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2AUK edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the pyRISM wiki!

The wiki will show you how to install, use and set up a minimal workflow for RISM calculations with pyRISM.

Installing pyRISM

Clone the repository: git clone

Then cd into the cloned directory and build the code: pip install -r requirements.txt .

Or if you want to install it in development mode: pip install -r requirements.txt -e .

Using pyRISM

On the Command Line

pyRISM can be used as a CLI tool with the command pyrism: pyRISM [INPUT.toml] -w [all|duv]

pyRISM will silently run a calculation. Passing all to the -w flag will output all results from pyRISM (the solvent-solvent and solute-solute correlation functions and the solvation free energy density). -w duv only outputs the solvation free energy density.

If you want pyRISM to output some system and iteration information, the verbosity flag can be be passed as such: pyRISM [INPUT.toml] -v -w [all|duv]

As a Library

Currently, the API for pyRISM is very minimal (this will change in the future). A simple calculation can be run from a python script as such:

from pyrism import RismController

mol = RismController("input.toml")
mol.do_rism() # or mol.do_rism(verbose=True) if you want system and iteration information
mol.write_output() # or mol.write_output(duv_only=True) if you only want to output the solvation free energy density

Once the RISM problem as been solved, the converged solutions can be accessed with the data_vv and data_uv (if a solute-solvent problem was defined) fields:

mol.data_vv.c # the direct correlation function for the solvent-solvent problem
mol.data_uv.t # the indirect correlation function for the solute-solvent problem (if available)

The following fields are available to the data_vv and data_uv classes:

Field Meaning
data_vv.c Direct Correlation Function
data_vv.t Indirect Correlation Function
data_vv.h Total Correlation Function
data_vv.g Radial Distribution Function
data_vv.w Intramolecular Correlation Function
data_vv.p Densities Matrix (not available for data_uv due to infinite dilution approximation)
data_vv.u Total Potential Energy
data_vv.u_sr Short-range Potential Energy
data_vv.ur_lr Long-range Potential Energy in Real Space
data_vv.uk_lr Long-range Potential Energy in Fourier Space
data_vv.B Thermodynamic Beta
data_vv.grid.npts Number of Point on Grid
data_vv.grid.radius Radius over which RISM problem is solved (in Angstroms)
data_vv.grid.ri Real Space Grid (npts in size) Fourier Space Grid (npts in size)
data_vv.grid.d_r Real Space Grid Spacing
data_vv.grid.d_k Fourier Space Grid Spacing
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