PRs are welcome, but please keep these notes in mind:
- If possible, use Conventional Commits for commit messages.
- Try to follow the code style of the project.
- Add your name to MicaForEveryone.UI/SettingsView.xaml.cs#L18 to get in the list of contributors.
Fork the repository.
Translate this file to your language.
Create a folder with your language code as its name in the Strings folder and put the translated file in it.
If you are not using Visual Studio, add the new file to the project file manually like this:
<PRIResource Include="Strings\<Your Language Code>\Resources.resw">
- Add your name to the list of translators in MicaForEveryone.UI/SettingsView.xaml.cs#L18 like this:
internal Contributor[] Translators { get; } =
new Contributor("Your Name", "Your GitHub Profile Link", "Your Language Code"),
- Open a PR.