Releases: AnubisNekhet/AnuPpuccin
v1.2.8 - Tiny Update
- ITS-like frontmatter snippet has been added as a separate snippet
- Notion-styled Kanban Snippet makes your kanbans look a bit cleaner and nicer to look at :^)
- Notion's color palette has been added as a new colorscheme
- Depth tabs are like default tabs except inactive tabs have some opacity to them for a bit of depth (hence the name :P)
- Live Preview font can be customized separately - #32
- The color theming framework has been completely overhauled to support color overrides
- Full rainbow files can have inverted title colors for lower opacities
- Initial theming support for has been added
- Codeblock colors can be customised - #31
- Codeblock wrapping has been fixed and can be toggled separately for reading and editing modes - #24 #34
- Inline title visibility can be toggled in-theme to accommodate folder titles
- Button styling has been reworked to look more natural
- Sleek callouts are responsive again (No more snapping xD)
- Seamless embeds have been fixed to actually work
ITS-like Frontmatter Snippet
Notion-like Kanban
Depth Tabs
Color Overrides
v1.2.7 - Plagiarism Blues
AnuPpuccin has been a little side project of mine for a while which I started since I wanted a theme I could change on the go without editing the source and just something that looks aesthetically pleasing in general. I've learnt a lot about design throughout the process of making this theme and I feel like it's been a really fruitful experience :) I do think that open source code is fully free for anyone to use and modify to their needs, but attribution is pretty important as well. I didn't really include credits and acknowledgements before, but after having it pointed out I realised my mistake and I've credited my code sources ever since. This makes some recent events even more heartbreaking. A certain theme dev (I won't explicitly state who since I don't want them being harassed) has been using parts of my code (or even most of it, I might say) without any attribution or acknowledgement and I've tried contacting them about it to resolve it somehow. It's really humiliating to see the code that you and other people have collaborated on being repackaged with zero attribution whatsoever and it takes a toll on my motivation to keep maintaining my own theme knowing most of its code will be used by the same developer without any credit. Sorry for unloading this in releases, I needed to get this off my chest. Anyway, here are the changes in the new release!
- Fixed codeblock number alignment - #23
- Fixed stacked tabs color in colorful frame and default layout - #28
- Changed metadata button, custom vault title icon to lucide
- Changed folder title hover background color to match simple rainbow
- Added more file icon options for different formats and file label alignment - @pryley
- Added option to invert icon colors in colorful frame - #22 #21
- Added support for rainbow tags by @raisabelatrix
- Added kanagawa.nvim colorscheme
Rainbow tags (Snippet added separately)
v1.2.6 - Custom backgrounds and Kanban Tweaks!
- Added support for
files in file icons - Styled canvas nodes to have their color reflected in their titles
- Fixed collapse indicators in code blocks to be visible - @pryley
- Reworked kanban styling from the ground up - @pryley
- Added support for adding custom backgrounds to the workspace with options for transparency, blur and brightness
- Added an option to auto-hide the tab title bar - @pryley
Custom Background
Reworked Kanban Board
v1.2.5 - Canvas is pretty neat :)
v1.2.4 - The Comfy Update
- Changed folder icons to their lucide counterparts to feel more native - @pryley - #5
- Higher embed specificity for embeds to avoid conflicts while nesting
- Added a file icon toggle to show different file icons for markdown/text, image and miscellaneous files - @pryley
- Added the beautiful 'Sandy Beaches' colorscheme by @melnhh
Revamped folder icons
File icons
Sandy beaches colorscheme
v1.2.3 - 4.5.6 :^)
- Revamped rosé pine colors to be a bit darker for legibility
- Enhanced specificity for sleek callout style
- Replaces
styles withseamless
alt which can be used as[!note|seamless]
- #4
- Added rainbow color inheritance for simple rainbow folders
- Added capacities callouts styling (Only works for sleek and default callouts, fixes for other styles soon)
- Added vanilla callouts
v1.2.2 - Back from the grave
Hey there! This is a semi-secret continuation of the AnuPpuccin theme which doesn't have any code from theme devs that might be upset with me :P
- Added a custom formula callout for your formula needs and it looks pretty nice :)
- Added hover interactivity to the discord RPC status icon
- Removed willemstad callouts (no more similar code!) and removed the primary colorscheme