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Creating Pre/Releases For A Model Deployment Repository

This model deployment repository makes use of the spack build and deployment functionality enabled by the access-nri/build-cd repository.

This allows automated Release and Prerelease spack builds of climate models, informed by this repository's spack.yaml file and config directory.

In a nutshell, the commits on Pull Requests to this model deployment repository generate isolated Prerelease builds of a climate model on HPCs. When these are merged, an official Release build is created.

This document contains help on how to create PRs specific to model deployment repositories, an example of this in action, and the comment commands available to this repository.

The spack.yaml File

The spack.yaml file at the root of the repository is a file understood by spack. It constrains the versions and features (variants) of dependencies required to build a given climate model. It is a set of abstract constraints that are concretized into a single set of dependencies at build time, creating a spack.lock file.

It is similar to npm's package.json/package.lock files.

More information on the spack.yaml file itself can be found on ACCESS-NRI's devdocs.

The config Directory

The config directory at the root of this repository contains a single versions.json file, which allows customisation of both the version of access-nri/spack that the model will be deployed on, as well as the version of access-nri/spack-packages that will source the ACCESS-NRI spack packages recipes.

Changing the Model via Pull Request (PR)

  1. The first step is to create a branch from the model deployment repository's main branch.
  2. Modifications can be made to the spack.yaml/config/versions.json files as applicable - update versions of packages, add variants, etc.
  3. Once a commit has been made that you want to build, open a PR into main in the model deployment repository, and the CI/CD infrastructure will attempt to build.
    • If there are CI errors in the build, they will be reported via GitHubs Pull Request Checks. More information on them is available by clicking the failing test.
    • If the CI checks succeed, a bot will comment on what is being deployed on the open pull request.
    • Finally, GitHubs Environment Deployment dialogue will show on the Pull Request as a yellow 'In Progress' label. Once it shows a green 'Active' (or grey 'Inactive') deployment, you can use the modules specified in the above comment - they should look something like MODEL/prX-Y for the MODEL's Xth PR and Yth deployment.
  4. Further commits can be pushed onto the Pull Request branch to create more builds, without removing the earlier ones, allowing side-by-side testing. For example, adding an extra commit will allow use of the module MODEL/prX-(Y+1) once it's deployed.
  5. When the Pull Request is closed, whether it is merged or not, the Prereleases will be removed, but can be recreated by installing the spack.yaml/spack.lock artifact at the specified commit on your own instance, or by creating a new Pull Request.
  6. If the Pull Request is merged, it will create an official ACCESS-NRI released build of the given model, with an associated GitHub Release.

Modifications To The spack.yaml File

Below are some real-world examples of how to modify the spack.yaml file.

Example Modification Workflow of ACCESS-OM2's MOM5 Package

In this example, we are using the ACCESS-OM2 deployment repository's spack.yaml from this commit. We are also modifying one of ACCESS-OM2's model components, namely ACCESS-NRI/MOM5. This model component is available in our ACCESS-NRI/spack-packages as the package mom5.

  1. Clone and make modifications to the model component ACCESS-NRI/MOM5, In this case, the modifications we want to include are on the branch development. Tags can also be used.

  2. Create a branch in the model deployment repository ACCESS-NRI/ACCESS-OM2 - such as update_mom5_dev_build.

  3. Make modifications to the spack.yaml file - an example diff is below:

    • Firstly, bump the version of the overall deployment. This version encompasses all changes done in a spack.yaml, in the form CALVER_YEAR.CALVER_MONTH.MINOR. Note that if the PR is created as a Draft, there is no need to bump the overall model version as it is assumed to be a test build:

      • Since this is a minor change, just bump the minor version. Hence, it is updated to @git.2024.03.1.
      • When that version is bumped, the associated module projection also needs to be updated to {name}/2024.03.1 as well.
    • Secondly, update the version of the mom5 package that was updated earlier, to the development branch set in the model component repository:

      • Update the version of the mom5 package to @git.development.
      • Also update the associated module projection to {name}/VERSION-{hash:7} - in this case, {name}/development-{hash:7}. The {hash:7} is used so the module doesn't conflict with other versions.
    • The end result should be something like this (note this is a unified diff showing the original and changes that were required):

         # add package specs to the `specs` list
      -       - access-om2@git.2024.03.0
      +       - access-om2@git.2024.03.1
            # ...
      -         - '@git.2023.11.09'
      +         - '@git.development'
            # ...
         # ...
                  # ...
      -               access-om2: '{name}/2024.03.0'
      +               access-om2: '{name}/2024.03.1'
                     # ...
      -               mom5: '{name}/2023.11.09-{hash:7}'
      +               mom5: '{name}/development-{hash:7}'
                     # ...
  4. Now that the modifications are complete, commit the changes and open a Pull Request in ACCESS-NRI/ACCESS-OM2 into main, even if it's just a dev build.

  5. The CI/CD kicks off, and a comment is added by github-actions[bot] saying that the build is deploying, and once the deployment is 'Active', the module specified in the comment is available on the HPC and is module use/loadable. Excellent!

  6. If there are any other changes required in that PR, simply commit changes to the spack.yaml to do a rebuild. For example, if one does more changes to the MOM5 development branch that need to be incorporated, add in a comment to the spack.yaml noting the changes, and commit it.

NOTE: If required, when making modifications, verify that the versions of spack and spack-packages in config/versions.json are as required by use-case.


Comment Commands

The CI/CD pipeline can also take action based on "Comment Commands", which is a ChatOps-style interface for doing certain actions during a Pull Request.


Comment commands must be the start of the comment, and contain no leading spaces

The following Comment Commands are available in model deployment repositories, at a certain version of the CI infrastructure:

!bump (since @v1)


Requires commenters to have at least repo:write on the repository.

!bump [major|minor]

Convenience function that bumps the spack.yaml model version (of the form YEAR.MONTH.MINOR, where YEAR.MONTH is considered the MAJOR portion) and commits the result to the PR branch.

!bump major bumps the model version to the next major version, which is of the form CURRENT_YEAR.CURRENT_MONTH.0. For example, 2024.06.1 -> 2025.01.0 if it is bumped in January 2025. If the CURRENT_YEAR.CURRENT_MONTH portion is already taken, it is bumped to the next available month.

!bump minor bumps the model version to the next minor version, which is of the form YEAR.MONTH.(X+1). For example, 2025.01.0 -> 2025.01.1.

!redeploy (since @v2)


Requires commenters to have at least repo:write on the repository.


Convenience function that deploys the current HEAD of the PR branch again.

This is most useful for models that are using @git.BRANCH references for versions of model dependencies.


It is up to the user to make sure that modifications have actually been pushed to the branch(es) referenced in the spack.yaml before doing a !redeploy - it will not check for this, and will simply redeploy the same changes if no changes are made

For example, say you have done the modifications from the above mom5 example, and it has deployed.

If you make further modifications to the mom5 packages development branch (meaning it has a new HEAD), you would need the CI in the model deployment repository to run again to pick up the new HEAD of the mom5 development branch.

To redeploy the model with all the current changes in the mom5 repository, comment !redeploy. This forces the CI/CD job to re-run and the redeployment will exist as a separate environment and module to the original deployment.

This is a convenience function. Without this you would need to create a new commit to the pull request to force the CI/CD to run.

Backporting Bugfixes

The main branch is used as a place for the most recent model changes, but there also needs to be a way to backport bugfixes to earlier major versions of the model.

This is the use-case for dedicated backport/*.* branches for bugfixes and additions to past versions of the model. For example, say there exists a 2024.01.1 version of a model on main, which needs a backported bugfix.

A developer should:

  • Branch off that commit with a backport/2024.01 branch (if it doesn't already exist)
  • Open a PR off the backport/2024.01 branch with the fixes, and when it is merged, will be tagged with 2024.01.2 on the backport/2024.01 branch.