The postAdding endpoint allows you to add a new student record to the system.
"status": "success",
"data": {
"studentname": "Student Name",
"studentId": "201-1509-2",
"section": "B",
"sem": "2nd",
"year": "4th year",
"amount": 25.00,
"date": "2023-11-20",
"office_in_charge": "jsites",
"description": "not paid"
The provided JSON payload contains information about the student, including their name, ID, section, semester, year, payment amount, payment date, office in charge, and a description of payment status (“paid” or "not paid").
The response will contain information about the success or failure of the operation.
Ensure that the required fields are present in the request payload. Use appropriate error handling for failed requests.
The postretrieve endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of student records based on the specified page and limit parameters.
No request payload for GET requests.
The response will contain a list of student records based on the specified page and limit.
Adjust the query parameters to paginate through the records.
The postView endpoint provides detailed information about a specific student record.
No request payload for GET requests.
The response will contain detailed information about a specific student record.
Use this endpoint to view detailed information about a particular student.
The postupdate endpoint allows you to update an existing student record with new information.
"status": "success",
"data": {
"studentname": "Jaynard A. Raqueño",
"studentId": "201-1509-2",
"section": "B",
"sem": "2nd",
"year": "4th year",
"amount": 25.00,
"date": "2023-11-20",
"office_in_charge": "jsites",
"description": "paid"
The response will contain information about the success or failure of the update operation.
Ensure that the student record with the specified ID exists before attempting an update.
The postdelete endpoint allows you to delete a student record based on the provided student ID.
"status": "success",
"data": {
"studentId": "201-1509-2"
The response will contain information about the success or failure of the delete operation.
The printSummary endpoint is designed to provide a summary of student records.
No request payload for GET requests.
The response will contain a summary of student records, such as the total number of records, total amount paid, and any other relevant summary information.