All notable changes to the alteryx-deploy
utility will be documented in this file. Roadmap and backlog are documented in the corresponding GitHub project.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
2.0.2 - 2024-12-12
Error handling
- Invoke-DownloadAlteryx: Fixed an issue with expired license API refresh token causing the script to error (#39)
- Invoke-SetupScript: Fixed an issue with invalid or corrupted encrypted key or license files causing the script to error (#40)
2.0.1 - 2024-10-20
Fix key encryption and decryption issues.
- Fixed an issue with license API token and keys encryption during setup (#36)
- Fixed an issue with license API token and keys decryption during download (#36)
- Fixed an issue when license keys decryption during activation (#36)
- Fixed an issue when license keys decryption during deactivation (#36)
- Fixed an issue when attempting to redownload an existing major version without any patch available
2.0.0 - 2024-10-08
Complete revamp to provide support for new installers (2022.3+), license portal API, as well as guardrails and usefull error handling.
- Invoke-DownloadAlteryx: Fetch releases from the Alteryx license portal
- Invoke-PatchAlteryx: Install patch upgrades
- Invoke-PingAlteryx: Check Server UI (Gallery) connectivity
- Invoke-RollbackAlteryx: Rollback to previous known stable state
- Invoke-SetupScript: Script configuration wizard
- Open-Alteryx: Open Alteryx (G)UI
- Repair-Alteryx: Repair embedded MongoDB database
- Set-AlteryxConfiguration: Configure Alteryx system settings
- Show-Help: Display script help documentation
- Invoke-ActivateAlteryx: Improve process robustness
- Invoke-BackupAlteryx: Improve process robustness
- Invoke-DeactivateAlteryx: Deactivate licenses one-by-one
- Invoke-RestartAlteryx: Improve process robustness
- Invoke-RestoreAlteryx: Redesign process to improve robustness
- Invoke-StartAlteryx: Improve process robustness
- Invoke-StopAlteryx: Improve process robustness
- Uninstall-Alteryx: Improve process robustness
- Update-Alteryx: Add rollback in case of failure
- Various changes were made to configuration files, including encryption of sensitive information; Please use the
command to configure the scripts.
1.1.2 - 2021-12-13
UX improvements
- Automatically update environment variables during restore (installation path, Gallery URL, etc.)
- Fixed an issue when the license email was not specified (#4)
- Fixed an issue when the license email was not specified and the Active Directory server was unreachable (#5)
- Fixed an issue preventing the restoration on a different machine (#8)
1.1.1 - 2021-11-23
- Updated default sources location
- Fixed an issue with upgrade from 2021.3 (or lower) to 2021.4 (#2)
1.1.0 - 2021-11-21
2021.4 hotfix
now checks for release version to ensure compatibility- Check connectivity to licensing system
- Disable Alteryx license action
- Disable Alteryx license(s) during uninstallation
- License key parameter
- Disabled InstallAware logging by default to improve performances
- Improved documentation
- Fix conflict with version parameter and PowerShell modules versions
- Fix
function call following refactoring of PSAYX
1.0.0 - 2021-09-20
Minimum viable product (MVP) release for the Alteryx automated deployment utility.
The following functions have been added:
- Install-Alteryx
- Invoke-ActivateAlteryx
- Invoke-BackupAlteryx
- Invoke-RestartAlteryx
- Invoke-RestoreAlteryx
- Invoke-StartAlteryx
- Invoke-StopAlteryx
- Show-Configuration
- Uninstall-Alteryx
- Update-Alteryx
The following files have been added: