9b1a01c4090A7E2d
- V5 (shared with Engine): 0x11515aE3f510D8BFEDD2B60B4A878F8a77a7b7ec
- V0 (deprecated): 0xd219f61Bb5A3ffDeCB4362610977F1dAB3930eE2
- V1: 0x32710950B014c2D29EA24f480Dd02c7e4610663b
- V2: 0xdaa6D1e224f4B9f7c4f1368C362C4333A8e385A6
- V3: N/A, never used in prod.
- V4: 0x419501DD208BFf237e3E32C40D074065e12DfF4d
- V5 (shared with Engine): 0x7b03Ec8ee63740642ca76b5Fe169978f2077ca08
- V0 (deprecated): 0xFc74fD0f2c7EaD04f1E5E9fd82Aef55620710D7C
- V1: 0xD94C7060808f3c876824E57e685702f3834D2e13
- V2: 0x706d6C6ef700a3c1C3a727f0c46492492E0A72b5
- V3: N/A, never used in prod.
- V4: 0x47e2df2723238f913741Cc6b1963e76fdfD19B94
- V5 (shared with Engine): 0x7E6F7Aa281133e394041b5fEA1f3Be7a00D7201F
- V0: N/A, never used in prod.
- V1: 0xfdE58c821D1c226b4a45c22904de20b114EDe7E7
- V3 (shared with Engine): 0x6caFC1B007F16f171B34eE45Fc61B378ad58F592
- V0: N/A, never used in prod.
- V1: 0xae5A48D22Cd069c4d72dDe204A7fB4B302e614af
- V2: 0x6Ff3c104Ca9b4860D27079aFfF18701c4A532A4d
- V3: N/A, never used in prod.
- V4: N/A, never used in prod.
- V5: 0xB8Bd1D2836C466DB149f665F777928bEE267304d
- V5 (shared with Engine): 0xa19Bf77719A9B6E7daa3c33b3AAC119AF865e1c4
- V5 (shared with Engine): 0x69f04FDDF0c4c32642B22E68b867282d5074A98a
- V0 (shared with Engine): 0xf5733268d28DDe96fC32f2bA8E1267Eb64120875
- V0 (shared with Engine): 0x723EBF276f95E992480D009bC132c9820A39B58F
- V0 (shared with Engine): 0xDeA98CB77d90e03dbF312626402ADb452Ed7a4e3
Legacy minting contract for flagship V0 core: 0x47e312d99c09ce61a866c83cbbbbed5a4b9d33e7.
MinterFilterV0 for flagship V1 core: 0x4aafCE293b9B0faD169c78049A81e400f518E199.
MinterFilterV1 for flagship V3 core: 0x092B8F64e713d66b38522978BCf4649db14b931E.
MinterFilterV2 for flagship V3 core: 0xa2ccfE293bc2CDD78D8166a82D1e18cD2148122b
For deployed Art Blocks Engine minter contracts that have not yet migrated to the new minter suite, see the minters included in each partner's deployment details in the /deployments/engine/[V2|V3]/<engine-partner>/
We encourage our Engine partners with V3 core contracts to migrate to use the shared minter suite, which uses the same minters as the Art Blocks flagship contract. However, some partners may choose to continue to use their existing minters or custom minters outside of the shared minter suite. In that case, see the minters included in each partner's deployment details in the /deployments/engine/[V2|V3]/<engine-partner>/