You can add custom tile server by two ways.
If your tile server is a web source, you should to inherit from base abstract class WebTileServer
Here is sample implementation of a tile server located by addess
public class SampleTileServer : WebTileServer
// This is just a displayable name of the server
public override string Name => "Sample Tile Server";
// This text will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the map control.
// Most of tile servers require attribution text to be specified.
// Text can contain HTML links, they will be clickable.
// If no attribution text is required, just return null.
public override string AttributionText => "<a href=''>Map attribution text</a>";
// The method should return valid URL string by x, y, and z arguments.
public override Uri GetTileUri(int x, int y, int z)
return new Uri($"{z}/{x}/{y}.png");
// Optional: Maximal zoom level.
// You can override it to limit maximal value with smallest value than default.
public override int MaxZoomLevel => 13;
// Optional: Minimal zoom level.
// You can override it to limit minimal value with largest value than default.
public override int MinZoomLevel => 1;
// Optional: User-Agent string
// Some tile servers require User-Agent string to identify your application.
public override string UserAgent { get; set; } = "My Application";
If your map tiles are offline, for example embedded in your app or located in a database, you should to implement interface ITileServer
Here is a sample implentation of a tile server with database source.
public class DatabaseTileServer : ITileServer
// This is just a displayable name of the server
public string Name => "Sample Tile Server";
// Assume attribution is not needed
public string AttributionText => null;
// Minimal zoom level
public int MinZoomLevel => 0;
// Maximal zoom level
public int MaxZoomLevel => 10;
// Getting tile
public Image GetTile(int x, int y, int z)
// Logic of getting tile by X, Y and Z from DB is omitted
Image image = ...
return image;