All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
5.1.62 - 2025-02-28
- Unsafe dynamic rules limit for MV3 with value 5000.
- Display dnr-rulesets version on About tab #3054.
- Ability to search tabs by domain in the Filtering log #3028.
- Ability to add filters from Google Drive #2908.
- Minimum supported Chromium-based MV2 browsers version now 106+ for support prerender requests.
- Increased all dynamic rules limit to 30000 for MV3.
- Error throwing for empty modifier list in network rules.
- Store filter data in ruleset files exclusively for the MV3 extension to allow updates where only the rulesets are modified.
- Updated @adguard/agtree to v3.0.1.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v2.1.5.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v3.2.0.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v3.0.0.
- Once allowlisted tab considers all following websites in the tab as allowlisted #3020 #3048.
- Handling missing children data in the deserializer for certain nodes.
- A rule from a disabled filter list disables another rule #3002.
- Notify user that rule was not applied because of the chrome limitations #3004.
- URI encoded
value is not removed in MV3 #3014. - Cosmetic rules injecting into
iframes in MV2. - Shortened name translation in
locale #3075. - Allowlisted stealth rules are not shown in the filtering log #2950.
incorrectly removes parameters from encoded URLs #3076.- Update extension icon on engine update.
- Closing rule limits warning updates the extension icon for MV3.
- Blocked counter on the popup updates for blocked requests from other tabs #3050.
modifiers cause document blocking #3012.- Don't show lines for absent metadata when adding a custom filter #3057.
- Filtering log does not observe tab changes, openings, or closings.
- Scriptlets and scripts are executed too late on website reload or navigation in MV2 #2855.
- Do not inject cosmetic rules into the Assistant frame in MV3.
- Storage classes, because they were moved to the
5.0.188 - 2025-02-05
- Scriptlet rules are not limited to ones from the pre-built filters.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.4.0-alpha.11.
- AdGuard Quick Fixes filter.
- Custom filters are not available temporarily.
5.0.185 - 2025-01-22
- AdGuard Quick Fixes filter is back.
- Scriptlet rules are available only from the pre-built filters now.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.4.0-alpha.10.
- Injection of remotely hosted scripts.
5.0.183 - 2025-01-14
- AdGuard Quick Fixes filter.
- Filters metadata update on the extension install.
5.0.178 - 2024-12-24
- Remade JS rules injections in MV3:
- use
API for injecting functions for script rules from the pre-built filters, - use script tag injection only for script rules manually added by users — rules from User rules and Custom filters.
- use
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.4.0-alpha.8.
- Ability to execute new
script rules from User rules and Custom filters in MV3.
4.4.48 - 2024-11-25
- Send
during issues reporting for MV2.
- Updated @adguard/agtree to v2.1.3.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v3.0.7.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.0.7.
- Optimized performance of parsing uBlock filter parameters #2962.
fails to match encoded URL params in MV2 #3015.- Memory leak caused by multiple script injections on the same pages after an event page in Firefox restarts in MV2 #2594.
5.0.170 - 2024-10-30
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.4.0-alpha.7.
- Memory leak caused by multiple script injections on the same pages after a service worker or event page restart in MV3 #2594.
5.0.162 - 2024-10-30
- Send
during issues reporting for MV3.
5.0.159 - 2024-10-23
- Updated @adguard/logger to v1.1.1.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v3.1.0-alpha.7.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.4.0-alpha.6.
- Correct import of
. - Excluding request types causes document blocking #2992.
- Selecting a single
filtering log event selects all$permissions
4.4.39 - 2024-10-21
- Updated @adguard/logger to v1.1.1.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.0.4.
- User rules scanning breaks extension popup #2989.
- Selecting a single
filtering log event selects all$permissions
5.0.138 - 2024-10-10
- Updated @adguard/logger to v1.1.0.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v3.1.0-alpha.6.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.4.0-alpha.3.
- Use MV3-specific filters in Edge browser if MV3 extension is installed #2985.
- Unable to add AdGuard Quick Fixes filter in MS Edge #2963.
- Cosmetic rules are not applied sometimes or are applied also to wrong domain #2984.
- JS rules are blocked by Trusted Types on some websites #2980.
- MV3 extension cannot apply rules to about:blank iframes #2975.
- Scriptlets logging does not work #2977.
- Content-type matching of
rules #2954.
5.0.128 - 2024-10-04
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.12.1.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v3.1.0-alpha.5.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.3.0-alpha.1.
4.4.30 - 2024-10-02
- Updated @adguard/agtree to v2.1.2.
- Updated @adguard/logger to v1.0.2.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.12.1.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v3.0.5.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.0.3.
- The exception
filter rule is not working properly #2912. - Scriptlets exclusion matching is not working properly for rules with arguments #2947.
5.0.112 - 2024-09-27
- Disabled option in tracking protection for hiding search queries #2969.
5.0.97 - 2024-09-23
- The list of custom filters is passed to ReportsWebApp even if the Custom group is disabled #2951.
- The extension stopped working because of intersection of dynamic rules IDs #2953.
5.0.91 - 2024-09-19
The extension is now fully compatible with MV3.
4.4.22 - 2024-08-30
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v3.0.1.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.0.1.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.11.16.
- Negated domains in the
modifier are not working as expected #2910. - Redirect rule blocks request in the Spotify player instead of redirecting #2913.
4.4.18 - 2024-08-19
for storing data via IndexedDB with fallback
.- Syntax highlighting for
modifier in the rule editor. - @adguard/agtree for working with rules tree.
- Exported settings file name to standardized way to make it consistent with other AdGuard products #2607.
- Filter lists are now stored in a pre-processed format, which makes the engine start more efficiently, since the engine does not need to convert or parse the rules.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v2.0.0.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v3.0.0.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.11.6.
- Filtering log gets refreshed when navigating yandex maps #2519.
- Filtering log is broken by
#2598. - Style filter is applied, but scriptlet filter is not in Firefox #2782.
- Missing info on custom filters when reporting issues #2793.
- Some filters are not updated when enabled #2818.
- Can't set notifications viewed.
- Console errors on the background page when opening
. $permissions
rules are not shown in the filtering log.- Extension's action icon flickering on tab change.
- Filters auto updates not refreshing
last updated date
field #2726. - Extension's action icon flickering on tab change.
4.3.64 - 2024-07-10
- Popup menu does not open in Firefox Nightly #2817.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v1.0.24.
- Do not throw an error during cookie setting if a cookie domain mismatches a request URL #2683.
- Script rules are not applied in Firefox due to CSP #1733.
4.3.46 - 2024-04-08
- @adguard/logger for logging messages.
- Raw filters are stored as strings.
- Updated @adguard/filters-downloader to v2.2.0.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v2.2.18.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v1.0.22.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.10.25.
- The install process stops if filters.js is unreachable #2761.
- Do not fetch diff updates until the next full update, if some fatal error occurred during the last update #2717.
- Check filter checksum after it was downloaded #2681.
- Assistant iframe styles are affected by cosmetic rules specific for websites #1848.
- Applying of modifiers
#2620, #2728. - Update recommended filters on enabling group of filters and on locale detection #2714.
4.3.35 - 2024-03-28
- Update notification leading to release notes when on beta #2682.
- The filters revert to the pre-installed ones when importing settings #2735.
4.3.31 - 2024-03-11
- Check diff updates once in a hour.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v1.0.16.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v2.2.15.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.10.1.
- Memory leak with parsed tags from filter rules.
- Applying of
modifier rules #2620. - Settings fail to open on the very first attempt #2712.
- All groups and filters are disabled after installation #2713.
- Custom filter adding modal #2715.
- Send
during issues reporting #2721. $popup
modifier block other types of resources #2723.$popup
should not disable simple blocking rule #2728.
4.3.14 - 2024-06-02
4.3.13 - 2024-01-30
- Added Edge and Opera dev build.
- Detecting dangerous rules.
- Not all Custom filters shown #2693.
4.3.10 - 2024-01-20
- Automatic filters update does not work in mobile browsers #2423.
- Updated @adguard/filters-downloader to v2.0.7.
4.3.4 - 2024-01-16
- Getting user consent on annoyances filter enabling.
- Fixed compatibility for minimum supported versions #2661.
- Filters group not opening if some text is selected on the page #2662.
- Download and apply differential updates #2586.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v1.0.8.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v2.2.9.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.9.105.
- Updated @adguard/filters-downloader to v2.0.4.
4.2.240 - 2023-12-15
- Info about
versions to the options page's About tab #2237.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v1.0.5.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v2.2.8.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.9.101.
rules break encoding on some websites #2249.- TSUrlFilter library loading by Fullscreen User Rules Editor #2412.
- Displaying of Stealth Mode modified cookie rules in Filtering log as "Modified". #2512.
- Highlighting of
#2609. - Scriptlets logging in browser console only if Filtering log is opened #2584.
- Filters updating notification styles #2309.
4.2.228 - 2023-11-27
- Logging of cosmetic rules applying.
4.2.226 - 2023-11-22
- Macedonian language support #2574.
- Remove "AdGuard settings..." from context menu on options.html #2258.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v0.4.6.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v2.2.6.
- Updated @adguard/filters-downloader to v1.1.23.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.9.96.
- Filtering log not opening on Firefox for Android #2563.
- Firefox Mobile not being correctly picked on a
Report an issue
page 2250. - Filtering log crash on blocking requests, which were already allowlisted from applying
rules #2534. - Do not use
localized metadata forzh-TW
browser language #2504. - Collect logs only when filtering log is open #2544.
- Cannot add a custom filter list with a .php URL #1723.
4.2.209 - 2023-11-01
- Resync event listeners after background page wakes up.
4.2.208 - 2023-10-23
- Send
during issues reporting #2535.
- Updated @adguard/filters-downloader to v1.1.20.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v0.4.1.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v2.2.1.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.9.72.
- Removed gutter of tab buttons on extension's settings page #2198.
- Rule patterns and options not being clickable in rule wizard of filtering log #2204.
4.2.189 - 2023-10-09
- Fixed stealth mode toggle not triggering configuration reload.
directive modifying for response headers #2068.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v0.3.21.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v2.1.12.
- Slow enabling of recommended filters on first group activation #2431.
- User rules not filtering duplicates on importing #2446.
- Rule wizard bug with advanced modifier rules #2456.
- Translation language detection for Filter download page #2430
- Do not block a tab loading by
modifier rule on direct url navigation #2449. - Filtering log focus on the active tab #2482.
- Displaying of applied Stealth Mode options in filtering log request details #2455.
- Updating of tab title in Filtering log's Tab selector #2428.
- Displaying of Stealth Mode cookie filtering log events as applied by Stealth Mode #2487.
- Csp rules breaking rule wizard on unblocking #2448.
- AdGuard v4.2.168 is not working in the Firefox after update #2501.
4.2.168 - 2023-09-07
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v2.1.11.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v0.3.16.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.9.72.
- Extension started downloading filters too often.
- Custom filters names not displaying if added while filtering log is open.
- Do not inject content scripts to the chrome web store pages on extension initialization.
- Blocked CSP reports are not filtered by "Blocked" in the filtering log.
- Redirects are not included into tab's blocked requests count #2443.
4.2.162 - 2023-08-28
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v2.1.10.
- Updated @adguard/tswebextension to v0.3.11.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.9.70.
- Custom filters names not being displayed if added while filtering log is open.
- Do not inject content scripts to the chrome web store pages on extension initialization.
4.2.151 - 2023-08-11
- @adguard/tswebextension MV2 integration.
- Moved Adguard API to separate package — @adguard/api.
- Updated @adguard/tsurlfilter to v2.1.7.
- Updated @adguard/scriptlets to v1.9.62.