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111 lines (66 loc) · 4.56 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (66 loc) · 4.56 KB


牛子小助手 (DickHelper)

React TypeScript Vite Material-UI

在线演示 | Online Demo

🔗 演示demo:牛子小助手Demo

⚠️ 注意事项:

  • 这只是一个演示站点,不保证长期可用性和数据持久性
  • 数据存储是基于域名的,即不同域名下的数据是相互独立的
  • 建议自行部署使用,以确保可用性

特点 | Features

  • 🔒 数据安全: 所有数据完全存储在本地,无需担心隐私泄露

    • All data is stored locally, no privacy concerns
  • 📊 数据可视化: 直观的图表展示统计信息

    • Intuitive charts for statistical information
  • 📱 响应式设计: 支持各种设备尺寸

    • Responsive design for various device sizes
  • 🌐 无需后端: 纯前端应用,无需服务器

    • Frontend-only application, no backend required

本地部署 | Local Deployment


If you want to run this project locally, follow these steps:

# 克隆项目 | Clone the repository
git clone

# 进入项目目录 | Enter the project directory
cd GoodDick

# 安装依赖 | Install dependencies
npm install

# 启动开发服务器 | Start development server
npm run dev

云端部署 | Cloud Deployment


This is a frontend-only application that can be easily deployed to various static site hosting platforms.


  1. 在 GitHub上Fork本仓库

    Fork the repository on GitHub

  2. 登录 Vercel

    Login to Vercel

  3. 点击 "New Project" 并导入你的 GitHub 仓库

    Click "New Project" and import your GitHub repository

  4. 保持默认配置即可,Vercel 会自动检测 Vite 项目

    Keep the default configuration, Vercel will automatically detect Vite project

  5. 点击 "Deploy"

    Click "Deploy"


After the program is deployed, Vercel will provide an accessible domain name. The default domain name is usually not accessible in mainland China, and you can solve this problem by binding your own domain name.

技术栈 | Tech Stack

  • React 19.0.0
  • TypeScript 5.7.2
  • Vite 6.1.0
  • Material-UI 6.4.5
  • Chart.js 4.4.7

隐私说明 | Privacy Statement


This project is built using pure front-end technology. By default, all data will be saved in your browser according to the domain name. Without your permission, we will not collect or use any of your information. In future development, some features may require internet access and data upload. Before that, we will seek your consent. If you refuse to upload data, you will not be able to access a few features, but this will not affect your normal use of the program in any way.

项目维护说明 | Maintenance Statement

⚠️ 请注意:本项目由AI工具Trae编写,原作者可能没有持续维护的能力。欢迎社区贡献者参与改进。

⚠️ Note: This project was written by AI tool Trae, and the original author may not have the ability to maintain it continuously. Community contributors are welcome to participate in improvements.

许可证 | License

GPL-3.0(GNU General Public License v3.0)

Star History

Star History Chart