PROJECT STATUS: almost MVP; many features incomplete
Qter is a human-friendly Rubik's cube computer. This means you can compile a computer program and then act as a computer processor by physically turning a Rubik's cube to affect its computation, even if you have no knowledge of how computers work. Following is an example executable program that accepts an index as user input and computes the corresponding Fibonacci number. It is written in our custom Rubik's cube file format named Q:
A: 3x3
1 | input "Which Fibonacci number to calculate: "
B2 U2 L F' R B L2 D2 B R' F L
max-input 8
2 | solved-goto UFR 4
3 | goto 5
4 | halt "The number is: 0"
5 | D L' F L2 B L' F' L B' D' L'
6 | L' F' R B' D2 L2 B' R' F L' U2 B2
7 | solved-goto UFR 9
8 | goto 10
9 | halt "The number is: "
L D B L' F L B' L2 F' L D'
counting-until DL DFL
10 | solved-goto DL DFL 13
11 | L U' B R' L B' L' U' L U R2 B R2 D2 R2 D'
12 | goto 10
13 | L' F' R B' D2 L2 B' R' F L' U2 B2
14 | solved-goto UFR 16
15 | goto 17
16 | halt "The number is: "
F2 L2 U2 D' R U' B L' B L' U'
counting-until FR DRF
17 | solved-goto FR DRF 20
18 | D' B' U2 B D' F' D L' D2
F' R' D2 F2 R F2 R2 U' R'
19 | goto 17
20 | L' F' R B' D2 L2 B' R' F L' U2 B2
21 | solved-goto UFR 23
22 | goto 24
23 | halt "The number is: "
U L' R' F' U' F' L' F2 L U R
counting-until UF
24 | solved-goto UF 6
25 | B R2 D' R B D F2 U2 D'
F' L2 F D2 F B2 D' L' U'
26 | goto 24
This was compiled from our custom high level programming language named QAT (Qter Assembly Text):
.registers {
A, B, C, D <- 3x3 builtin (30, 18, 10, 9)
.macro fib-shuffle {
($R1:reg $R2:reg $R3:reg $counter:reg) => {
dec $counter
if solved $counter {
halt "The number is" $R1
while not-solved $R1 {
dec $R1
inc $R2
inc $R3
input "Which Fibonacci number to calculate:" D
if solved D {
halt "The number is: 0"
inc B
loop {
fib-shuffle B A C D
fib-shuffle A C B D
fib-shuffle C B A D
- How does qter work?
- Physically running qter
- The QAT programming language
- Memory tapes
- Technical details
- About the authors
- References
- Acknowledgements
First, we will assume that you are familiar with standard move notation for a Rubik's cube.
The most important thing for a computer to be able to do is represent numbers. Let's take a solved cube and call it "zero":
The fundamental unit of computation in qter is an algorithm, or a sequence of moves to apply to the cube. Let's see what happens if we apply the simplest algorithm, just turning the top face, and see what this buys us:
Now, let's call this state "one". Since applying the algorithm U
transitioned the cube from state "zero" to state "one", perhaps applying U
again could transition us from state "one" to state "two":
And again to state "three":
And... again to state "four"?
If we apply the algorithm U
four times, we find that it returns back to state "zero". This means that we can't represent every possible number with this scheme. We should have expected that, because the Rubik's cube has a finite number of states whereas there are an infinite amount of numbers.
This doesn't mean that we can't do math though, we just have to treat numbers as if they "wrap around" at four. This is analogous to the way analog clocks wrap around after twelve. The difference between our scheme and analog clocks is that we will consider the solved state to represent "zero" instead of "four".
Can we justify this way of representing numbers? Let's consider adding "two" to "one". We reach the "two" state using the algorithm U U
, so if we apply that algorithm to the "one" state, we will find the cube in the same state as if we applied (U) (U U)
, or U U U
, which is exactly how we reach the state labelled "three". It's easy to see that associativity of moves makes addition valid in this scheme. What if we wanted to add "three" to "two"? We would expect a result of "five", but since the numbers wrap around upon reaching four, we would actually expect to reach the state of "one". You can try on your own Rubik's cube and see that it works.
What if we want to perform subtraction? We know that addition is performed using an algorithm, so can we find an algorithm that adds a negative number? Let's consider the state that represents "one". If we subtract one, we would expect the cube to return to state "zero". The algorithm that brings the cube from state "one" to state "zero" is U'
. This is exactly the inverse of our initial U
algorithm. If we want to subtract two, we can simply subtract one twice as before: U' U'
You may notice that subtracting one is equivalent to adding three, because U'
is equivalent to U U U
. It may seem like this impedes our ability to do math, but by working through an example one can see that it doesn't: Adding three to one gives four, but since four wraps around to zero, our result is actually zero, as if we subtracted one. In general, any number may be seen as positive or negative: -1 = 3, -2 = 2, and -3 = 1. You can manually verify this yourself if you like.
If the biggest number qter could represent was three, it would not be an effective tool for computation. Thankfully, the Rubik's cube has 43 quintillion states, leaving us lots of room to do better than just four. Consider the algorithm R U
. We can play the same game using this algorithm. The solved cube represents zero, R U
represents one, R U R U
represents two, etc. This algorithm performs a much more complicated action on the cube, so we should be able to represent more numbers. In fact, the maximum number we can represent this way is 104, wrapping around after 105 iterations. We would say that the algorithm has "order 105".
There are still lots of cube states left; can we do better? Unfortunately, it's only possible to get to 1259, wrapping around on the 1260th iteration. You can try this using the algorithm R U2 D' B D'
. This has been proven to be the maximum order [1].
The next thing that a computer must be able to do is branch, without it we can only do addition and subtraction and nothing else. If we want to perform loops or only execute code conditionally, qter must be able to change what it does based on the state of the cube. For this, we introduce a "solved-goto" instruction.
If you perform R U
on a cube a bunch of times without counting, it's essentially impossible for you to tell how many times you did the algorithm by just looking at the cube. With one exception: If you did it zero times, then the cube is solved and it's completely obvious that you did it zero times. Since we want qter code to be executable by humans, the "solved-goto" instruction asks you to go to a different location of the program only if the cube is solved.
If you think about what programs you could actually execute with just a single number and a "jump if zero" instruction, it would be almost nothing. What would be wonderful is if we could represent multiple numbers on the cube at the same time.
If you're familiar with how to solve a cube layer by layer, you should know that it's possible for an algorithm to affect only a small section of the cube at once, for example just the last layer. Therefore, it should be possible to represent two numbers using two algorithms that affect distinct "areas" of the cube.
The simplest example of this concept are the algorithms U
and D
. You can see that U
and D
both allow representing numbers up to three, and since they affect different areas of the cube, we can represent two different numbers on the cube at the same time. We call these "registers", as an analogy to the concept in classical computing.
As described, "solved-goto" would only branch if the entire cube is solved, however since each algorithm affects a distinct area of the cube, it's possible for a human to determine whether a single register is zero, by inspecting whether a particular section of the cube is solved. In the Q format, we support this by each "solved-goto" instruction giving a list of positions, all of which must have their solved piece for the branch to be taken, but not necessarily any more.
Can we do better than two registers with four states? In fact we can! If you try out the algorithms R' F' L U' L U L F U' R
and U F R' D' R2 F R' U' D
, you can see that they affect different pieces and both have order ninety. You may notice that they both rotate the same corner; this is not a problem because they are independently decodable even ignoring that corner. One of the biggest challenges in the development of qter has been finding sets of algorithms with high orders that are all independently decodable.
If you're curious, the Fibonacci program uses these four registers:
Order | Algorithm |
30 | U L B' L B' U R' D U2 L2 F2 |
18 | D L' F L2 B L' F' L B' D' L' |
10 | R' U' L' F2 L F U F R L U' |
9 | B2 U2 L F' R B L2 D2 B R' F L |
The Q file format is qter's representation of a computer program in an executable Rubik's cube language. The file format was designed in such a way that, with only basic Rubik's cube knowledge, a human can physically manipulate a twisty puzzle to execute a program and perform a meaningful computation.
Qter doesn't just support 3x3x3 cubes, but it works with any twisty puzzle in the shape of a platonic solid. Since most people are most familiar with the 3x3x3 cube, we will introduce qter with the aforementioned from now on.
Q files are expected to be read from top to bottom. Each line indicates an instruction, the simplest of which is just an algorithm to perform on the cube. For example:
A: 3x3
1 | U' R2
2 | L D'
The Puzzles
declaration specifies the types of twisty puzzles used. In this example, it is declaring that you must start with a 3x3x3 cube, and that it has the name "A". The name is unimportant in this example, but becomes important when operating on multiple cubes. The instructions indicate that you must perform the algorithm U' R2 L D'
on the Rubik's cube, given in standard move notation. You must begin with the cube solved before following the instructions.
The Q file format also includes special instructions that involve the twisty puzzle but require additional logic. These logical instructions are designed to be simple enough for humans to understand and perform.
Following this section, you should be able to understand how to physically execute the example Fibonacci program provided at the beginning of this document. More complicated instructions are expanded upon in the next section.
goto <number>
Jump to the specified line number instead of reading on to the next line. For example:
A: 3x3
1 | U' R2
2 | L D'
3 | goto 1
Indicates an infinite loop of performing U' R2 L D'
on the Rubik's cube. After performing the algorithm, the goto
instruction requires you to jump back to line 1 where you started.
solved-goto <number> <positions>
If the specified positions on the puzzle each contain their solved piece, then jump to the line number specified as if it was a goto
instruction. Otherwise, fall through and go to the next instruction. For example:
A: 3x3
1 | U' R2
2 | solved-goto 4 UFR UF
3 | goto 1
4 | L D'
Indicates repeatedly performing U' R2
until the UFR corner position and UB edge position contain their solved pieces. Then, perform L D'
on the Rubik's cube. Note that three faces uniquely identify any corner position and two faces uniquely identify any edge position on the Rubik's cube, hence UFR (up front right) and UF (up front).
Determining if a position contains its solved piece slightly varies from puzzle to puzzle, but the idea remains the same. For the Rubik's cube, this is the case when each face of the piece at the position is the same color as its center.
The following illustrates a successful solved-goto 4 UFR UF
instruction where you would jump to line 4:

The following illustrates an unsuccessful solved-goto 4 UFR UF
instruction where you would skip it and continue to the next instruction. Note that all pieces specified need to be in their solved positions, not just one:

For other twisty puzzles, see Other twisty puzzles.
input <message> <algorithm> max-input <number>
This instruction facilitates arbitrary input from a user which will be stored and processed on the puzzle. To do so, repeat the given algorithm "your input" number of times. For example:
A: 3x3
1 | input "Choose 0-5"
R U R' U'
max-input 5
To input the number two, execute the algorithm (R U R' U') (R U R' U')
on the Rubik's cube. Notice that if you try to execute R U R' U'
six times, the cube will return to its solved state as if you had inputted the number zero. Thus, your input number must not be greater than five, and this is shown with the max-input 5
If a negative input is meaningful to the program you are executing, you can input negative one by performing the inverse of the algorithm. For example, negative two would be inputted as (U R U' R') (U R U' R')
halt <message> [<algorithm> counting-until <positions>]
This instruction terminates the program and gives an output, and it is similar to the input
instruction. To decode the output of the program, repeat the given algorithm until the positions given are solved (see the solved-goto
instruction). The number of repetitions it took to solve the given pieces along with the specified message is considered the output of the program. For example:
A: 3x3
1 | input "Choose 0-5"
R U R' U'
max-input 5
2 | halt "You chose"
U R U' R'
counting-until UFR
In this example, after performing the input and reaching the halt instruction, you would have to repeat U R U' R'
until the UFR corner is solved. For example, if you inputted the number two by performing (R U R' U') (R U R' U')
, the expected output will be two, since you have to perform U R U' R'
twice to solve the UFR corner. Therefore, the expected output of the program is "You chose 2".
If the program does not require giving a numeric output, then the algorithm may be left out. For example:
A: 3x3
1 | halt "I halt immediately"
print <message> [<algorithm> counting-until <positions>]
This is an optional instruction that you may choose to ignore. The print
instruction serves as a secondary mechanism to produce output without exiting the program. The motivation stems from the fact that, without this instruction, the only form of meaningful output is the single number produced by the halt
To execute this instruction, repeat the given algorithm until the positions are solved, analogous to the halt instruction. The number of repetitions this took is then the output of the print statement. Then, you must perform the inverse of the algorithm the same number of times, undoing what you just did and returning the puzzle to the state it was in before executing the print instruction. For example:
A: 3x3
1 | R U R2 B2 U L U' L' D' R' D R B2 U2
2 | print "This should output ten:"
R U counting-until UFR UF
3 | halt "This should also output ten:"
R U counting-until UFR UF
Like the halt
instruction, including just a message is legal. In this case, you can skip this instruction as there is nothing to do. For example:
A: 3x3
1 | print "Just a friendly debugging message :-)"
switch <letter>
Put down your current puzzle and pick up a different one, labeled by letter in the Puzzles
declaration. It is important that you do not rotate the puzzle when setting it aside or picking it back up. For example:
A: 3x3
B: 3x3
1 | U
2 | switch B
3 | R
This program requires two Rubik's cubes to execute. The instructions indicate performing U
on the first Rubik's cube and then R
on the second. When the program starts, you are expected to be holding the first cube in the list.
Talking points:
- The
declaration accepts a hard-coded puzzle name or a PuzzleGeometry description - PuzzleGeometry is a format developed and designed by Tomas Rokicki that generates a puzzle definition from a simple description. You can read more about it here and are encouraged to experiment with the format interactively on Twizzle Explorer (click "Config").
This section assumes moderate familiarity with an existing programming language, such as Python, JavaScript, or C. Once again, qter supports all types of twisty puzzles in the shape of a platonic solid. Since most people are most familiar with the 3x3x3 cube, we will introduce qter with the aforementioned from now on.
If you have experience working with a compiled programming language, you know that to run a program, you compile your source code into machine code that the computer processor then interprets and executes. The qter compilation pipeline works similarly.
Qter's high level programming language is called QAT, or Qter Assembly Text. To run your first QAT program, you will first need to install Cargo (talk about installing Cargo) and then the qter compiler executable through the command line: cargo install qter
. Once set up, create a file named average.qat
with the following program code.
.registers {
A, B <- 3x3 builtin (90, 90)
-- Calculate the average of two numbers
input "First number:" A
input "Second number:" B
print "Calculating average..."
add A 1
add B 89
solved-goto B found_sum
goto sum_loop
add A 1
add A 89
solved-goto A stop
add A 89
solved-goto A stop
add B 1
goto divide_by_2
halt "The average is" B
To compile this program, run qter compile average.qat
to generate average.q
. To execute it, run qter interpret average.q
and enter your favorite two numbers into the prompts.
Every QAT program begins with a .registers
statement, used to declare global variables named registers. The statement in the above average program declares two global registers of size 90 to be stored on a Rubik's cube. That is, additions operate modulo 90: incrementing a register of value 89 resets it back to 0, and decrementing a register of value 0 sets it to 89.
The builtin
keyword refers to the fact that valid register sizes are specified in a puzzle-specific preset. For the Rubik's cube, all builtin register sizes are in src/qter_core/puzzles/3x3.txt. Unlike traditional computers, qter is only able to operate with small and irregular register sizes.
You can choose to use larger register sizes at the cost of requiring more puzzles. For example, 1260 is a valid builtin register size that needs an entire Rubik's cube to declare. If your program wants access to more than one register, it would have to use multiple Rubik's cubes for more memory.
.registers {
A <- 3x3 builtin (1260)
B <- 3x3 builtin (1260)
The .registers
statement is also used to declare memory tapes, which help facilitate local variables, call stacks, and heap memory. This idea will be expanded upon in Memory tapes.
The basic instructions of the QAT programming language mimic an assembly-like language. If you have already read The Q file format, notice the similarities with QAT.
add <variable> <number>
Add a constant number to a variable. This is the only way to change the value of a variable.
goto <label>
Jump to a label, an identifier used to mark a specific location within code. The syntax for declaring a label follows the common convention amongst assembly languages:
goto infinite_loop
solved-goto <variable> <label>
Jump to a label if the specified variable is zero. The name of this instruction is significant in the Q file format.
input <message> <variable>
Ask the user for numeric input, which will be added to the given variable.
print <message> [<variable>]
Output a message, optionally followed by a variable's value.
halt <message> [<variable>]
Terminate the program with a message, optionally followed by a variable's value.
Talking points:
- macros
- .define
- lua
Talking points:
- convenience macros like
, and control flow - Link to prelude and encourage its reference
Henry you could write the rest of this section if you want
move-left <tape> <number>
move-right <tape> <number>
switch-tape <tape>
(This section is a huge WIP)
Qter's cycle combination solver computes the optimal computer architecture for a puzzle using any amount of cycles.
On the Rubik's Cube, every type of piece can only move to positions occupied by the same type of piece. These sets of disjoint positions are called orbits. The Rubik's cube has three types of pieces: edges, corners, and centers. Corner pieces can only move to corner positions and edge pieces can only move to edge positions. Disallowing rotations, center pieces are always in their solved positions because they cannot move. An important implication of this fact is that colors must be positioned around their centers to solve the Rubik's cube.
So, the Rubik's cube has one orbit of twelve edge pieces and another orbit of eight corner pieces. We will refer to pieces as cubies from now on.
A Rubik's cube move is defined by a manipulation of a single face, defined by the half-turn metric. That is, a 180 degree rotation of a face is considered a single move. To express moves, we use the standard move notation. An algorithm is a sequence of moves. For example the algorithm F2 U'
indicates turning the front face 180 degrees followed by turning the top face 90 degrees counterclockwise.
If you repeat an algorithm enough times, you will always be brought back where you started. You may have already tried this yourself from the solved state: if you keep repeating an algorithm such as R U
you will eventually re-solve the cube. The number of repetitions this takes is the algorithm's order, and the set of positions visited by repeating the algorithm forms its cycle. In this example, since R U
has to be repeated 105 times to be brought back to its original state, its order is 105.
The proof for this introduces an important concept that will later be brought up again, group theory. The set of moves on the Rubik's cube forms an algebraic structure called a group. Since there are only finitely many states a Rubik's cube can be in, this group is finite. It is an early theorem of group theory that every element (algorithm) of a finite group has finite order [2].
At its most basic level, registers are units of storage that can be modified at will, and an essential building block to how computers work. Computer CPUs use registers to store small amounts of data during program execution.
Armed with puzzle theory background knowledge, you can understand the main idea of how qter works in three words: cycles are registers. In essence, the value of a register is the Nth step of the cycle's corresponding algorithm.
Let's explain what that means through an example. Here are all the states visited by the U
The U
cycle takes four repetitions to re-solve the cube, therefore it has order four. We claim that this is structurally identical to a two bit register (a register of size four).
- We have a way to increment a register by a constant
- 1260 order is maximal [1] and not enough for any meaningful computation
- Generalize the notion of a register to multiple cycles that coexist on the Rubik's cube
- The set of pieces affected by a given cycle must not interfere with the set of pieces affected by any other cycle. Helpful to think no longer in terms of moves but in cycles as in these pieces may be moved but they are restored. If the pieces were to interfere, then this would mean modifying the value of one register has a side effect of modifying the value of another unintended register.
- More registers mean more states 90*90 > 1260
Talking points
- Based on [1]
- Find all ways to assign cubies to orbits, then find the max order using partitions and priority queue
- Pareto front
Using Korf's algorithm
Talking points
- Korf's algorithm
- Symmetry and inverse reduction [3]
- Trangium's algorithm evaluator
Using GAP
Talking points
- Stabilizers
- Conjugacy classes
- Fork of optimal solver
- Arhan Chaudhary: Hi! I am a sophomore at Purdue University, and I have always been fascinated by Rubik's cubes since I learned how to solve them in middle school. I was greatly inspired by the Purdue Hackers community to begin this project, and have spent the better part of the entire school year working on it. I'm looking for Summer 2026 internships - and I'm particularly excited about working with startups. Read more about my work at my website.
- Henry Rovnyak: (lands behind you) Hello there! Like Arhan, I too am a sophomore at Purdue University. I'm interested in math and programming, and I met Arhan through this project and the Purdue Hackers community. I enjoy systems and scientific programming, but I also have a soft spot for theoretical work and frontend design. Arhan may or may not have gotten me addicted to cubes... I'm also interested in Summer 2026 internships, and you should consider checking out my website to see some of the other stuff I've been working on.
- Asher Gray: Hello! I'm a data analyst and youtuber from the PNW. I started off making videos about solving Rubik's cubes blindfolded, and now focus on math and fun ways to visualize it. Lately I've been studying the theory of abelian groups, including the abelian subgroups of the Rubik's cube. I'm excited to have joined this project, such an interesting application of these ideas! You can find me on YouTube or enjoy some interactive math visualizations on my website.
[1] Bergvall, O., Hynning, E., Hedberg, M., Mickelin, J., & Masawe, P. (2010). On Rubik’s cube. Report, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (pp. 65-79).
[2] Chris Grossack (, Prove cycling in a Rubik's cube, URL (version: 2019-12-11):
[3] Rokicki, T., Kociemba, H., Davidson, M., & Dethridge, J. (2014). The diameter of the rubik's cube group is twenty. siam REVIEW, 56(4), 645-670.
Qter's theoretical background is built upon the hard work of:
- @rokicki's nxopt, twsearch, and PuzzleGeometry.
- @lgarron's canonical FSM.
- @ScriptRacoon's order solver.
- @trangium's Movecount Coefficient Calculator.
- @sebastianotronto's multithreaded IDA* implementation.
- @Voltara's SIMD optimizations.
- Thanks to @rokicki for personally advising most of phase 2's design.
- Thanks to @benwh1 for miscellaneous puzzle theory insights.
- Thanks to @Infinidoge for providing access to powerful hardware.
- Thanks to @DitrusNight for advising qter's programming language design.
- Thanks to @Phineas1500 for encouragement and outreach.