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{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0000.wav", "duration": 10.435, "text": "he hoped there would be stew for dinner turnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat mutton pieces to be ladled out in thick peppered flour fattened sauce"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0001.wav", "duration": 3.275, "text": "stuff it into you his belly counselled him"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0002.wav", "duration": 6.625, "text": "after early nightfall the yellow lamps would light up here and there the squalid quarter of the brothels"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0003.wav", "duration": 2.68, "text": "hello bertie any good in your mind"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0004.wav", "duration": 5.2150625, "text": "number ten fresh nelly is waiting on you good night husband"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0005.wav", "duration": 9.635, "text": "the music came nearer and he recalled the words the words of shelley's fragment upon the moon wandering companionless pale for weariness"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0006.wav", "duration": 10.555, "text": "the dull light fell more faintly upon the page whereon another equation began to unfold itself slowly and to spread abroad its widening tail"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0007.wav", "duration": 4.275, "text": "a cold lucid indifference reigned in his soul"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0008.wav", "duration": 6.73, "text": "the chaos in which his ardour extinguished itself was a cold indifferent knowledge of himself"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0009.wav", "duration": 10.575, "text": "at most by an alms given to a beggar whose blessing he fled from he might hope wearily to win for himself some measure of actual grace"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0010.wav", "duration": 4.405, "text": "well now ennis i declare you have a head and so has my stick"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0011.wav", "duration": 12.445, "text": "on saturday mornings when the sodality met in the chapel to recite the little office his place was a cushioned kneeling desk at the right of the altar from which he led his wing of boys through the responses"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0012.wav", "duration": 11.64, "text": "her eyes seemed to regard him with mild pity her holiness a strange light glowing faintly upon her frail flesh did not humiliate the sinner who approached her"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0013.wav", "duration": 7.915, "text": "if ever he was impelled to cast sin from him and to repent the impulse that moved him was the wish to be her knight"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0014.wav", "duration": 20.025, "text": "he tried to think how it could be"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0015.wav", "duration": 5.815, "text": "but the dusk deepening in the schoolroom covered over his thoughts the bell rang"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0016.wav", "duration": 3.54, "text": "then you can ask him questions on the catechism dedalus"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0017.wav", "duration": 8.87, "text": "stephen leaning back and drawing idly on his scribbler listened to the talk about him which heron checked from time to time by saying"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0018.wav", "duration": 15.72, "text": "it was strange too that he found an arid pleasure in following up to the end the rigid lines of the doctrines of the church and penetrating into obscure silences only to hear and feel the more deeply his own condemnation"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0019.wav", "duration": 13.895, "text": "the sentence of saint james which says that he who offends against one commandment becomes guilty of all had seemed to him first a swollen phrase until he had begun to grope in the darkness of his own state"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0020.wav", "duration": 16.79, "text": "if a man had stolen a pound in his youth and had used that pound to amass a huge fortune how much was he obliged to give back the pound he had stolen only or the pound together with the compound interest accruing upon it or all his huge fortune"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0021.wav", "duration": 6.55, "text": "if a layman in giving baptism pour the water before saying the words is the child baptized"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0022.wav", "duration": 11.175, "text": "how comes it that while the first beatitude promises the kingdom of heaven to the poor of heart the second beatitude promises also to the meek that they shall possess the land"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0023.wav", "duration": 13.275, "text": "why was the sacrament of the eucharist instituted under the two species of bread and wine if jesus christ be present body and blood soul and divinity in the bread alone and in the wine alone"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0024.wav", "duration": 11.655, "text": "if the wine change into vinegar and the host crumble into corruption after they have been consecrated is jesus christ still present under their species as god and as man"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0025.wav", "duration": 6.61, "text": "a gentle kick from the tall boy in the bench behind urged stephen to ask a difficult question"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0026.wav", "duration": 4.01, "text": "the rector did not ask for a catechism to hear the lesson from"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0027.wav", "duration": 2.71, "text": "he clasped his hands on the desk and said"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0028.wav", "duration": 7.83, "text": "the retreat will begin on wednesday afternoon in honour of saint francis xavier whose feast day is saturday"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0029.wav", "duration": 4.67, "text": "on friday confession will be heard all the afternoon after beads"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0030.wav", "duration": 2.715, "text": "beware of making that mistake"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0031.wav", "duration": 6.615, "text": "stephen's heart began slowly to fold and fade with fear like a withering flower"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0032.wav", "duration": 4.09, "text": "he is called as you know the apostle of the indies"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0033.wav", "duration": 3.33, "text": "a great saint saint francis xavier"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0034.wav", "duration": 5.81, "text": "the rector paused and then shaking his clasped hands before him went on"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0035.wav", "duration": 3.445, "text": "he had the faith in him that moves mountains"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0036.wav", "duration": 3.25, "text": "a great saint saint francis xavier"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134686\\1089-134686-0037.wav", "duration": 5.21, "text": "in the silence their dark fire kindled the dusk into a tawny glow"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0000.wav", "duration": 18.765, "text": "he could wait no longer"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0001.wav", "duration": 5.415, "text": "for a full hour he had paced up and down waiting but he could wait no longer"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0002.wav", "duration": 11.6, "text": "he set off abruptly for the bull walking rapidly lest his father's shrill whistle might call him back and in a few moments he had rounded the curve at the police barrack and was safe"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0003.wav", "duration": 19.575, "text": "the university"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0004.wav", "duration": 5.1750625, "text": "pride after satisfaction uplifted him like long slow waves"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0005.wav", "duration": 5.36, "text": "whose feet are as the feet of harts and underneath the everlasting arms"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0006.wav", "duration": 5.895, "text": "the pride of that dim image brought back to his mind the dignity of the office he had refused"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0007.wav", "duration": 3.44, "text": "soon the whole bridge was trembling and resounding"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0008.wav", "duration": 14.985, "text": "the uncouth faces passed him two by two stained yellow or red or livid by the sea and as he strove to look at them with ease and indifference a faint stain of personal shame and commiseration rose to his own face"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0009.wav", "duration": 20.055, "text": "angry with himself he tried to hide his face from their eyes by gazing down sideways into the shallow swirling water under the bridge but he still saw a reflection therein of their top heavy silk hats and humble tape like collars and loosely hanging clerical clothes brother hickey"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0010.wav", "duration": 3.195, "text": "brother mac ardle brother keogh"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0011.wav", "duration": 20.01, "text": "their piety would be like their names like their faces like their clothes and it was idle for him to tell himself that their humble and contrite hearts it might be paid a far richer tribute of devotion than his had ever been a gift tenfold more acceptable than his elaborate adoration"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0012.wav", "duration": 15.03, "text": "it was idle for him to move himself to be generous towards them to tell himself that if he ever came to their gates stripped of his pride beaten and in beggar's weeds that they would be generous towards him loving him as themselves"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0013.wav", "duration": 16.33, "text": "idle and embittering finally to argue against his own dispassionate certitude that the commandment of love bade us not to love our neighbour as ourselves with the same amount and intensity of love but to love him as ourselves with the same kind of love"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0014.wav", "duration": 4.755, "text": "the phrase and the day and the scene harmonized in a chord"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0015.wav", "duration": 3.395, "text": "words was it their colours"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0016.wav", "duration": 9.06, "text": "they were voyaging across the deserts of the sky a host of nomads on the march voyaging high over ireland westward bound"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0017.wav", "duration": 11.695, "text": "the europe they had come from lay out there beyond the irish sea europe of strange tongues and valleyed and woodbegirt and citadelled and of entrenched and marshalled races"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0018.wav", "duration": 3.09, "text": "again again"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0019.wav", "duration": 3.155, "text": "a voice from beyond the world was calling"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0020.wav", "duration": 3.99, "text": "hello stephanos here comes the dedalus"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0021.wav", "duration": 13.37, "text": "their diving stone poised on its rude supports and rocking under their plunges and the rough hewn stones of the sloping breakwater over which they scrambled in their horseplay gleamed with cold wet lustre"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0022.wav", "duration": 5.635, "text": "he stood still in deference to their calls and parried their banter with easy words"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0023.wav", "duration": 7.735, "text": "it was a pain to see them and a sword like pain to see the signs of adolescence that made repellent their pitiable nakedness"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0024.wav", "duration": 19.935, "text": "stephanos dedalos"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1089\\134691\\1089-134691-0025.wav", "duration": 8.005, "text": "a moment before the ghost of the ancient kingdom of the danes had looked forth through the vesture of the hazewrapped city"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0000.wav", "duration": 10.725, "text": "you will find me continually speaking of four men titian holbein turner and tintoret in almost the same terms"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0001.wav", "duration": 9.04, "text": "they unite every quality and sometimes you will find me referring to them as colorists sometimes as chiaroscurists"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0002.wav", "duration": 17.96, "text": "by being studious of color they are studious of division and while the chiaroscurist devotes himself to the representation of degrees of force in one thing unseparated light the colorists have for their function the attainment of beauty by arrangement of the divisions of light"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0003.wav", "duration": 12.61, "text": "my first and principal reason was that they enforced beyond all resistance on any student who might attempt to copy them this method of laying portions of distinct hue side by side"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0004.wav", "duration": 10.65, "text": "some of the touches indeed when the tint has been mixed with much water have been laid in little drops or ponds so that the pigment might crystallize hard at the edge"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0005.wav", "duration": 8.56, "text": "it is the head of a parrot with a little flower in his beak from a picture of carpaccio's one of his series of the life of saint george"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0006.wav", "duration": 2.4, "text": "then he comes to the beak of it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0007.wav", "duration": 14.24, "text": "the brown ground beneath is left for the most part one touch of black is put for the hollow two delicate lines of dark gray define the outer curve and one little quivering touch of white draws the inner edge of the mandible"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0008.wav", "duration": 20.755, "text": "for believe me the final philosophy of art can only ratify their opinion that the beauty of a cock robin is to be red and of a grass plot to be green and the best skill of art is in instantly seizing on the manifold deliciousness of light which you can only seize by precision of instantaneous touch"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0009.wav", "duration": 23.06, "text": "now you will see in these studies that the moment the white is inclosed properly and harmonized with the other hues it becomes somehow more precious and pearly than the white paper and that i am not afraid to leave a whole field of untreated white paper all round it being sure that even the little diamonds in the round window will tell as jewels if they are gradated justly"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0010.wav", "duration": 6.095, "text": "but in this vignette copied from turner you have the two principles brought out perfectly"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0011.wav", "duration": 15.19, "text": "they are beyond all other works that i know existing dependent for their effect on low subdued tones their favorite choice in time of day being either dawn or twilight and even their brightest sunsets produced chiefly out of gray paper"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0012.wav", "duration": 14.65, "text": "it may be that a great colorist will use his utmost force of color as a singer his full power of voice but loud or low the virtue is in both cases always in refinement never in loudness"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0013.wav", "duration": 3.02, "text": "it must remember be one or the other"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0014.wav", "duration": 4.39, "text": "do not therefore think that the gothic school is an easy one"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0015.wav", "duration": 16.085, "text": "the law of that school is that everything shall be seen clearly or at least only in such mist or faintness as shall be delightful and i have no doubt that the best introduction to it would be the elementary practice of painting every study on a golden ground"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0016.wav", "duration": 16.595, "text": "this at once compels you to understand that the work is to be imaginative and decorative that it represents beautiful things in the clearest way but not under existing conditions and that in fact you are producing jeweler's work rather than pictures"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0017.wav", "duration": 4.615, "text": "that a style is restrained or severe does not mean that it is also erroneous"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0018.wav", "duration": 11.5499375, "text": "in all early gothic art indeed you will find failure of this kind especially distortion and rigidity which are in many respects painfully to be compared with the splendid repose of classic art"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0019.wav", "duration": 13.93, "text": "the large letter contains indeed entirely feeble and ill drawn figures that is merely childish and failing work of an inferior hand it is not characteristic of gothic or any other school"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0020.wav", "duration": 10.26, "text": "but observe you can only do this on one condition that of striving also to create in reality the beauty which you seek in imagination"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0021.wav", "duration": 14.02, "text": "it will be wholly impossible for you to retain the tranquillity of temper and felicity of faith necessary for noble purist painting unless you are actively engaged in promoting the felicity and peace of practical life"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0022.wav", "duration": 9.63, "text": "you must look at him in the face fight him conquer him with what scathe you may you need not think to keep out of the way of him"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0023.wav", "duration": 23.67, "text": "the colorist says first of all as my delicious paroquet was ruby so this nasty viper shall be black and then is the question can i round him off even though he is black and make him slimy and yet springy and close down clotted like a pool of black blood on the earth all the same"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0024.wav", "duration": 15.24, "text": "nothing will be more precious to you i think in the practical study of art than the conviction which will force itself on you more and more every hour of the way all things are bound together little and great in spirit and in matter"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0025.wav", "duration": 7.45, "text": "you know i have just been telling you how this school of materialism and clay involved itself at last in cloud and fire"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0026.wav", "duration": 20.125, "text": "here is an equally typical greek school landscape by wilson lost wholly in golden mist the trees so slightly drawn that you don't know if they are trees or towers and no care for color whatever perfectly deceptive and marvelous effect of sunshine through the mist apollo and the python"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0027.wav", "duration": 11.245, "text": "now here is raphael exactly between the two trees still drawn leaf by leaf wholly formal but beautiful mist coming gradually into the distance"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0028.wav", "duration": 19.005, "text": "well then last here is turner's greek school of the highest class and you define his art absolutely as first the displaying intensely and with the sternest intellect of natural form as it is and then the envelopment of it with cloud and fire"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0029.wav", "duration": 3.705, "text": "only there are two sorts of cloud and fire"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0030.wav", "duration": 15.32, "text": "he knows them both"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0031.wav", "duration": 4.25, "text": "there's one and there's another the dudley and the flint"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0032.wav", "duration": 10.985, "text": "it is only a pencil outline by edward burne jones in illustration of the story of psyche it is the introduction of psyche after all her troubles into heaven"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0033.wav", "duration": 6.625, "text": "every plant in the grass is set formally grows perfectly and may be realized completely"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0034.wav", "duration": 20.905, "text": "exquisite order and universal with eternal life and light this is the faith and effort of the schools of crystal and you may describe and complete their work quite literally by taking any verses of chaucer in his tender mood and observing how he insists on the clearness and brightness first and then on the order"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0035.wav", "duration": 2.925, "text": "thus in chaucer's dream"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0036.wav", "duration": 7.97, "text": "in both these high mythical subjects the surrounding nature though suffering is still dignified and beautiful"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0037.wav", "duration": 14.51, "text": "every line in which the master traces it even where seemingly negligent is lovely and set down with a meditative calmness which makes these two etchings capable of being placed beside the most tranquil work of holbein or duerer"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0038.wav", "duration": 5.365, "text": "but now here is a subject of which you will wonder at first why turner drew it at all"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0039.wav", "duration": 6.625, "text": "it has no beauty whatsoever no specialty of picturesqueness and all its lines are cramped and poor"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0040.wav", "duration": 3.23, "text": "the crampness and the poverty are all intended"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0041.wav", "duration": 10.07, "text": "it is a gleaner bringing down her one sheaf of corn to an old watermill itself mossy and rent scarcely able to get its stones to turn"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0042.wav", "duration": 2.66, "text": "the scene is absolutely arcadian"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0043.wav", "duration": 4.885, "text": "see that your lives be in nothing worse than a boy's climbing for his entangled kite"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1188\\133604\\1188-133604-0044.wav", "duration": 18.545, "text": "it will be well for you if you join not with those who instead of kites fly falcons who instead of obeying the last words of the great cloud shepherd to feed his sheep live the lives how much less than vanity of the war wolf and the gier eagle"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0000.wav", "duration": 8.46, "text": "also a popular contrivance whereby love making may be suspended but not stopped during the picnic season"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0001.wav", "duration": 5.925, "text": "harangue the tiresome product of a tireless tongue"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0002.wav", "duration": 4.41, "text": "angor pain painful to hear"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0003.wav", "duration": 6.755, "text": "hay fever a heart trouble caused by falling in love with a grass widow"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0004.wav", "duration": 4.02, "text": "heaven a good place to be raised to"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0005.wav", "duration": 3.1, "text": "hedge a fence"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0006.wav", "duration": 3.895, "text": "heredity the cause of all our faults"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0007.wav", "duration": 6.73, "text": "horse sense a degree of wisdom that keeps one from betting on the races"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0008.wav", "duration": 4.99, "text": "hose man's excuse for wetting the walk"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0009.wav", "duration": 7.26, "text": "hotel a place where a guest often gives up good dollars for poor quarters"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0010.wav", "duration": 9.81, "text": "housecleaning a domestic upheaval that makes it easy for the government to enlist all the soldiers it needs"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0011.wav", "duration": 4.035, "text": "husband the next thing to a wife"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0012.wav", "duration": 4.045, "text": "hussy woman and bond tie"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0013.wav", "duration": 2.49, "text": "tied to a woman"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\121726\\121-121726-0014.wav", "duration": 3.165, "text": "hypocrite a horse dealer"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\123852\\121-123852-0000.wav", "duration": 17.695, "text": "those pretty wrongs that liberty commits when i am sometime absent from thy heart thy beauty and thy years full well befits for still temptation follows where thou art"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\123852\\121-123852-0001.wav", "duration": 14.96, "text": "ay me"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\123852\\121-123852-0002.wav", "duration": 17.285, "text": "no matter then although my foot did stand upon the farthest earth remov'd from thee for nimble thought can jump both sea and land as soon as think the place where he would be but ah"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\123852\\121-123852-0003.wav", "duration": 23.505, "text": "thought kills me that i am not thought to leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone but that so much of earth and water wrought i must attend time's leisure with my moan receiving nought by elements so slow but heavy tears badges of either's woe"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\123852\\121-123852-0004.wav", "duration": 16.29, "text": "my heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie a closet never pierc'd with crystal eyes but the defendant doth that plea deny and says in him thy fair appearance lies"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\123859\\121-123859-0000.wav", "duration": 17.39, "text": "you are my all the world and i must strive to know my shames and praises from your tongue none else to me nor i to none alive that my steel'd sense or changes right or wrong"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\123859\\121-123859-0001.wav", "duration": 25.395, "text": "o tis the first tis flattery in my seeing and my great mind most kingly drinks it up mine eye well knows what with his gust is greeing and to his palate doth prepare the cup if it be poison'd tis the lesser sin that mine eye loves it and doth first begin"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\123859\\121-123859-0002.wav", "duration": 30.04, "text": "but reckoning time whose million'd accidents creep in twixt vows and change decrees of kings tan sacred beauty blunt the sharp'st intents divert strong minds to the course of altering things alas why fearing of time's tyranny might i not then say now i love you best when i was certain o'er incertainty crowning the present doubting of the rest"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\123859\\121-123859-0003.wav", "duration": 10.825, "text": "love is a babe then might i not say so to give full growth to that which still doth grow"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\123859\\121-123859-0004.wav", "duration": 9.505, "text": "so i return rebuk'd to my content and gain by ill thrice more than i have spent"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0000.wav", "duration": 9.875, "text": "it was this observation that drew from douglas not immediately but later in the evening a reply that had the interesting consequence to which i call attention"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0001.wav", "duration": 5.025, "text": "someone else told a story not particularly effective which i saw he was not following"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0002.wav", "duration": 7.495, "text": "cried one of the women he took no notice of her he looked at me but as if instead of me he saw what he spoke of"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0003.wav", "duration": 7.725, "text": "there was a unanimous groan at this and much reproach after which in his preoccupied way he explained"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0004.wav", "duration": 18.99, "text": "the story's written"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0005.wav", "duration": 5.82, "text": "i could write to my man and enclose the key he could send down the packet as he finds it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0006.wav", "duration": 4.725, "text": "the others resented postponement but it was just his scruples that charmed me"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0007.wav", "duration": 5.79, "text": "to this his answer was prompt oh thank god no and is the record yours"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0008.wav", "duration": 2.76, "text": "he hung fire again a woman's"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0009.wav", "duration": 20.61, "text": "she has been dead these twenty years"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0010.wav", "duration": 2.85, "text": "she sent me the pages in question before she died"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0011.wav", "duration": 5.78, "text": "she was the most agreeable woman i've ever known in her position she would have been worthy of any whatever"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0012.wav", "duration": 4.83, "text": "it wasn't simply that she said so but that i knew she hadn't i was sure i could see"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0013.wav", "duration": 5.895, "text": "you'll easily judge why when you hear because the thing had been such a scare he continued to fix me"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0014.wav", "duration": 20.295, "text": "you are acute"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0015.wav", "duration": 2.96, "text": "he quitted the fire and dropped back into his chair"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0016.wav", "duration": 16.24, "text": "probably not till the second post"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0017.wav", "duration": 2.695, "text": "it was almost the tone of hope everybody will stay"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0018.wav", "duration": 2.77, "text": "cried the ladies whose departure had been fixed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0019.wav", "duration": 3.525, "text": "missus griffin however expressed the need for a little more light"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0020.wav", "duration": 14.355, "text": "who was it she was in love with the story will tell i took upon myself to reply oh i can't wait for the story the story won't tell said douglas not in any literal vulgar way more's the pity then"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0021.wav", "duration": 16.0, "text": "won't you tell douglas"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0022.wav", "duration": 5.075, "text": "well if i don't know who she was in love with i know who he was"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0023.wav", "duration": 10.91, "text": "let me say here distinctly to have done with it that this narrative from an exact transcript of my own made much later is what i shall presently give"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0024.wav", "duration": 14.45, "text": "poor douglas before his death when it was in sight committed to me the manuscript that reached him on the third of these days and that on the same spot with immense effect he began to read to our hushed little circle on the night of the fourth"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0025.wav", "duration": 16.065, "text": "the departing ladies who had said they would stay didn't of course thank heaven stay they departed in consequence of arrangements made in a rage of curiosity as they professed produced by the touches with which he had already worked us up"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0026.wav", "duration": 7.53, "text": "the first of these touches conveyed that the written statement took up the tale at a point after it had in a manner begun"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0027.wav", "duration": 13.87, "text": "he had for his own town residence a big house filled with the spoils of travel and the trophies of the chase but it was to his country home an old family place in essex that he wished her immediately to proceed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0028.wav", "duration": 6.75, "text": "the awkward thing was that they had practically no other relations and that his own affairs took up all his time"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0029.wav", "duration": 7.31, "text": "there were plenty of people to help but of course the young lady who should go down as governess would be in supreme authority"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0030.wav", "duration": 19.575, "text": "i don't anticipate"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0031.wav", "duration": 10.765, "text": "she was young untried nervous it was a vision of serious duties and little company of really great loneliness"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0032.wav", "duration": 3.17, "text": "yes but that's just the beauty of her passion"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0033.wav", "duration": 21.195, "text": "it was the beauty of it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0034.wav", "duration": 7.41, "text": "it sounded dull it sounded strange and all the more so because of his main condition which was"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0035.wav", "duration": 14.15, "text": "she promised to do this and she mentioned to me that when for a moment disburdened delighted he held her hand thanking her for the sacrifice she already felt rewarded"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/121\\127105\\121-127105-0036.wav", "duration": 4.15, "text": "but was that all her reward one of the ladies asked"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0000.wav", "duration": 12.435, "text": "how strange it seemed to the sad woman as she watched the growth and the beauty that became every day more brilliant and the intelligence that threw its quivering sunshine over the tiny features of this child"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0001.wav", "duration": 16.715, "text": "god as a direct consequence of the sin which man thus punished had given her a lovely child whose place was on that same dishonoured bosom to connect her parent for ever with the race and descent of mortals and to be finally a blessed soul in heaven"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0002.wav", "duration": 4.825, "text": "yet these thoughts affected hester prynne less with hope than apprehension"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0003.wav", "duration": 13.72, "text": "the child had a native grace which does not invariably co exist with faultless beauty its attire however simple always impressed the beholder as if it were the very garb that precisely became it best"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0004.wav", "duration": 7.44, "text": "this outward mutability indicated and did not more than fairly express the various properties of her inner life"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0005.wav", "duration": 16.645, "text": "hester could only account for the child's character and even then most vaguely and imperfectly by recalling what she herself had been during that momentous period while pearl was imbibing her soul from the spiritual world and her bodily frame from its material of earth"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0006.wav", "duration": 11.415, "text": "they were now illuminated by the morning radiance of a young child's disposition but later in the day of earthly existence might be prolific of the storm and whirlwind"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0007.wav", "duration": 8.795, "text": "hester prynne nevertheless the loving mother of this one child ran little risk of erring on the side of undue severity"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0008.wav", "duration": 10.78, "text": "mindful however of her own errors and misfortunes she early sought to impose a tender but strict control over the infant immortality that was committed to her charge"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0009.wav", "duration": 10.19, "text": "as to any other kind of discipline whether addressed to her mind or heart little pearl might or might not be within its reach in accordance with the caprice that ruled the moment"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0010.wav", "duration": 15.05, "text": "it was a look so intelligent yet inexplicable perverse sometimes so malicious but generally accompanied by a wild flow of spirits that hester could not help questioning at such moments whether pearl was a human child"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0011.wav", "duration": 21.345, "text": "beholding it hester was constrained to rush towards the child to pursue the little elf in the flight which she invariably began to snatch her to her bosom with a close pressure and earnest kisses not so much from overflowing love as to assure herself that pearl was flesh and blood and not utterly delusive"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0012.wav", "duration": 16.22, "text": "brooding over all these matters the mother felt like one who has evoked a spirit but by some irregularity in the process of conjuration has failed to win the master word that should control this new and incomprehensible intelligence"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0013.wav", "duration": 3.645, "text": "pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0014.wav", "duration": 4.75, "text": "pearl saw and gazed intently but never sought to make acquaintance"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135766\\1221-135766-0015.wav", "duration": 2.63, "text": "if spoken to she would not speak again"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0000.wav", "duration": 24.85, "text": "hester prynne went one day to the mansion of governor bellingham with a pair of gloves which she had fringed and embroidered to his order and which were to be worn on some great occasion of state for though the chances of a popular election had caused this former ruler to descend a step or two from the highest rank he still held an honourable and influential place among the colonial magistracy"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0001.wav", "duration": 13.43, "text": "another and far more important reason than the delivery of a pair of embroidered gloves impelled hester at this time to seek an interview with a personage of so much power and activity in the affairs of the settlement"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0002.wav", "duration": 16.12, "text": "at that epoch of pristine simplicity however matters of even slighter public interest and of far less intrinsic weight than the welfare of hester and her child were strangely mixed up with the deliberations of legislators and acts of state"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0003.wav", "duration": 18.63, "text": "the period was hardly if at all earlier than that of our story when a dispute concerning the right of property in a pig not only caused a fierce and bitter contest in the legislative body of the colony but resulted in an important modification of the framework itself of the legislature"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0004.wav", "duration": 19.09, "text": "we have spoken of pearl's rich and luxuriant beauty a beauty that shone with deep and vivid tints a bright complexion eyes possessing intensity both of depth and glow and hair already of a deep glossy brown and which in after years would be nearly akin to black"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0005.wav", "duration": 5.865, "text": "it was the scarlet letter in another form the scarlet letter endowed with life"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0006.wav", "duration": 20.56, "text": "the mother herself as if the red ignominy were so deeply scorched into her brain that all her conceptions assumed its form had carefully wrought out the similitude lavishing many hours of morbid ingenuity to create an analogy between the object of her affection and the emblem of her guilt and torture"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0007.wav", "duration": 12.77, "text": "but in truth pearl was the one as well as the other and only in consequence of that identity had hester contrived so perfectly to represent the scarlet letter in her appearance"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0008.wav", "duration": 3.095, "text": "come therefore and let us fling mud at them"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0009.wav", "duration": 13.34, "text": "but pearl who was a dauntless child after frowning stamping her foot and shaking her little hand with a variety of threatening gestures suddenly made a rush at the knot of her enemies and put them all to flight"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0010.wav", "duration": 8.2, "text": "she screamed and shouted too with a terrific volume of sound which doubtless caused the hearts of the fugitives to quake within them"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0011.wav", "duration": 16.51, "text": "it was further decorated with strange and seemingly cabalistic figures and diagrams suitable to the quaint taste of the age which had been drawn in the stucco when newly laid on and had now grown hard and durable for the admiration of after times"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0012.wav", "duration": 13.885, "text": "they approached the door which was of an arched form and flanked on each side by a narrow tower or projection of the edifice in both of which were lattice windows the wooden shutters to close over them at need"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0013.wav", "duration": 11.985, "text": "lifting the iron hammer that hung at the portal hester prynne gave a summons which was answered by one of the governor's bond servant a free born englishman but now a seven years slave"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0014.wav", "duration": 7.07, "text": "yea his honourable worship is within but he hath a godly minister or two with him and likewise a leech"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0015.wav", "duration": 2.85, "text": "ye may not see his worship now"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0016.wav", "duration": 15.255, "text": "with many variations suggested by the nature of his building materials diversity of climate and a different mode of social life governor bellingham had planned his new habitation after the residences of gentlemen of fair estate in his native land"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0017.wav", "duration": 16.72, "text": "on the table in token that the sentiment of old english hospitality had not been left behind stood a large pewter tankard at the bottom of which had hester or pearl peeped into it they might have seen the frothy remnant of a recent draught of ale"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0018.wav", "duration": 11.16, "text": "little pearl who was as greatly pleased with the gleaming armour as she had been with the glittering frontispiece of the house spent some time looking into the polished mirror of the breastplate"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0019.wav", "duration": 3.78, "text": "mother cried she i see you here look look"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0020.wav", "duration": 3.345, "text": "in truth she seemed absolutely hidden behind it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0021.wav", "duration": 12.72, "text": "pearl accordingly ran to the bow window at the further end of the hall and looked along the vista of a garden walk carpeted with closely shaven grass and bordered with some rude and immature attempt at shrubbery"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0022.wav", "duration": 14.395, "text": "but the proprietor appeared already to have relinquished as hopeless the effort to perpetuate on this side of the atlantic in a hard soil and amid the close struggle for subsistence the native english taste for ornamental gardening"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0023.wav", "duration": 16.27, "text": "there were a few rose bushes however and a number of apple trees probably the descendants of those planted by the reverend mister blackstone the first settler of the peninsula that half mythological personage who rides through our early annals seated on the back of a bull"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1221\\135767\\1221-135767-0024.wav", "duration": 5.85, "text": "pearl seeing the rose bushes began to cry for a red rose and would not be pacified"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0000.wav", "duration": 8.12, "text": "he wore blue silk stockings blue knee pants with gold buckles a blue ruffled waist and a jacket of bright blue braided with gold"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0001.wav", "duration": 7.755, "text": "his hat had a peaked crown and a flat brim and around the brim was a row of tiny golden bells that tinkled when he moved"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0002.wav", "duration": 7.68, "text": "instead of shoes the old man wore boots with turnover tops and his blue coat had wide cuffs of gold braid"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0003.wav", "duration": 4.835, "text": "for a long time he had wished to explore the beautiful land of oz in which they lived"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0004.wav", "duration": 4.285, "text": "when they were outside unc simply latched the door and started up the path"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0005.wav", "duration": 6.55, "text": "no one would disturb their little house even if anyone came so far into the thick forest while they were gone"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0006.wav", "duration": 6.865, "text": "at the foot of the mountain that separated the country of the munchkins from the country of the gillikins the path divided"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0007.wav", "duration": 6.265, "text": "he knew it would take them to the house of the crooked magician whom he had never seen but who was their nearest neighbor"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0008.wav", "duration": 10.49, "text": "all the morning they trudged up the mountain path and at noon unc and ojo sat on a fallen tree trunk and ate the last of the bread which the old munchkin had placed in his pocket"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0009.wav", "duration": 6.285, "text": "then they started on again and two hours later came in sight of the house of doctor pipt"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0010.wav", "duration": 8.635, "text": "unc knocked at the door of the house and a chubby pleasant faced woman dressed all in blue opened it and greeted the visitors with a smile"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0011.wav", "duration": 4.275, "text": "i am my dear and all strangers are welcome to my home"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0012.wav", "duration": 4.88, "text": "we have come from a far lonelier place than this a lonelier place"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0013.wav", "duration": 3.705, "text": "and you must be ojo the unlucky she added"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0014.wav", "duration": 3.665, "text": "ojo had never eaten such a fine meal in all his life"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0015.wav", "duration": 5.835, "text": "we are traveling replied ojo and we stopped at your house just to rest and refresh ourselves"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0016.wav", "duration": 19.17, "text": "the woman seemed thoughtful"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0017.wav", "duration": 10.68, "text": "at one end stood a great fireplace in which a blue log was blazing with a blue flame and over the fire hung four kettles in a row all bubbling and steaming at a great rate"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0018.wav", "duration": 12.005, "text": "it takes me several years to make this magic powder but at this moment i am pleased to say it is nearly done you see i am making it for my good wife margolotte who wants to use some of it for a purpose of her own"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0019.wav", "duration": 15.025, "text": "you must know said margolotte when they were all seated together on the broad window seat that my husband foolishly gave away all the powder of life he first made to old mombi the witch who used to live in the country of the gillikins to the north of here"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0020.wav", "duration": 5.87, "text": "the first lot we tested on our glass cat which not only began to live but has lived ever since"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0021.wav", "duration": 9.84, "text": "i think the next glass cat the magician makes will have neither brains nor heart for then it will not object to catching mice and may prove of some use to us"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0022.wav", "duration": 2.885, "text": "i'm afraid i don't know much about the land of oz"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0023.wav", "duration": 5.61, "text": "you see i've lived all my life with unc nunkie the silent one and there was no one to tell me anything"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0024.wav", "duration": 5.26, "text": "that is one reason you are ojo the unlucky said the woman in a sympathetic tone"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0025.wav", "duration": 8.705, "text": "i think i must show you my patchwork girl said margolotte laughing at the boy's astonishment for she is rather difficult to explain"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0026.wav", "duration": 8.29, "text": "but first i will tell you that for many years i have longed for a servant to help me with the housework and to cook the meals and wash the dishes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0027.wav", "duration": 3.27, "text": "yet that task was not so easy as you may suppose"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0028.wav", "duration": 6.045, "text": "a bed quilt made of patches of different kinds and colors of cloth all neatly sewed together"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0029.wav", "duration": 5.335, "text": "sometimes it is called a crazy quilt because the patches and colors are so mixed up"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0030.wav", "duration": 16.22, "text": "when i found it i said to myself that it would do nicely for my servant girl for when she was brought to life she would not be proud nor haughty as the glass cat is for such a dreadful mixture of colors would discourage her from trying to be as dignified as the blue munchkins are"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0031.wav", "duration": 4.825, "text": "at the emerald city where our princess ozma lives green is the popular color"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1180\\1284-1180-0032.wav", "duration": 5.78, "text": "i will show you what a good job i did and she went to a tall cupboard and threw open the doors"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0000.wav", "duration": 3.965, "text": "ojo examined this curious contrivance with wonder"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0001.wav", "duration": 11.43, "text": "margolotte had first made the girl's form from the patchwork quilt and then she had dressed it with a patchwork skirt and an apron with pockets in it using the same gay material throughout"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0002.wav", "duration": 3.835, "text": "the head of the patchwork girl was the most curious part of her"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0003.wav", "duration": 4.505, "text": "the hair was of brown yarn and hung down on her neck in several neat braids"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0004.wav", "duration": 7.15, "text": "gold is the most common metal in the land of oz and is used for many purposes because it is soft and pliable"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0005.wav", "duration": 3.855, "text": "no i forgot all about the brains exclaimed the woman"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0006.wav", "duration": 11.405, "text": "well that may be true agreed margolotte but on the contrary a servant with too much brains is sure to become independent and high and mighty and feel above her work"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0007.wav", "duration": 4.04, "text": "she poured into the dish a quantity from each of these bottles"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0008.wav", "duration": 6.08, "text": "i think that will do she continued for the other qualities are not needed in a servant"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0009.wav", "duration": 5.245, "text": "she ran to her husband's side at once and helped him lift the four kettles from the fire"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0010.wav", "duration": 6.435, "text": "their contents had all boiled away leaving in the bottom of each kettle a few grains of fine white powder"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0011.wav", "duration": 7.75, "text": "very carefully the magician removed this powder placing it all together in a golden dish where he mixed it with a golden spoon"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0012.wav", "duration": 8.51, "text": "no one saw him do this for all were looking at the powder of life but soon the woman remembered what she had been doing and came back to the cupboard"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0013.wav", "duration": 12.66, "text": "ojo became a bit uneasy at this for he had already put quite a lot of the cleverness powder in the dish but he dared not interfere and so he comforted himself with the thought that one cannot have too much cleverness"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0014.wav", "duration": 7.92, "text": "he selected a small gold bottle with a pepper box top so that the powder might be sprinkled on any object through the small holes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0015.wav", "duration": 5.115, "text": "most people talk too much so it is a relief to find one who talks too little"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0016.wav", "duration": 9.515, "text": "i am not allowed to perform magic except for my own amusement he told his visitors as he lighted a pipe with a crooked stem and began to smoke"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0017.wav", "duration": 11.775, "text": "the wizard of oz who used to be a humbug and knew no magic at all has been taking lessons of glinda and i'm told he is getting to be a pretty good wizard but he is merely the assistant of the great sorceress"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0018.wav", "duration": 3.16, "text": "it truly is asserted the magician"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0019.wav", "duration": 3.2, "text": "i now use them as ornamental statuary in my garden"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0020.wav", "duration": 6.73, "text": "dear me what a chatterbox you're getting to be unc remarked the magician who was pleased with the compliment"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\1181\\1284-1181-0021.wav", "duration": 2.7, "text": "asked the voice in scornful accents"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\134647\\1284-134647-0000.wav", "duration": 8.53, "text": "the grateful applause of the clergy has consecrated the memory of a prince who indulged their passions and promoted their interest"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\134647\\1284-134647-0001.wav", "duration": 10.275, "text": "the edict of milan the great charter of toleration had confirmed to each individual of the roman world the privilege of choosing and professing his own religion"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\134647\\1284-134647-0002.wav", "duration": 15.11, "text": "but this inestimable privilege was soon violated with the knowledge of truth the emperor imbibed the maxims of persecution and the sects which dissented from the catholic church were afflicted and oppressed by the triumph of christianity"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\134647\\1284-134647-0003.wav", "duration": 20.145, "text": "constantine easily believed that the heretics who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinacy and that a seasonable application of moderate severities might save those unhappy men from the danger of an everlasting condemnation"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\134647\\1284-134647-0004.wav", "duration": 12.835, "text": "some of the penal regulations were copied from the edicts of diocletian and this method of conversion was applauded by the same bishops who had felt the hand of oppression and pleaded for the rights of humanity"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\134647\\1284-134647-0005.wav", "duration": 23.3350625, "text": "they asserted with confidence and almost with exultation that the apostolical succession was interrupted that all the bishops of europe and asia were infected by the contagion of guilt and schism and that the prerogatives of the catholic church were confined to the chosen portion of the african believers who alone had preserved inviolate the integrity of their faith and discipline"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\134647\\1284-134647-0006.wav", "duration": 10.155, "text": "bishops virgins and even spotless infants were subjected to the disgrace of a public penance before they could be admitted to the communion of the donatists"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1284\\134647\\1284-134647-0007.wav", "duration": 14.17, "text": "proscribed by the civil and ecclesiastical powers of the empire the donatists still maintained in some provinces particularly in numidia their superior numbers and four hundred bishops acknowledged the jurisdiction of their primate"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0000.wav", "duration": 13.48, "text": "since the period of our tale the active spirit of the country has surrounded it with a belt of rich and thriving settlements though none but the hunter or the savage is ever known even now to penetrate its wild recesses"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0001.wav", "duration": 9.52, "text": "the dews were suffered to exhale and the sun had dispersed the mists and was shedding a strong and clear light in the forest when the travelers resumed their journey"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0002.wav", "duration": 7.46, "text": "after proceeding a few miles the progress of hawkeye who led the advance became more deliberate and watchful"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0003.wav", "duration": 9.865, "text": "he often stopped to examine the trees nor did he cross a rivulet without attentively considering the quantity the velocity and the color of its waters"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0004.wav", "duration": 6.425, "text": "distrusting his own judgment his appeals to the opinion of chingachgook were frequent and earnest"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0005.wav", "duration": 5.915, "text": "yet here are we within a short range of the scaroons and not a sign of a trail have we crossed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0006.wav", "duration": 4.845, "text": "let us retrace our steps and examine as we go with keener eyes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0007.wav", "duration": 5.54, "text": "chingachgook had caught the look and motioning with his hand he bade him speak"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0008.wav", "duration": 7.875, "text": "the eyes of the whole party followed the unexpected movement and read their success in the air of triumph that the youth assumed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0009.wav", "duration": 3.88, "text": "it would have been more wonderful had he spoken without a bidding"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0010.wav", "duration": 10.195, "text": "see said uncas pointing north and south at the evident marks of the broad trail on either side of him the dark hair has gone toward the forest"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0011.wav", "duration": 13.695, "text": "if a rock or a rivulet or a bit of earth harder than common severed the links of the clew they followed the true eye of the scout recovered them at a distance and seldom rendered the delay of a single moment necessary"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0012.wav", "duration": 10.49, "text": "extinguished brands were lying around a spring the offals of a deer were scattered about the place and the trees bore evident marks of having been browsed by the horses"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0013.wav", "duration": 6.55, "text": "a circle of a few hundred feet in circumference was drawn and each of the party took a segment for his portion"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0014.wav", "duration": 3.515, "text": "the examination however resulted in no discovery"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0015.wav", "duration": 6.385, "text": "the whole party crowded to the spot where uncas pointed out the impression of a moccasin in the moist alluvion"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122612\\1320-122612-0016.wav", "duration": 3.49, "text": "run back uncas and bring me the size of the singer's foot"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0000.wav", "duration": 7.835, "text": "notwithstanding the high resolution of hawkeye he fully comprehended all the difficulties and danger he was about to incur"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0001.wav", "duration": 14.055, "text": "in his return to the camp his acute and practised intellects were intently engaged in devising means to counteract a watchfulness and suspicion on the part of his enemies that he knew were in no degree inferior to his own"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0002.wav", "duration": 13.585, "text": "in other words while he had implicit faith in the ability of balaam's ass to speak he was somewhat skeptical on the subject of a bear's singing and yet he had been assured of the latter on the testimony of his own exquisite organs"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0003.wav", "duration": 6.285, "text": "there was something in his air and manner that betrayed to the scout the utter confusion of the state of his mind"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0004.wav", "duration": 12.26, "text": "the ingenious hawkeye who recalled the hasty manner in which the other had abandoned his post at the bedside of the sick woman was not without his suspicions concerning the subject of so much solemn deliberation"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0005.wav", "duration": 4.4, "text": "the bear shook his shaggy sides and then a well known voice replied"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0006.wav", "duration": 5.655, "text": "can these things be returned david breathing more freely as the truth began to dawn upon him"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0007.wav", "duration": 18.525, "text": "come come returned hawkeye uncasing his honest countenance the better to assure the wavering confidence of his companion you may see a skin which if it be not as white as one of the gentle ones has no tinge of red to it that the winds of the heaven and the sun have not bestowed now let us to business"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0008.wav", "duration": 4.185, "text": "the young man is in bondage and much i fear his death is decreed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0009.wav", "duration": 7.705, "text": "i greatly mourn that one so well disposed should die in his ignorance and i have sought a goodly hymn can you lead me to him"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0010.wav", "duration": 10.0, "text": "the task will not be difficult returned david hesitating though i greatly fear your presence would rather increase than mitigate his unhappy fortunes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0011.wav", "duration": 9.76, "text": "the lodge in which uncas was confined was in the very center of the village and in a situation perhaps more difficult than any other to approach or leave without observation"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0012.wav", "duration": 7.59, "text": "four or five of the latter only lingered about the door of the prison of uncas wary but close observers of the manner of their captive"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0013.wav", "duration": 10.755, "text": "delivered in a strong tone of assent announced the gratification the savage would receive in witnessing such an exhibition of weakness in an enemy so long hated and so much feared"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0014.wav", "duration": 4.9, "text": "they drew back a little from the entrance and motioned to the supposed conjurer to enter"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0015.wav", "duration": 5.125, "text": "but the bear instead of obeying maintained the seat it had taken and growled"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0016.wav", "duration": 10.085, "text": "the cunning man is afraid that his breath will blow upon his brothers and take away their courage too continued david improving the hint he received they must stand further off"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0017.wav", "duration": 5.655, "text": "then as if satisfied of their safety the scout left his position and slowly entered the place"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0018.wav", "duration": 9.695, "text": "it was silent and gloomy being tenanted solely by the captive and lighted by the dying embers of a fire which had been used for the purposed of cookery"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0019.wav", "duration": 8.23, "text": "uncas occupied a distant corner in a reclining attitude being rigidly bound both hands and feet by strong and painful withes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0020.wav", "duration": 8.895, "text": "the scout who had left david at the door to ascertain they were not observed thought it prudent to preserve his disguise until assured of their privacy"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0021.wav", "duration": 5.335, "text": "what shall we do with the mingoes at the door they count six and this singer is as good as nothing"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0022.wav", "duration": 3.855, "text": "the delawares are children of the tortoise and they outstrip the deer"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0023.wav", "duration": 7.815, "text": "uncas who had already approached the door in readiness to lead the way now recoiled and placed himself once more in the bottom of the lodge"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0024.wav", "duration": 7.555, "text": "but hawkeye who was too much occupied with his own thoughts to note the movement continued speaking more to himself than to his companion"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0025.wav", "duration": 6.36, "text": "so uncas you had better take the lead while i will put on the skin again and trust to cunning for want of speed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0026.wav", "duration": 5.225, "text": "well what can't be done by main courage in war must be done by circumvention"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0027.wav", "duration": 5.6899375, "text": "as soon as these dispositions were made the scout turned to david and gave him his parting instructions"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0028.wav", "duration": 15.995, "text": "my pursuits are peaceful and my temper i humbly trust is greatly given to mercy and love returned david a little nettled at so direct an attack on his manhood but there are none who can say that i have ever forgotten my faith in the lord even in the greatest straits"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0029.wav", "duration": 7.875, "text": "if you are not then knocked on the head your being a non composser will protect you and you'll then have a good reason to expect to die in your bed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0030.wav", "duration": 3.98, "text": "so choose for yourself to make a rush or tarry here"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0031.wav", "duration": 6.285, "text": "bravely and generously has he battled in my behalf and this and more will i dare in his service"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0032.wav", "duration": 11.28, "text": "keep silent as long as may be and it would be wise when you do speak to break out suddenly in one of your shoutings which will serve to remind the indians that you are not altogether as responsible as men should be"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0033.wav", "duration": 11.045, "text": "if however they take your scalp as i trust and believe they will not depend on it uncas and i will not forget the deed but revenge it as becomes true warriors and trusty friends"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0034.wav", "duration": 9.485, "text": "hold said david perceiving that with this assurance they were about to leave him i am an unworthy and humble follower of one who taught not the damnable principle of revenge"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0035.wav", "duration": 18.22, "text": "then heaving a heavy sigh probably among the last he ever drew in pining for a condition he had so long abandoned he added it is what i would wish to practise myself as one without a cross of blood though it is not always easy to deal with an indian as you would with a fellow christian"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0036.wav", "duration": 12.37, "text": "god bless you friend i do believe your scent is not greatly wrong when the matter is duly considered and keeping eternity before the eyes though much depends on the natural gifts and the force of temptation"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0037.wav", "duration": 7.18, "text": "the delaware dog he said leaning forward and peering through the dim light to catch the expression of the other's features is he afraid"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0038.wav", "duration": 20.16, "text": "will the hurons hear his groans"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0039.wav", "duration": 7.055, "text": "the mohican started on his feet and shook his shaggy covering as though the animal he counterfeited was about to make some desperate effort"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0040.wav", "duration": 7.975, "text": "he had no occasion to delay for at the next instant a burst of cries filled the outer air and ran along the whole extent of the village"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1320\\122617\\1320-122617-0041.wav", "duration": 4.15, "text": "uncas cast his skin and stepped forth in his own beautiful proportions"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0000.wav", "duration": 8.94, "text": "i will endeavour in my statement to avoid such terms as would serve to limit the events to any particular place or give a clue as to the people concerned"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0001.wav", "duration": 10.255, "text": "i had always known him to be restless in his manner but on this particular occasion he was in such a state of uncontrollable agitation that it was clear something very unusual had occurred"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0002.wav", "duration": 6.135, "text": "my friend's temper had not improved since he had been deprived of the congenial surroundings of baker street"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0003.wav", "duration": 6.55, "text": "without his scrapbooks his chemicals and his homely untidiness he was an uncomfortable man"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0004.wav", "duration": 4.515, "text": "i had to read it over carefully as the text must be absolutely correct"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0005.wav", "duration": 2.745, "text": "i was absent rather more than an hour"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0006.wav", "duration": 10.85, "text": "the only duplicate which existed so far as i knew was that which belonged to my servant bannister a man who has looked after my room for ten years and whose honesty is absolutely above suspicion"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0007.wav", "duration": 4.565, "text": "the moment i looked at my table i was aware that someone had rummaged among my papers"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0008.wav", "duration": 4.305, "text": "the proof was in three long slips i had left them all together"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0009.wav", "duration": 7.04, "text": "the alternative was that someone passing had observed the key in the door had known that i was out and had entered to look at the papers"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0010.wav", "duration": 5.32, "text": "i gave him a little brandy and left him collapsed in a chair while i made a most careful examination of the room"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0011.wav", "duration": 2.825, "text": "a broken tip of lead was lying there also"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0012.wav", "duration": 7.065, "text": "not only this but on the table i found a small ball of black dough or clay with specks of something which looks like sawdust in it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0013.wav", "duration": 4.32, "text": "above all things i desire to settle the matter quietly and discreetly"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0014.wav", "duration": 2.855, "text": "to the best of my belief they were rolled up"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0015.wav", "duration": 4.985, "text": "did anyone know that these proofs would be there no one save the printer"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0016.wav", "duration": 4.255, "text": "i was in such a hurry to come to you you left your door open"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0017.wav", "duration": 20.52, "text": "so it seems to me"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0018.wav", "duration": 2.675, "text": "now mister soames at your disposal"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0019.wav", "duration": 2.705, "text": "above were three students one on each story"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0020.wav", "duration": 5.135, "text": "then he approached it and standing on tiptoe with his neck craned he looked into the room"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0021.wav", "duration": 3.715, "text": "there is no opening except the one pane said our learned guide"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0022.wav", "duration": 3.295, "text": "i am afraid there are no signs here said he"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0023.wav", "duration": 3.33, "text": "one could hardly hope for any upon so dry a day"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0024.wav", "duration": 4.48, "text": "you left him in a chair you say which chair by the window there"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0025.wav", "duration": 3.905, "text": "the man entered and took the papers sheet by sheet from the central table"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0026.wav", "duration": 4.775, "text": "as a matter of fact he could not said soames for i entered by the side door"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0027.wav", "duration": 5.225, "text": "how long would it take him to do that using every possible contraction a quarter of an hour not less"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0028.wav", "duration": 2.585, "text": "then he tossed it down and seized the next"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0029.wav", "duration": 10.055, "text": "he was in the midst of that when your return caused him to make a very hurried retreat very hurried since he had not time to replace the papers which would tell you that he had been there"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0030.wav", "duration": 3.48, "text": "mister soames was somewhat overwhelmed by this flood of information"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0031.wav", "duration": 6.25, "text": "holmes held out a small chip with the letters n n and a space of clear wood after them you see"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0032.wav", "duration": 4.135, "text": "watson i have always done you an injustice there are others"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0033.wav", "duration": 7.45, "text": "i was hoping that if the paper on which he wrote was thin some trace of it might come through upon this polished surface no i see nothing"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0034.wav", "duration": 6.99, "text": "as holmes drew the curtain i was aware from some little rigidity and alertness of his attitude that he was prepared for an emergency"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0035.wav", "duration": 4.98, "text": "holmes turned away and stooped suddenly to the floor halloa what's this"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0036.wav", "duration": 3.98, "text": "holmes held it out on his open palm in the glare of the electric light"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0037.wav", "duration": 5.73, "text": "what could he do he caught up everything which would betray him and he rushed into your bedroom to conceal himself"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0038.wav", "duration": 7.535, "text": "i understand you to say that there are three students who use this stair and are in the habit of passing your door yes there are"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0039.wav", "duration": 3.725, "text": "and they are all in for this examination yes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0040.wav", "duration": 3.75, "text": "one hardly likes to throw suspicion where there are no proofs"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0041.wav", "duration": 3.575, "text": "let us hear the suspicions i will look after the proofs"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0042.wav", "duration": 5.865, "text": "my scholar has been left very poor but he is hard working and industrious he will do well"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0043.wav", "duration": 2.74, "text": "the top floor belongs to miles mc laren"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0044.wav", "duration": 5.505, "text": "i dare not go so far as that but of the three he is perhaps the least unlikely"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0045.wav", "duration": 4.36, "text": "he was still suffering from this sudden disturbance of the quiet routine of his life"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0046.wav", "duration": 3.53, "text": "but i have occasionally done the same thing at other times"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0047.wav", "duration": 2.605, "text": "did you look at these papers on the table"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0048.wav", "duration": 2.785, "text": "how came you to leave the key in the door"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0049.wav", "duration": 3.8450625, "text": "anyone in the room could get out yes sir"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0050.wav", "duration": 3.085, "text": "i really don't think he knew much about it mister holmes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0051.wav", "duration": 15.84, "text": "only for a minute or so"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0052.wav", "duration": 3.45, "text": "oh i would not venture to say sir"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141083\\1580-141083-0053.wav", "duration": 4.015, "text": "you haven't seen any of them no sir"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0000.wav", "duration": 4.615, "text": "it was the indian whose dark silhouette appeared suddenly upon his blind"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0001.wav", "duration": 3.265, "text": "he was pacing swiftly up and down his room"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0002.wav", "duration": 5.905, "text": "this set of rooms is quite the oldest in the college and it is not unusual for visitors to go over them"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0003.wav", "duration": 4.1, "text": "no names please said holmes as we knocked at gilchrist's door"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0004.wav", "duration": 9.005, "text": "of course he did not realize that it was i who was knocking but none the less his conduct was very uncourteous and indeed under the circumstances rather suspicious"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0005.wav", "duration": 2.515, "text": "that is very important said holmes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0006.wav", "duration": 19.215, "text": "you don't seem to realize the position"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0007.wav", "duration": 16.16, "text": "to morrow is the examination"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0008.wav", "duration": 6.795, "text": "i cannot allow the examination to be held if one of the papers has been tampered with the situation must be faced"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0009.wav", "duration": 4.685, "text": "it is possible that i may be in a position then to indicate some course of action"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0010.wav", "duration": 4.47, "text": "i will take the black clay with me also the pencil cuttings good bye"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0011.wav", "duration": 5.0, "text": "when we were out in the darkness of the quadrangle we again looked up at the windows"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0012.wav", "duration": 2.485, "text": "the foul mouthed fellow at the top"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0013.wav", "duration": 20.025, "text": "he is the one with the worst record"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0014.wav", "duration": 3.97, "text": "why bannister the servant what's his game in the matter"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0015.wav", "duration": 3.47, "text": "he impressed me as being a perfectly honest man"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0016.wav", "duration": 5.96, "text": "my friend did not appear to be depressed by his failure but shrugged his shoulders in half humorous resignation"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0017.wav", "duration": 16.0, "text": "no good my dear watson"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0018.wav", "duration": 3.345, "text": "i think so you have formed a conclusion"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0019.wav", "duration": 3.125, "text": "yes my dear watson i have solved the mystery"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0020.wav", "duration": 2.86, "text": "look at that he held out his hand"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0021.wav", "duration": 4.01, "text": "on the palm were three little pyramids of black doughy clay"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0022.wav", "duration": 18.54, "text": "and one more this morning"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0023.wav", "duration": 8.735, "text": "in a few hours the examination would commence and he was still in the dilemma between making the facts public and allowing the culprit to compete for the valuable scholarship"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0024.wav", "duration": 9.185, "text": "he could hardly stand still so great was his mental agitation and he ran towards holmes with two eager hands outstretched thank heaven that you have come"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0025.wav", "duration": 2.375, "text": "you know him i think so"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0026.wav", "duration": 6.995, "text": "if this matter is not to become public we must give ourselves certain powers and resolve ourselves into a small private court martial"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0027.wav", "duration": 3.36, "text": "no sir certainly not"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0028.wav", "duration": 2.655, "text": "there was no man sir"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0029.wav", "duration": 8.075, "text": "his troubled blue eyes glanced at each of us and finally rested with an expression of blank dismay upon bannister in the farther corner"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0030.wav", "duration": 19.305, "text": "just close the door said holmes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0031.wav", "duration": 6.47, "text": "we want to know mister gilchrist how you an honourable man ever came to commit such an action as that of yesterday"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0032.wav", "duration": 4.995, "text": "for a moment gilchrist with upraised hand tried to control his writhing features"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0033.wav", "duration": 7.0, "text": "come come said holmes kindly it is human to err and at least no one can accuse you of being a callous criminal"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0034.wav", "duration": 4.49, "text": "well well don't trouble to answer listen and see that i do you no injustice"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0035.wav", "duration": 2.63, "text": "he could examine the papers in his own office"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0036.wav", "duration": 2.475, "text": "the indian i also thought nothing of"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0037.wav", "duration": 2.965, "text": "when i approached your room i examined the window"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0038.wav", "duration": 2.955, "text": "no one less than that would have a chance"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0039.wav", "duration": 4.885, "text": "i entered and i took you into my confidence as to the suggestions of the side table"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0040.wav", "duration": 5.985, "text": "he returned carrying his jumping shoes which are provided as you are aware with several sharp spikes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0041.wav", "duration": 7.99, "text": "no harm would have been done had it not been that as he passed your door he perceived the key which had been left by the carelessness of your servant"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0042.wav", "duration": 5.06, "text": "a sudden impulse came over him to enter and see if they were indeed the proofs"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0043.wav", "duration": 18.585, "text": "he put his shoes on the table"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0044.wav", "duration": 2.895, "text": "gloves said the young man"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0045.wav", "duration": 3.625, "text": "suddenly he heard him at the very door there was no possible escape"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0046.wav", "duration": 2.35, "text": "have i told the truth mister gilchrist"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0047.wav", "duration": 5.25, "text": "i have a letter here mister soames which i wrote to you early this morning in the middle of a restless night"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0048.wav", "duration": 9.265, "text": "it will be clear to you from what i have said that only you could have let this young man out since you were left in the room and must have locked the door when you went out"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0049.wav", "duration": 7.575, "text": "it was simple enough sir if you only had known but with all your cleverness it was impossible that you could know"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1580\\141084\\1580-141084-0050.wav", "duration": 2.78, "text": "if mister soames saw them the game was up"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0000.wav", "duration": 9.485, "text": "in the debate between the senior societies her defence of the fifteenth amendment had been not only a notable bit of reasoning but delivered with real enthusiasm"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0001.wav", "duration": 10.17, "text": "the south she had not thought of seriously and yet knowing of its delightful hospitality and mild climate she was not averse to charleston or new orleans"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0002.wav", "duration": 4.605, "text": "john taylor who had supported her through college was interested in cotton"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0003.wav", "duration": 3.09, "text": "better go he had counselled sententiously"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0004.wav", "duration": 3.035, "text": "might learn something useful down there"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0005.wav", "duration": 5.125, "text": "but john there's no society just elementary work"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0006.wav", "duration": 2.4550625, "text": "been looking up tooms county"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0007.wav", "duration": 7.06, "text": "find some cresswells there big plantations rated at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0008.wav", "duration": 2.895, "text": "some others too big cotton county"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0009.wav", "duration": 7.57, "text": "you ought to know john if i teach negroes i'll scarcely see much of people in my own class"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0010.wav", "duration": 2.445, "text": "at any rate i say go"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0011.wav", "duration": 8.94, "text": "here she was teaching dirty children and the smell of confused odors and bodily perspiration was to her at times unbearable"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0012.wav", "duration": 6.18, "text": "she wanted a glance of the new books and periodicals and talk of great philanthropies and reforms"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0013.wav", "duration": 8.77, "text": "so for the hundredth time she was thinking today as she walked alone up the lane back of the barn and then slowly down through the bottoms"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0014.wav", "duration": 2.5, "text": "cotton she paused"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0015.wav", "duration": 3.55, "text": "she had almost forgotten that it was here within touch and sight"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0016.wav", "duration": 5.9, "text": "the glimmering sea of delicate leaves whispered and murmured before her stretching away to the northward"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0017.wav", "duration": 6.145, "text": "there might be a bit of poetry here and there but most of this place was such desperate prose"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0018.wav", "duration": 5.01, "text": "her regard shifted to the green stalks and leaves again and she started to move away"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0019.wav", "duration": 5.25, "text": "cotton is a wonderful thing is it not boys she said rather primly"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0020.wav", "duration": 6.12, "text": "miss taylor did not know much about cotton but at least one more remark seemed called for"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0021.wav", "duration": 11.41, "text": "don't know well of all things inwardly commented miss taylor literally born in cotton and oh well as much as to ask what's the use she turned again to go"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0022.wav", "duration": 4.745, "text": "i suppose though it's too early for them then came the explosion"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0023.wav", "duration": 8.14, "text": "goobers don't grow on the tops of vines but underground on the roots like yams is that so"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0024.wav", "duration": 5.095, "text": "the golden fleece it's the silver fleece he harkened"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0025.wav", "duration": 3.295, "text": "some time you'll tell me please won't you"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1826\\1995-1826-0026.wav", "duration": 15.45, "text": "now for one little half hour she had been a woman talking to a boy no not even that she had been talking just talking there were no persons in the conversation just things one thing cotton"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0000.wav", "duration": 8.955, "text": "the hon charles smith miss sarah's brother was walking swiftly uptown from mister easterly's wall street office and his face was pale"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0001.wav", "duration": 6.0, "text": "at last the cotton combine was to all appearances an assured fact and he was slated for the senate"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0002.wav", "duration": 2.315, "text": "why should he not be as other men"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0003.wav", "duration": 7.965, "text": "she was not herself a notably intelligent woman she greatly admired intelligence or whatever looked to her like intelligence in others"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0004.wav", "duration": 33.91, "text": "as she awaited her guests she surveyed the table with both satisfaction and disquietude for her social functions were few tonight there were she checked them off on her fingers sir james creighton the rich english manufacturer and lady creighton mister and missus vanderpool mister harry cresswell and his sister john taylor and his sister and mister charles smith whom the evening papers mentioned as likely to be united states senator from new jersey a selection of guests that had been determined unknown to the hostess by the meeting of cotton interests earlier in the day"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0005.wav", "duration": 10.9, "text": "missus grey had met southerners before but not intimately and she always had in mind vividly their cruelty to poor negroes a subject she made a point of introducing forthwith"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0006.wav", "duration": 7.715, "text": "she was therefore most agreeably surprised to hear mister cresswell express himself so cordially as approving of negro education"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0007.wav", "duration": 3.435, "text": "but you believe in some education asked mary taylor"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0008.wav", "duration": 6.985, "text": "i believe in the training of people to their highest capacity the englishman here heartily seconded him"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0009.wav", "duration": 6.71, "text": "but cresswell added significantly capacity differs enormously between races"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0010.wav", "duration": 24.45, "text": "the vanderpools were sure of this and the englishman instancing india became quite eloquent missus grey was mystified but hardly dared admit it the general trend of the conversation seemed to be that most individuals needed to be submitted to the sharpest scrutiny before being allowed much education and as for the lower races it was simply criminal to open such useless opportunities to them"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0011.wav", "duration": 4.705, "text": "positively heroic added cresswell avoiding his sister's eyes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0012.wav", "duration": 3.695, "text": "but we're not er exactly welcomed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0013.wav", "duration": 5.3, "text": "mary taylor however related the tale of zora to missus grey's private ear later"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1836\\1995-1836-0014.wav", "duration": 9.045, "text": "fortunately said mister vanderpool northerners and southerners are arriving at a better mutual understanding on most of these matters"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0000.wav", "duration": 3.865, "text": "he knew the silver fleece his and zora's must be ruined"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0001.wav", "duration": 8.73, "text": "it was the first great sorrow of his life it was not so much the loss of the cotton itself but the fantasy the hopes the dreams built around it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0002.wav", "duration": 2.79, "text": "ah the swamp the cruel swamp"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0003.wav", "duration": 7.36, "text": "the revelation of his love lighted and brightened slowly till it flamed like a sunrise over him and left him in burning wonder"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0004.wav", "duration": 6.36, "text": "he panted to know if she too knew or knew and cared not or cared and knew not"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0005.wav", "duration": 2.635, "text": "she was so strange and human a creature"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0006.wav", "duration": 2.955, "text": "the world was water veiled in mists"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0007.wav", "duration": 8.8, "text": "then of a sudden at midday the sun shot out hot and still no breath of air stirred the sky was like blue steel the earth steamed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0008.wav", "duration": 15.64, "text": "where was the use of imagining"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0009.wav", "duration": 3.76, "text": "the lagoon had been level with the dykes a week ago and now"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0010.wav", "duration": 3.48, "text": "perhaps she too might be there waiting weeping"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0011.wav", "duration": 3.375, "text": "he started at the thought he hurried forth sadly"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0012.wav", "duration": 8.245, "text": "he splashed and stamped along farther and farther onward until he neared the rampart of the clearing and put foot upon the tree bridge"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0013.wav", "duration": 3.195, "text": "then he looked down the lagoon was dry"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0014.wav", "duration": 12.46, "text": "he stood a moment bewildered then turned and rushed upon the island a great sheet of dazzling sunlight swept the place and beneath lay a mighty mass of olive green thick tall wet and willowy"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0015.wav", "duration": 4.485, "text": "the squares of cotton sharp edged heavy were just about to burst to bolls"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0016.wav", "duration": 7.19, "text": "for one long moment he paused stupid agape with utter amazement then leaned dizzily against a tree"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0017.wav", "duration": 3.1, "text": "he gazed about perplexed astonished"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0018.wav", "duration": 12.825, "text": "here lay the reading of the riddle with infinite work and pain some one had dug a canal from the lagoon to the creek into which the former had drained by a long and crooked way thus allowing it to empty directly"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0019.wav", "duration": 5.38, "text": "he sat down weak bewildered and one thought was uppermost zora"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0020.wav", "duration": 3.21, "text": "the years of the days of her dying were ten"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0021.wav", "duration": 3.09, "text": "the hope and dream of harvest was upon the land"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0022.wav", "duration": 3.415, "text": "up in the sick room zora lay on the little white bed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0023.wav", "duration": 16.965, "text": "the net and web of endless things had been crawling and creeping around her she had struggled in dumb speechless terror against some mighty grasping that strove for her life with gnarled and creeping fingers but now at last weakly she opened her eyes and questioned"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0024.wav", "duration": 5.385, "text": "for a while she lay in her chair in happy dreamy pleasure at sun and bird and tree"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0025.wav", "duration": 9.5050625, "text": "she rose with a fleeting glance gathered the shawl round her then gliding forward wavering tremulous slipped across the road and into the swamp"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0026.wav", "duration": 8.095, "text": "she had been born within its borders within its borders she had lived and grown and within its borders she had met her love"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0027.wav", "duration": 6.705, "text": "on she hurried until sweeping down to the lagoon and the island lo the cotton lay before her"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0028.wav", "duration": 2.34, "text": "the chair was empty but he knew"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/1995\\1837\\1995-1837-0029.wav", "duration": 5.58, "text": "he darted through the trees and paused a tall man strongly but slimly made"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0000.wav", "duration": 22.57, "text": "it is a very fine old place of red brick softened by a pale powdery lichen which has dispersed itself with happy irregularity so as to bring the red brick into terms of friendly companionship with the limestone ornaments surrounding the three gables the windows and the door place"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0001.wav", "duration": 8.03, "text": "but the windows are patched with wooden panes and the door i think is like the gate it is never opened"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0002.wav", "duration": 15.52, "text": "for it is a solid heavy handsome door and must once have been in the habit of shutting with a sonorous bang behind a liveried lackey who had just seen his master and mistress off the grounds in a carriage and pair"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0003.wav", "duration": 14.675, "text": "a large open fireplace with rusty dogs in it and a bare boarded floor at the far end fleeces of wool stacked up in the middle of the floor some empty corn bags"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0004.wav", "duration": 2.64, "text": "and what through the left hand window"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0005.wav", "duration": 9.09, "text": "several clothes horses a pillion a spinning wheel and an old box wide open and stuffed full of coloured rags"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0006.wav", "duration": 13.82, "text": "at the edge of this box there lies a great wooden doll which so far as mutilation is concerned bears a strong resemblance to the finest greek sculpture and especially in the total loss of its nose"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0007.wav", "duration": 2.7, "text": "the history of the house is plain now"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0008.wav", "duration": 31.65, "text": "but there is always a stronger sense of life when the sun is brilliant after rain and now he is pouring down his beams and making sparkles among the wet straw and lighting up every patch of vivid green moss on the red tiles of the cow shed and turning even the muddy water that is hurrying along the channel to the drain into a mirror for the yellow billed ducks who are seizing the opportunity of getting a drink with as much body in it as possible"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0009.wav", "duration": 14.405, "text": "for the great barn doors are thrown wide open and men are busy there mending the harness under the superintendence of mister goby the whittaw otherwise saddler who entertains them with the latest treddleston gossip"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0010.wav", "duration": 30.615, "text": "hetty sorrel often took the opportunity when her aunt's back was turned of looking at the pleasing reflection of herself in those polished surfaces for the oak table was usually turned up like a screen and was more for ornament than for use and she could see herself sometimes in the great round pewter dishes that were ranged on the shelves above the long deal dinner table or in the hobs of the grate which always shone like jasper"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0011.wav", "duration": 16.26, "text": "do not suppose however that missus poyser was elderly or shrewish in her appearance she was a good looking woman not more than eight and thirty of fair complexion and sandy hair well shapen light footed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0012.wav", "duration": 16.13, "text": "the family likeness between her and her niece dinah morris with the contrast between her keenness and dinah's seraphic gentleness of expression might have served a painter as an excellent suggestion for a martha and mary"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0013.wav", "duration": 14.25, "text": "her tongue was not less keen than her eye and whenever a damsel came within earshot seemed to take up an unfinished lecture as a barrel organ takes up a tune precisely at the point where it had left off"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0014.wav", "duration": 12.995, "text": "the fact that it was churning day was another reason why it was inconvenient to have the whittaws and why consequently missus poyser should scold molly the housemaid with unusual severity"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0015.wav", "duration": 15.015, "text": "to all appearance molly had got through her after dinner work in an exemplary manner had cleaned herself with great dispatch and now came to ask submissively if she should sit down to her spinning till milking time"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0016.wav", "duration": 20.34, "text": "spinning indeed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0017.wav", "duration": 2.835, "text": "i never knew your equals for gallowsness"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0018.wav", "duration": 3.155, "text": "who taught you to scrub a floor i should like to know"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0019.wav", "duration": 2.66, "text": "comb the wool for the whittaws indeed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0020.wav", "duration": 2.435, "text": "that's what you'd like to be doing is it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0021.wav", "duration": 5.335, "text": "that's the way with you that's the road you'd all like to go headlongs to ruin"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0022.wav", "duration": 20.52, "text": "mister ottley's indeed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0023.wav", "duration": 5.18, "text": "you're a rare un for sitting down to your work a little while after it's time to put by"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0024.wav", "duration": 5.27, "text": "munny my iron's twite told pease put it down to warm"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0025.wav", "duration": 3.595, "text": "cold is it my darling bless your sweet face"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0026.wav", "duration": 2.825, "text": "she's going to put the ironing things away"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0027.wav", "duration": 5.63, "text": "munny i tould ike to do into de barn to tommy to see de whittawd"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0028.wav", "duration": 6.84, "text": "no no no totty ud get her feet wet said missus poyser carrying away her iron"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0029.wav", "duration": 8.525, "text": "did ever anybody see the like screamed missus poyser running towards the table when her eye had fallen on the blue stream"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0030.wav", "duration": 16.12, "text": "totty however had descended from her chair with great swiftness and was already in retreat towards the dairy with a sort of waddling run and an amount of fat on the nape of her neck which made her look like the metamorphosis of a white suckling pig"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0031.wav", "duration": 2.78, "text": "and she was very fond of you too aunt rachel"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0032.wav", "duration": 3.24, "text": "i often heard her talk of you in the same sort of way"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0033.wav", "duration": 12.865, "text": "when she had that bad illness and i was only eleven years old she used to say you'll have a friend on earth in your aunt rachel if i'm taken from you for she has a kind heart and i'm sure i've found it so"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0034.wav", "duration": 7.99, "text": "and there's linen in the house as i could well spare you for i've got lots o sheeting and table clothing and towelling as isn't made up"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0035.wav", "duration": 3.575, "text": "but not more than what's in the bible aunt said dinah"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0036.wav", "duration": 6.915, "text": "nay dear aunt you never heard me say that all people are called to forsake their work and their families"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0037.wav", "duration": 10.49, "text": "we can all be servants of god wherever our lot is cast but he gives us different sorts of work according as he fits us for it and calls us to it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0038.wav", "duration": 20.25, "text": "i can no more help spending my life in trying to do what i can for the souls of others than you could help running if you heard little totty crying at the other end of the house the voice would go to your heart you would think the dear child was in trouble or in danger and you couldn't rest without running to help her and comfort her"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0039.wav", "duration": 6.28, "text": "i've strong assurance that no evil will happen to you and my uncle and the children from anything i've done"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0040.wav", "duration": 2.385, "text": "i didn't preach without direction"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0041.wav", "duration": 8.52, "text": "direction"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0042.wav", "duration": 2.455, "text": "i hanna common patience with you"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0043.wav", "duration": 7.35, "text": "by this time the two gentlemen had reached the palings and had got down from their horses it was plain they meant to come in"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0044.wav", "duration": 3.52, "text": "said mister irwine with his stately cordiality"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0045.wav", "duration": 3.005, "text": "oh sir don't mention it said missus poyser"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0046.wav", "duration": 15.24, "text": "i delight in your kitchen"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0047.wav", "duration": 19.89, "text": "poyser is not at home is he"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0048.wav", "duration": 6.39, "text": "said captain donnithorne seating himself where he could see along the short passage to the open dairy door"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0049.wav", "duration": 6.125, "text": "no sir he isn't he's gone to rosseter to see mister west the factor about the wool"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0050.wav", "duration": 4.045, "text": "but there's father the barn sir if he'd be of any use"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0051.wav", "duration": 5.31, "text": "no thank you i'll just look at the whelps and leave a message about them with your shepherd"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0052.wav", "duration": 6.53, "text": "i must come another day and see your husband i want to have a consultation with him about horses"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0053.wav", "duration": 3.395, "text": "for if he's anywhere on the farm we can send for him in a minute"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0054.wav", "duration": 5.68, "text": "oh sir said missus poyser rather alarmed you wouldn't like it at all"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0055.wav", "duration": 2.655, "text": "but you know more about that than i do sir"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0056.wav", "duration": 3.84, "text": "i think i should be doing you a service to turn you out of such a place"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0057.wav", "duration": 10.08, "text": "i know his farm is in better order than any other within ten miles of us and as for the kitchen he added smiling i don't believe there's one in the kingdom to beat it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0058.wav", "duration": 4.93, "text": "by the by i've never seen your dairy i must see your dairy missus poyser"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0059.wav", "duration": 10.01, "text": "this missus poyser said blushing and believing that the captain was really interested in her milk pans and would adjust his opinion of her to the appearance of her dairy"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2094\\142345\\2094-142345-0060.wav", "duration": 2.71, "text": "oh i've no doubt it's in capital order"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0000.wav", "duration": 5.08, "text": "the paris plant like that at the crystal palace was a temporary exhibit"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0001.wav", "duration": 14.63, "text": "the london plant was less temporary but not permanent supplying before it was torn out no fewer than three thousand lamps in hotels churches stores and dwellings in the vicinity of holborn viaduct"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0002.wav", "duration": 13.115, "text": "there messrs johnson and hammer put into practice many of the ideas now standard in the art and secured much useful data for the work in new york of which the story has just been told"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0003.wav", "duration": 16.76, "text": "the dynamo electric machine though small was robust for under all the varying speeds of water power and the vicissitudes of the plant to which it belonged it continued in active use until eighteen ninety nine seventeen years"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0004.wav", "duration": 19.91, "text": "owing to his insistence on low pressure direct current for use in densely populated districts as the only safe and truly universal profitable way of delivering electrical energy to the consumers edison has been frequently spoken of as an opponent of the alternating current"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0005.wav", "duration": 6.9, "text": "why if we erect a station at the falls it is a great economy to get it up to the city"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0006.wav", "duration": 4.12, "text": "there seems no good reason for believing that it will change"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0007.wav", "duration": 13.445, "text": "broad as the prairies and free in thought as the winds that sweep them he is idiosyncratically opposed to loose and wasteful methods to plans of empire that neglect the poor at the gate"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0008.wav", "duration": 9.125, "text": "everything he has done has been aimed at the conservation of energy the contraction of space the intensification of culture"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0009.wav", "duration": 9.605, "text": "for some years it was not found feasible to operate motors on alternating current circuits and that reason was often urged against it seriously"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0010.wav", "duration": 10.82, "text": "it could not be used for electroplating or deposition nor could it charge storage batteries all of which are easily within the ability of the direct current"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0011.wav", "duration": 15.875, "text": "but when it came to be a question of lighting a scattered suburb a group of dwellings on the outskirts a remote country residence or a farm house the alternating current in all elements save its danger was and is ideal"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0012.wav", "duration": 11.145, "text": "edison was intolerant of sham and shoddy and nothing would satisfy him that could not stand cross examination by microscope test tube and galvanometer"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0013.wav", "duration": 13.89, "text": "unless he could secure an engine of smoother running and more exactly governed and regulated than those available for his dynamo and lamp edison realized that he would find it almost impossible to give a steady light"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0014.wav", "duration": 3.75, "text": "mister edison was a leader far ahead of the time"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0015.wav", "duration": 8.875, "text": "he obtained the desired speed and load with a friction brake also regulator of speed but waited for an indicator to verify it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0016.wav", "duration": 20.015, "text": "then again there was no known way to lubricate an engine for continuous running and mister edison informed me that as a marine engine started before the ship left new york and continued running until it reached its home port so an engine for his purposes must produce light at all times"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0017.wav", "duration": 19.915, "text": "edison had installed his historic first great central station system in new york on the multiple arc system covered by his feeder and main invention which resulted in a notable saving in the cost of conductors as against a straight two wire system throughout of the tree kind"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0018.wav", "duration": 12.54, "text": "he soon foresaw that still greater economy would be necessary for commercial success not alone for the larger territory opening but for the compact districts of large cities"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0019.wav", "duration": 14.82, "text": "the strong position held by the edison system under the strenuous competition that was already springing up was enormously improved by the introduction of the three wire system and it gave an immediate impetus to incandescent lighting"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0020.wav", "duration": 10.35, "text": "it was specially suited for a trial plant also in the early days when a yield of six or eight lamps to the horse power was considered subject for congratulation"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0021.wav", "duration": 10.95, "text": "the street conductors were of the overhead pole line construction and were installed by the construction company that had been organized by edison to build and equip central stations"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0022.wav", "duration": 13.665, "text": "meanwhile he had called upon me to make a report of the three wire system known in england as the hopkinson both doctor john hopkinson and mister edison being independent inventors at practically the same time"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0023.wav", "duration": 11.06, "text": "i think he was perhaps more appreciative than i was of the discipline of the edison construction department and thought it would be well for us to wait until the morning of the fourth before we started up"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0024.wav", "duration": 4.77, "text": "but the plant ran and it was the first three wire station in this country"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0025.wav", "duration": 15.28, "text": "they were later used as reserve machines and finally with the engine retired from service as part of the collection of edisonia but they remain in practically as good condition as when installed in eighteen eighty three"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0026.wav", "duration": 17.595, "text": "the arc lamp installed outside a customer's premises or in a circuit for public street lighting burned so many hours nightly so many nights in the month and was paid for at that rate subject to rebate for hours when the lamp might be out through accident"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0027.wav", "duration": 8.62, "text": "edison held that the electricity sold must be measured just like gas or water and he proceeded to develop a meter"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0028.wav", "duration": 25.94, "text": "there was infinite scepticism around him on the subject and while other inventors were also giving the subject their thought the public took it for granted that anything so utterly intangible as electricity that could not be seen or weighed and only gave secondary evidence of itself at the exact point of use could not be brought to accurate registration"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0029.wav", "duration": 6.425, "text": "hence the edison electrolytic meter is no longer used despite its excellent qualities"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0030.wav", "duration": 9.98, "text": "the principle employed in the edison electrolytic meter is that which exemplifies the power of electricity to decompose a chemical substance"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0031.wav", "duration": 16.585, "text": "associated with this simple form of apparatus were various ingenious details and refinements to secure regularity of operation freedom from inaccuracy and immunity from such tampering as would permit theft of current or damage"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0032.wav", "duration": 11.69, "text": "the standard edison meter practice was to remove the cells once a month to the meter room of the central station company for examination another set being substituted"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0033.wav", "duration": 17.605, "text": "in december eighteen eighty eight mister w j jenks read an interesting paper before the american institute of electrical engineers on the six years of practical experience had up to that time with the meter then more generally in use than any other"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0034.wav", "duration": 8.605, "text": "the others having been in operation too short a time to show definite results although they also went quickly to a dividend basis"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0035.wav", "duration": 25.49, "text": "in this connection it should be mentioned that the association of edison illuminating companies in the same year adopted resolutions unanimously to the effect that the edison meter was accurate and that its use was not expensive for stations above one thousand lights and that the best financial results were invariably secured in a station selling current by meter"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0036.wav", "duration": 7.085, "text": "the meter continued in general service during eighteen ninety nine and probably up to the close of the century"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0037.wav", "duration": 7.965, "text": "he weighed and reweighed the meter plates and pursued every line of investigation imaginable but all in vain"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0038.wav", "duration": 5.61, "text": "he felt he was up against it and that perhaps another kind of a job would suit him better"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0039.wav", "duration": 2.385, "text": "the problem was solved"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0040.wav", "duration": 5.455, "text": "we were more interested in the technical condition of the station than in the commercial part"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2300\\131720\\2300-131720-0041.wav", "duration": 3.75, "text": "we had meters in which there were two bottles of liquid"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0000.wav", "duration": 13.29, "text": "here she would stay comforted and soothed among the lovely plants and rich exotics rejoicing the heart of old turner the gardener who since polly's first rapturous entrance had taken her into his good graces for all time"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0001.wav", "duration": 11.965, "text": "every chance she could steal after practice hours were over and after the clamorous demands of the boys upon her time were fully satisfied was seized to fly on the wings of the wind to the flowers"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0002.wav", "duration": 8.92, "text": "then dear said missus whitney you must be kinder to her than ever think what it would be for one of you to be away from home even among friends"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0003.wav", "duration": 6.56, "text": "somehow of all the days when the home feeling was the strongest this day it seemed as if she could bear it no longer"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0004.wav", "duration": 3.295, "text": "if she could only see phronsie for just one moment"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0005.wav", "duration": 6.51, "text": "oh she's always at the piano said van she must be there now somewhere and then somebody laughed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0006.wav", "duration": 6.15, "text": "at this the bundle opened suddenly and out popped phronsie"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0007.wav", "duration": 8.68, "text": "but polly couldn't speak and if jasper hadn't caught her just in time she would have tumbled over backward from the stool phronsie and all"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0008.wav", "duration": 3.865, "text": "asked phronsie with her little face close to polly's own"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0009.wav", "duration": 3.97, "text": "now you'll stay cried van say polly won't you"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0010.wav", "duration": 6.24, "text": "oh you are the dearest and best mister king i ever saw but how did you make mammy let her come"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0011.wav", "duration": 6.71, "text": "isn't he splendid cried jasper in intense pride swelling up father knew how to do it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0012.wav", "duration": 4.45, "text": "there there he said soothingly patting her brown fuzzy head"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0013.wav", "duration": 6.815, "text": "i know gasped polly controlling her sobs i won't only i can't thank you"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0014.wav", "duration": 6.79, "text": "asked phronsie in intense interest slipping down out of polly's arms and crowding up close to jasper's side"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0015.wav", "duration": 9.34, "text": "yes all alone by himself asserted jasper vehemently and winking furiously to the others to stop their laughing he did now truly phronsie"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0016.wav", "duration": 4.25, "text": "oh no jasper i must go by my very own self"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0017.wav", "duration": 6.21, "text": "there jap you've caught it laughed percy while the others screamed at the sight of jasper's face"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0018.wav", "duration": 4.095, "text": "don't mind it polly whispered jasper twasn't her fault"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0019.wav", "duration": 7.12, "text": "dear me ejaculated the old gentleman in the utmost amazement and such a time as i've had to get her here too"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0020.wav", "duration": 20.16, "text": "how did her mother ever let her go"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0021.wav", "duration": 4.365, "text": "she asked impulsively i didn't believe you could persuade her father"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0022.wav", "duration": 5.04, "text": "i didn't have any fears if i worked it rightly said the old gentleman complacently"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0023.wav", "duration": 6.675, "text": "he cried in high dudgeon just as if he owned the whole of the peppers and could dispose of them all to suit his fancy"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0024.wav", "duration": 9.665, "text": "and the old gentleman was so delighted with his success that he had to burst out into a series of short happy bits of laughter that occupied quite a space of time"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\126133\\237-126133-0025.wav", "duration": 3.755, "text": "at last he came out of them and wiped his face vigorously"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0000.wav", "duration": 4.105, "text": "it is sixteen years since john bergson died"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0001.wav", "duration": 7.38, "text": "his wife now lies beside him and the white shaft that marks their graves gleams across the wheat fields"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0002.wav", "duration": 11.395, "text": "from the norwegian graveyard one looks out over a vast checker board marked off in squares of wheat and corn light and dark dark and light"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0003.wav", "duration": 12.765, "text": "from the graveyard gate one can count a dozen gayly painted farmhouses the gilded weather vanes on the big red barns wink at each other across the green and brown and yellow fields"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0004.wav", "duration": 6.825, "text": "the air and the earth are curiously mated and intermingled as if the one were the breath of the other"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0005.wav", "duration": 10.945, "text": "he was a splendid figure of a boy tall and straight as a young pine tree with a handsome head and stormy gray eyes deeply set under a serious brow"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0006.wav", "duration": 4.395, "text": "that's not much of a job for an athlete here i've been to town and back"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0007.wav", "duration": 16.28, "text": "alexandra lets you sleep late"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0008.wav", "duration": 2.305, "text": "she gathered up her reins"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0009.wav", "duration": 2.975, "text": "please wait for me marie emil coaxed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0010.wav", "duration": 2.875, "text": "i never see lou's scythe over here"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0011.wav", "duration": 5.035, "text": "how brown you've got since you came home i wish i had an athlete to mow my orchard"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0012.wav", "duration": 3.66, "text": "i get wet to my knees when i go down to pick cherries"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0013.wav", "duration": 4.09, "text": "indeed he had looked away with the purpose of not seeing it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0014.wav", "duration": 3.7, "text": "they think you're proud because you've been away to school or something"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0015.wav", "duration": 6.55, "text": "there was something individual about the great farm a most unusual trimness and care for detail"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0016.wav", "duration": 10.085, "text": "on either side of the road for a mile before you reached the foot of the hill stood tall osage orange hedges their glossy green marking off the yellow fields"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0017.wav", "duration": 9.105, "text": "any one thereabouts would have told you that this was one of the richest farms on the divide and that the farmer was a woman alexandra bergson"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134493\\237-134493-0018.wav", "duration": 4.79, "text": "there is even a white row of beehives in the orchard under the walnut trees"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0000.wav", "duration": 6.13, "text": "frank read english slowly and the more he read about this divorce case the angrier he grew"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0001.wav", "duration": 14.48, "text": "marie sighed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0002.wav", "duration": 5.07, "text": "a brisk wind had come up and was driving puffy white clouds across the sky"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0003.wav", "duration": 3.17, "text": "the orchard was sparkling and rippling in the sun"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0004.wav", "duration": 20.025, "text": "that invitation decided her"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0005.wav", "duration": 2.39, "text": "oh but i'm glad to get this place mowed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0006.wav", "duration": 4.225, "text": "just smell the wild roses they are always so spicy after a rain"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0007.wav", "duration": 2.39, "text": "we never had so many of them in here before"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0008.wav", "duration": 3.76, "text": "i suppose it's the wet season will you have to cut them too"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0009.wav", "duration": 19.98, "text": "i suppose that's the wet season too then"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0010.wav", "duration": 3.995, "text": "it's exciting to see everything growing so fast and to get the grass cut"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0011.wav", "duration": 3.35, "text": "aren't you splashed look at the spider webs all over the grass"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0012.wav", "duration": 10.935, "text": "in a few moments he heard the cherries dropping smartly into the pail and he began to swing his scythe with that long even stroke that few american boys ever learn"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0013.wav", "duration": 10.56, "text": "marie picked cherries and sang softly to herself stripping one glittering branch after another shivering when she caught a shower of raindrops on her neck and hair"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0014.wav", "duration": 4.25, "text": "and emil mowed his way slowly down toward the cherry trees"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0015.wav", "duration": 10.815, "text": "that summer the rains had been so many and opportune that it was almost more than shabata and his man could do to keep up with the corn the orchard was a neglected wilderness"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0016.wav", "duration": 3.16, "text": "i don't know all of them but i know lindens are"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0017.wav", "duration": 19.62, "text": "if i feel that way i feel that way"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0018.wav", "duration": 12.845, "text": "he reached up among the branches and began to pick the sweet insipid fruit long ivory colored berries tipped with faint pink like white coral that fall to the ground unheeded all summer through"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0019.wav", "duration": 2.86, "text": "he dropped a handful into her lap"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0020.wav", "duration": 19.62, "text": "yes don't you"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0021.wav", "duration": 5.12, "text": "oh ever so much only he seems kind of staid and school teachery"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0022.wav", "duration": 5.165, "text": "when she used to tell me about him i always wondered whether she wasn't a little in love with him"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0023.wav", "duration": 3.06, "text": "it would serve you all right if she walked off with carl"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0024.wav", "duration": 4.41, "text": "i like to talk to carl about new york and what a fellow can do there"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0025.wav", "duration": 11.41, "text": "oh emil"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0026.wav", "duration": 3.05, "text": "surely you are not thinking of going off there"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0027.wav", "duration": 3.27, "text": "marie's face fell under his brooding gaze"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0028.wav", "duration": 4.5249375, "text": "i'm sure alexandra hopes you will stay on here she murmured"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0029.wav", "duration": 18.585, "text": "i don't want to stand around and look on"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0030.wav", "duration": 2.78, "text": "i want to be doing something on my own account"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0031.wav", "duration": 10.61, "text": "sometimes i don't want to do anything at all and sometimes i want to pull the four corners of the divide together he threw out his arm and brought it back with a jerk so like a table cloth"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0032.wav", "duration": 5.025, "text": "i get tired of seeing men and horses going up and down up and down"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0033.wav", "duration": 6.35, "text": "i wish you weren't so restless and didn't get so worked up over things she said sadly"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0034.wav", "duration": 3.075, "text": "thank you he returned shortly"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0035.wav", "duration": 2.555, "text": "and you never used to be cross to me"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0036.wav", "duration": 6.6, "text": "i can't play with you like a little boy any more he said slowly that's what you miss marie"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0037.wav", "duration": 7.105, "text": "but emil if i understand then all our good times are over we can never do nice things together any more"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0038.wav", "duration": 2.435, "text": "and anyhow there's nothing to understand"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0039.wav", "duration": 4.63, "text": "that won't last it will go away and things will be just as they used to"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0040.wav", "duration": 4.03, "text": "i pray for you but that's not the same as if you prayed yourself"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0041.wav", "duration": 8.92, "text": "i can't pray to have the things i want he said slowly and i won't pray not to have them not if i'm damned for it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/237\\134500\\237-134500-0042.wav", "duration": 2.575, "text": "then all our good times are over"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0000.wav", "duration": 7.04, "text": "saturday august fifteenth the sea unbroken all round no land in sight"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0001.wav", "duration": 3.07, "text": "the horizon seems extremely distant"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0002.wav", "duration": 9.985, "text": "all my danger and sufferings were needed to strike a spark of human feeling out of him but now that i am well his nature has resumed its sway"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0003.wav", "duration": 7.37, "text": "you seem anxious my uncle i said seeing him continually with his glass to his eye anxious"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0004.wav", "duration": 3.465, "text": "one might be with less reason than now"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0005.wav", "duration": 4.81, "text": "i am not complaining that the rate is slow but that the sea is so wide"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0006.wav", "duration": 7.405, "text": "we are losing time and the fact is i have not come all this way to take a little sail upon a pond on a raft"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0007.wav", "duration": 4.55, "text": "he called this sea a pond and our long voyage taking a little sail"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0008.wav", "duration": 3.735, "text": "therefore don't talk to me about views and prospects"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0009.wav", "duration": 5.795, "text": "i take this as my answer and i leave the professor to bite his lips with impatience"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0010.wav", "duration": 2.575, "text": "sunday august sixteenth"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0011.wav", "duration": 4.255, "text": "nothing new weather unchanged the wind freshens"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0012.wav", "duration": 2.43, "text": "but there seemed no reason to fear"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0013.wav", "duration": 4.73, "text": "the shadow of the raft was clearly outlined upon the surface of the waves"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0014.wav", "duration": 2.98, "text": "truly this sea is of infinite width"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0015.wav", "duration": 5.21, "text": "it must be as wide as the mediterranean or the atlantic and why not"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0016.wav", "duration": 7.0, "text": "these thoughts agitated me all day and my imagination scarcely calmed down after several hours sleep"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0017.wav", "duration": 3.975, "text": "i shudder as i recall these monsters to my remembrance"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0018.wav", "duration": 5.67, "text": "i saw at the hamburg museum the skeleton of one of these creatures thirty feet in length"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0019.wav", "duration": 11.905, "text": "i suppose professor liedenbrock was of my opinion too and even shared my fears for after having examined the pick his eyes traversed the ocean from side to side"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0020.wav", "duration": 3.06, "text": "tuesday august eighteenth"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0021.wav", "duration": 2.55, "text": "during his watch i slept"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0022.wav", "duration": 3.235, "text": "two hours afterwards a terrible shock awoke me"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0023.wav", "duration": 5.875, "text": "the raft was heaved up on a watery mountain and pitched down again at a distance of twenty fathoms"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0024.wav", "duration": 3.04, "text": "there's a whale a whale cried the professor"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0025.wav", "duration": 9.205, "text": "flight was out of the question now the reptiles rose they wheeled around our little raft with a rapidity greater than that of express trains"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0026.wav", "duration": 6.94, "text": "two monsters only were creating all this commotion and before my eyes are two reptiles of the primitive world"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0027.wav", "duration": 7.17, "text": "i can distinguish the eye of the ichthyosaurus glowing like a red hot coal and as large as a man's head"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0028.wav", "duration": 7.465, "text": "its jaw is enormous and according to naturalists it is armed with no less than one hundred and eighty two teeth"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0029.wav", "duration": 4.545, "text": "those huge creatures attacked each other with the greatest animosity"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0030.wav", "duration": 7.53, "text": "suddenly the ichthyosaurus and the plesiosaurus disappear below leaving a whirlpool eddying in the water"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123286\\260-123286-0031.wav", "duration": 5.06, "text": "as for the ichthyosaurus has he returned to his submarine cavern"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0000.wav", "duration": 3.04, "text": "the roarings become lost in the distance"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0001.wav", "duration": 5.08, "text": "the weather if we may use that term will change before long"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0002.wav", "duration": 7.25, "text": "the atmosphere is charged with vapours pervaded with the electricity generated by the evaporation of saline waters"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0003.wav", "duration": 8.905, "text": "the electric light can scarcely penetrate through the dense curtain which has dropped over the theatre on which the battle of the elements is about to be waged"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0004.wav", "duration": 4.31, "text": "the air is heavy the sea is calm"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0005.wav", "duration": 12.55, "text": "from time to time a fleecy tuft of mist with yet some gleaming light left upon it drops down upon the dense floor of grey and loses itself in the opaque and impenetrable mass"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0006.wav", "duration": 4.88, "text": "the atmosphere is evidently charged and surcharged with electricity"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0007.wav", "duration": 11.2, "text": "the wind never lulls but to acquire increased strength the vast bank of heavy clouds is a huge reservoir of fearful windy gusts and rushing storms"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0008.wav", "duration": 5.515, "text": "there's a heavy storm coming on i cried pointing towards the horizon"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0009.wav", "duration": 3.435, "text": "those clouds seem as if they were going to crush the sea"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0010.wav", "duration": 9.995, "text": "on the mast already i see the light play of a lambent saint elmo's fire the outstretched sail catches not a breath of wind and hangs like a sheet of lead"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0011.wav", "duration": 8.98, "text": "but if we have now ceased to advance why do we yet leave that sail loose which at the first shock of the tempest may capsize us in a moment"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0012.wav", "duration": 3.545, "text": "that will be safest no no never"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0013.wav", "duration": 11.3850625, "text": "the piled up vapours condense into water and the air put into violent action to supply the vacuum left by the condensation of the mists rouses itself into a whirlwind"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0014.wav", "duration": 14.44, "text": "hans stirs not"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0015.wav", "duration": 21.185, "text": "from the under surface of the clouds there are continual emissions of lurid light electric matter is in continual evolution from their component molecules the gaseous elements of the air need to be slaked with moisture for innumerable columns of water rush upwards into the air and fall back again in white foam"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0016.wav", "duration": 4.865, "text": "i refer to the thermometer it indicates the figure is obliterated"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0017.wav", "duration": 5.225, "text": "is the atmospheric condition having once reached this density to become final"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0018.wav", "duration": 3.245, "text": "the raft bears on still to the south east"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0019.wav", "duration": 2.955, "text": "at noon the violence of the storm redoubles"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0020.wav", "duration": 2.9, "text": "each of us is lashed to some part of the raft"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0021.wav", "duration": 2.71, "text": "the waves rise above our heads"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0022.wav", "duration": 3.705, "text": "they seem to be we are lost but i am not sure"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0023.wav", "duration": 21.465, "text": "he nods his consent"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0024.wav", "duration": 14.595, "text": "the fireball half of it white half azure blue and the size of a ten inch shell moved slowly about the raft but revolving on its own axis with astonishing velocity as if whipped round by the force of the whirlwind"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0025.wav", "duration": 13.445, "text": "here it comes there it glides now it is up the ragged stump of the mast thence it lightly leaps on the provision bag descends with a light bound and just skims the powder magazine horrible"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0026.wav", "duration": 16.04, "text": "we shall be blown up but no the dazzling disk of mysterious light nimbly leaps aside it approaches hans who fixes his blue eye upon it steadily it threatens the head of my uncle who falls upon his knees with his head down to avoid it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0027.wav", "duration": 6.305, "text": "a suffocating smell of nitrogen fills the air it enters the throat it fills the lungs"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123288\\260-123288-0028.wav", "duration": 2.61, "text": "we suffer stifling pains"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0000.wav", "duration": 19.485, "text": "and how odd the directions will look"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0001.wav", "duration": 12.18, "text": "poor alice"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0002.wav", "duration": 14.715, "text": "it was the white rabbit returning splendidly dressed with a pair of white kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other he came trotting along in a great hurry muttering to himself as he came oh the duchess the duchess"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0003.wav", "duration": 3.585, "text": "oh won't she be savage if i've kept her waiting"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0004.wav", "duration": 12.02, "text": "alice took up the fan and gloves and as the hall was very hot she kept fanning herself all the time she went on talking dear dear how queer everything is to day"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0005.wav", "duration": 3.105, "text": "and yesterday things went on just as usual"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0006.wav", "duration": 2.715, "text": "i wonder if i've been changed in the night"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0007.wav", "duration": 3.385, "text": "i almost think i can remember feeling a little different"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0008.wav", "duration": 3.745, "text": "i'll try if i know all the things i used to know"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0009.wav", "duration": 3.115, "text": "i shall never get to twenty at that rate"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0010.wav", "duration": 8.315, "text": "how cheerfully he seems to grin how neatly spread his claws and welcome little fishes in with gently smiling jaws"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0011.wav", "duration": 4.87, "text": "no i've made up my mind about it if i'm mabel i'll stay down here"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0012.wav", "duration": 5.245, "text": "it'll be no use their putting their heads down and saying come up again dear"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0013.wav", "duration": 3.475, "text": "i am so very tired of being all alone here"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0014.wav", "duration": 3.815, "text": "and i declare it's too bad that it is"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0015.wav", "duration": 6.2, "text": "i wish i hadn't cried so much said alice as she swam about trying to find her way out"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0016.wav", "duration": 4.895, "text": "i shall be punished for it now i suppose by being drowned in my own tears"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0017.wav", "duration": 3.07, "text": "that will be a queer thing to be sure"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0018.wav", "duration": 3.64, "text": "i am very tired of swimming about here o mouse"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0019.wav", "duration": 6.63, "text": "cried alice again for this time the mouse was bristling all over and she felt certain it must be really offended"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/260\\123440\\260-123440-0020.wav", "duration": 4.995, "text": "we won't talk about her any more if you'd rather not we indeed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0000.wav", "duration": 6.12, "text": "we want you to help us publish some leading work of luther's for the general american market will you do it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0001.wav", "duration": 16.1250625, "text": "the condition is that i will be permitted to make luther talk american streamline him so to speak because you will never get people whether in or outside the lutheran church actually to read luther unless we make him talk as he would talk today to americans"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0002.wav", "duration": 4.315, "text": "let us begin with that his commentary on galatians"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0003.wav", "duration": 8.085, "text": "the undertaking which seemed so attractive when viewed as a literary task proved a most difficult one and at times became oppressive"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0004.wav", "duration": 15.56, "text": "it was written in latin"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0005.wav", "duration": 18.945, "text": "the work had to be condensed"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0006.wav", "duration": 4.55, "text": "a word should now be said about the origin of luther's commentary on galatians"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0007.wav", "duration": 14.675, "text": "much later when a friend of his was preparing an edition of all his latin works he remarked to his home circle if i had my way about it they would republish only those of my books which have doctrine my galatians for instance"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0008.wav", "duration": 9.44, "text": "in other words these three men took down the lectures which luther addressed to his students in the course of galatians and roerer prepared the manuscript for the printer"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0009.wav", "duration": 8.35, "text": "it presents like no other of luther's writings the central thought of christianity the justification of the sinner for the sake of christ's merits alone"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0010.wav", "duration": 3.36, "text": "but the essence of luther's lectures is there"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0011.wav", "duration": 9.45, "text": "the lord who has given us power to teach and to hear let him also give us the power to serve and to do luke two"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3979\\2830-3979-0012.wav", "duration": 3.625, "text": "the word of our god shall stand forever"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0000.wav", "duration": 3.73, "text": "in every way they sought to undermine the authority of saint paul"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0001.wav", "duration": 3.945, "text": "they said to the galatians you have no right to think highly of paul"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0002.wav", "duration": 16.2, "text": "he was the last to turn to christ"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0003.wav", "duration": 2.48, "text": "paul came later and is beneath us"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0004.wav", "duration": 3.81, "text": "indeed he persecuted the church of christ for a long time"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0005.wav", "duration": 6.45, "text": "do you suppose that god for the sake of a few lutheran heretics would disown his entire church"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0006.wav", "duration": 6.41, "text": "against these boasting false apostles paul boldly defends his apostolic authority and ministry"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0007.wav", "duration": 10.19, "text": "as the ambassador of a government is honored for his office and not for his private person so the minister of christ should exalt his office in order to gain authority among men"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0008.wav", "duration": 4.84, "text": "paul takes pride in his ministry not to his own praise but to the praise of god"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0009.wav", "duration": 3.885, "text": "paul an apostle not of men et cetera"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0010.wav", "duration": 6.525, "text": "either he calls ministers through the agency of men or he calls them directly as he called the prophets and apostles"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0011.wav", "duration": 5.525, "text": "paul declares that the false apostles were called or sent neither by men nor by man"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0012.wav", "duration": 3.42, "text": "the most they could claim is that they were sent by others"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0013.wav", "duration": 4.145, "text": "he mentions the apostles first because they were appointed directly by god"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0014.wav", "duration": 2.525, "text": "the call is not to be taken lightly"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0015.wav", "duration": 2.685, "text": "for a person to possess knowledge is not enough"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0016.wav", "duration": 2.37, "text": "it spoils one's best work"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0017.wav", "duration": 3.665, "text": "when i was a young man i thought paul was making too much of his call"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0018.wav", "duration": 3.42, "text": "i did not then realize the importance of the ministry"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0019.wav", "duration": 7.015, "text": "i knew nothing of the doctrine of faith because we were taught sophistry instead of certainty and nobody understood spiritual boasting"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0020.wav", "duration": 3.46, "text": "this is no sinful pride it is holy pride"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0021.wav", "duration": 2.91, "text": "and god the father who raised him from the dead"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0022.wav", "duration": 3.27, "text": "the clause seems superfluous on first sight"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0023.wav", "duration": 6.16, "text": "these perverters of the righteousness of christ resist the father and the son and the works of them both"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0024.wav", "duration": 3.935, "text": "in this whole epistle paul treats of the resurrection of christ"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0025.wav", "duration": 8.795, "text": "by his resurrection christ won the victory over law sin flesh world devil death hell and every evil"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0026.wav", "duration": 8.91, "text": "verse two"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0027.wav", "duration": 20.43, "text": "and all the brethren which are with me"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0028.wav", "duration": 3.54, "text": "this should go far in shutting the mouths of the false apostles"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0029.wav", "duration": 9.075, "text": "although the brethren with me are not apostles like myself yet they are all of one mind with me think write and teach as i do"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0030.wav", "duration": 5.25, "text": "they do not go where the enemies of the gospel predominate they go where the christians are"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0031.wav", "duration": 8.485, "text": "why do they not invade the catholic provinces and preach their doctrine to godless princes bishops and doctors as we have done by the help of god"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0032.wav", "duration": 7.22, "text": "we look for that reward which eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath entered into the heart of man"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0033.wav", "duration": 2.71, "text": "not all the galatians had become perverted"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0034.wav", "duration": 2.97, "text": "these means cannot be contaminated"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0035.wav", "duration": 3.335, "text": "they remain divine regardless of men's opinion"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0036.wav", "duration": 5.765, "text": "wherever the means of grace are found there is the holy church even though antichrist reigns there"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0037.wav", "duration": 6.42, "text": "so much for the title of the epistle now follows the greeting of the apostle verse three"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0038.wav", "duration": 5.54, "text": "grace be to you and peace from god the father and from our lord jesus christ"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0039.wav", "duration": 5.195, "text": "the terms of grace and peace are common terms with paul and are now pretty well understood"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0040.wav", "duration": 2.62, "text": "the greeting of the apostle is refreshing"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0041.wav", "duration": 4.89, "text": "grace involves the remission of sins peace and a happy conscience"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0042.wav", "duration": 3.02, "text": "the world brands this a pernicious doctrine"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0043.wav", "duration": 15.8, "text": "experience proves this"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0044.wav", "duration": 3.49, "text": "however the grace and peace of god will"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0045.wav", "duration": 3.51, "text": "men should not speculate about the nature of god"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0046.wav", "duration": 2.84, "text": "was it not enough to say from god the father"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0047.wav", "duration": 7.865, "text": "to do so is to lose god altogether because god becomes intolerable when we seek to measure and to comprehend his infinite majesty"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0048.wav", "duration": 10.44, "text": "he came down to earth lived among men suffered was crucified and then he died standing clearly before us so that our hearts and eyes may fasten upon him"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0049.wav", "duration": 3.42, "text": "embrace him and forget about the nature of god"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0050.wav", "duration": 7.475, "text": "did not christ himself say i am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0051.wav", "duration": 6.44, "text": "when you argue about the nature of god apart from the question of justification you may be as profound as you like"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0052.wav", "duration": 4.88, "text": "we are to hear christ who has been appointed by the father as our divine teacher"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0053.wav", "duration": 5.015, "text": "at the same time paul confirms our creed that christ is very god"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0054.wav", "duration": 10.085, "text": "that christ is very god is apparent in that paul ascribes to him divine powers equally with the father as for instance the power to dispense grace and peace"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0055.wav", "duration": 7.335, "text": "to bestow peace and grace lies in the province of god who alone can create these blessings the angels cannot"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0056.wav", "duration": 5.35, "text": "otherwise paul should have written grace from god the father and peace from our lord jesus christ"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0057.wav", "duration": 8.07, "text": "the arians took christ for a noble and perfect creature superior even to the angels because by him god created heaven and earth"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0058.wav", "duration": 2.69, "text": "mohammed also speaks highly of christ"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0059.wav", "duration": 14.6, "text": "paul sticks to his theme"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0060.wav", "duration": 2.675, "text": "he never loses sight of the purpose of his epistle"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0061.wav", "duration": 7.12, "text": "not gold or silver or paschal lambs or an angel but himself what for"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0062.wav", "duration": 5.44, "text": "not for a crown or a kingdom or our goodness but for our sins"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0063.wav", "duration": 5.415, "text": "underscore these words for they are full of comfort for sore consciences"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0064.wav", "duration": 2.88, "text": "how may we obtain remission of our sins"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0065.wav", "duration": 6.515, "text": "paul answers the man who is named jesus christ and the son of god gave himself for our sins"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0066.wav", "duration": 6.085, "text": "since christ was given for our sins it stands to reason that they cannot be put away by our own efforts"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0067.wav", "duration": 8.13, "text": "this sentence also defines our sins as great so great in fact that the whole world could not make amends for a single sin"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0068.wav", "duration": 5.0, "text": "the greatness of the ransom christ the son of god indicates this"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0069.wav", "duration": 5.5550625, "text": "the vicious character of sin is brought out by the words who gave himself for our sins"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0070.wav", "duration": 3.73, "text": "but we are careless we make light of sin"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0071.wav", "duration": 3.96, "text": "we think that by some little work or merit we can dismiss sin"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0072.wav", "duration": 4.855, "text": "this passage then bears out the fact that all men are sold under sin"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0073.wav", "duration": 16.56, "text": "this attitude springs from a false conception of sin the conception that sin is a small matter easily taken care of by good works that we must present ourselves unto god with a good conscience that we must feel no sin before we may feel that christ was given for our sins"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0074.wav", "duration": 5.7, "text": "this attitude is universal and particularly developed in those who consider themselves better than others"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0075.wav", "duration": 5.79, "text": "but the real significance and comfort of the words for our sins is lost upon them"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2830\\3980\\2830-3980-0076.wav", "duration": 4.81, "text": "on the other hand we are not to regard them as so terrible that we must despair"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0000.wav", "duration": 27.18, "text": "he passes abruptly from persons to ideas and numbers and from ideas and numbers to persons from the heavens to man from astronomy to physiology he confuses or rather does not distinguish subject and object first and final causes and is dreaming of geometrical figures lost in a flux of sense"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0001.wav", "duration": 8.2500625, "text": "the influence with the timaeus has exercised upon posterity is due partly to a misunderstanding"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0002.wav", "duration": 15.35, "text": "in the supposed depths of this dialogue the neo platonists found hidden meanings and connections with the jewish and christian scriptures and out of them they elicited doctrines quite at variance with the spirit of plato"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0003.wav", "duration": 17.315, "text": "they were absorbed in his theology and were under the dominion of his name while that which was truly great and truly characteristic in him his effort to realize and connect abstractions was not understood by them at all"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0004.wav", "duration": 8.22, "text": "there is no danger of the modern commentators on the timaeus falling into the absurdities of the neo platonists"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0005.wav", "duration": 10.355, "text": "in the present day we are well aware that an ancient philosopher is to be interpreted from himself and by the contemporary history of thought"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0006.wav", "duration": 15.725, "text": "the fancies of the neo platonists are only interesting to us because they exhibit a phase of the human mind which prevailed widely in the first centuries of the christian era and is not wholly extinct in our own day"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0007.wav", "duration": 7.64, "text": "but they have nothing to do with the interpretation of plato and in spirit they are opposed to him"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0008.wav", "duration": 15.455, "text": "we do not know how plato would have arranged his own dialogues or whether the thought of arranging any of them besides the two trilogies which he has expressly connected was ever present to his mind"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0009.wav", "duration": 11.86, "text": "the dialogue is primarily concerned with the animal creation including under this term the heavenly bodies and with man only as one among the animals"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0010.wav", "duration": 20.46, "text": "but he has not as yet defined this intermediate territory which lies somewhere between medicine and mathematics and he would have felt that there was as great an impiety in ranking theories of physics first in the order of knowledge as in placing the body before the soul"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0011.wav", "duration": 20.875, "text": "with heracleitus he acknowledges the perpetual flux like anaxagoras he asserts the predominance of mind although admitting an element of necessity which reason is incapable of subduing like the pythagoreans he supposes the mystery of the world to be contained in number"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0012.wav", "duration": 6.89, "text": "many if not all the elements of the pre socratic philosophy are included in the timaeus"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0013.wav", "duration": 10.575, "text": "it is probable that the relation of the ideas to god or of god to the world was differently conceived by him at different times of his life"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0014.wav", "duration": 8.775, "text": "the ideas also remain but they have become types in nature forms of men animals birds fishes"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0015.wav", "duration": 7.83, "text": "the style and plan of the timaeus differ greatly from that of any other of the platonic dialogues"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0016.wav", "duration": 7.76, "text": "but plato has not the same mastery over his instrument which he exhibits in the phaedrus or symposium"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0017.wav", "duration": 7.87, "text": "nothing can exceed the beauty or art of the introduction in which he is using words after his accustomed manner"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0018.wav", "duration": 8.38, "text": "but in the rest of the work the power of language seems to fail him and the dramatic form is wholly given up"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0019.wav", "duration": 12.13, "text": "he could write in one style but not in another and the greek language had not as yet been fashioned by any poet or philosopher to describe physical phenomena"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0020.wav", "duration": 9.88, "text": "and hence we find the same sort of clumsiness in the timaeus of plato which characterizes the philosophical poem of lucretius"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0021.wav", "duration": 15.785, "text": "there is a want of flow and often a defect of rhythm the meaning is sometimes obscure and there is a greater use of apposition and more of repetition than occurs in plato's earlier writings"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\960\\2961-960-0022.wav", "duration": 7.425, "text": "plato had not the command of his materials which would have enabled him to produce a perfect work of art"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0000.wav", "duration": 4.665, "text": "socrates begins the timaeus with a summary of the republic"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0001.wav", "duration": 9.185, "text": "and now he desires to see the ideal state set in motion he would like to know how she behaved in some great struggle"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0002.wav", "duration": 19.99, "text": "and therefore to you i turn timaeus citizen of locris who are at once a philosopher and a statesman and to you critias whom all athenians know to be similarly accomplished and to hermocrates who is also fitted by nature and education to share in our discourse"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0003.wav", "duration": 4.73, "text": "i will if timaeus approves i approve"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0004.wav", "duration": 11.48, "text": "listen then socrates to a tale of solon's who being the friend of dropidas my great grandfather told it to my grandfather critias and he told me"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0005.wav", "duration": 3.775, "text": "some poems of solon were recited by the boys"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0006.wav", "duration": 4.6, "text": "and what was the subject of the poem said the person who made the remark"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0007.wav", "duration": 8.505, "text": "the subject was a very noble one he described the most famous action in which the athenian people were ever engaged"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0008.wav", "duration": 7.155, "text": "but the memory of their exploits has passed away owing to the lapse of time and the extinction of the actors"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0009.wav", "duration": 5.705, "text": "tell us said the other the whole story and where solon heard the story"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0010.wav", "duration": 7.83, "text": "but in egypt the traditions of our own and other lands are by us registered for ever in our temples"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0011.wav", "duration": 7.815, "text": "the genealogies which you have recited to us out of your own annals solon are a mere children's story"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0012.wav", "duration": 13.015, "text": "for in the times before the great flood athens was the greatest and best of cities and did the noblest deeds and had the best constitution of any under the face of heaven"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0013.wav", "duration": 5.12, "text": "solon marvelled and desired to be informed of the particulars"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0014.wav", "duration": 9.565, "text": "nine thousand years have elapsed since she founded yours and eight thousand since she founded ours as our annals record"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0015.wav", "duration": 6.815, "text": "many laws exist among us which are the counterpart of yours as they were in the olden time"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0016.wav", "duration": 7.815, "text": "i will briefly describe them to you and you shall read the account of them at your leisure in the sacred registers"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0017.wav", "duration": 9.73, "text": "observe again what care the law took in the pursuit of wisdom searching out the deep things of the world and applying them to the use of man"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0018.wav", "duration": 5.29, "text": "the most famous of them all was the overthrow of the island of atlantis"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0019.wav", "duration": 12.255, "text": "for at the peril of her own existence and when the other hellenes had deserted her she repelled the invader and of her own accord gave liberty to all the nations within the pillars"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0020.wav", "duration": 6.125, "text": "this is the explanation of the shallows which are found in that part of the atlantic ocean"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0021.wav", "duration": 4.94, "text": "but i would not speak at the time because i wanted to refresh my memory"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/2961\\961\\2961-961-0022.wav", "duration": 25.985, "text": "then now let me explain to you the order of our entertainment first timaeus who is a natural philosopher will speak of the origin of the world going down to the creation of man and then i shall receive the men whom he has created and some of whom will have been educated by you and introduce them to you as the lost athenian citizens of whom the egyptian record spoke"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0000.wav", "duration": 12.085, "text": "but already at a point in economic evolution far antedating the emergence of the lady specialised consumption of goods as an evidence of pecuniary strength had begun to work out in a more or less elaborate system"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0001.wav", "duration": 5.675, "text": "the utility of consumption as an evidence of wealth is to be classed as a derivative growth"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0002.wav", "duration": 10.615, "text": "such consumption as falls to the women is merely incidental to their work it is a means to their continued labour and not a consumption directed to their own comfort and fulness of life"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0003.wav", "duration": 19.025, "text": "with a further advance in culture this tabu may change into simple custom of a more or less rigorous character but whatever be the theoretical basis of the distinction which is maintained whether it be a tabu or a larger conventionality the features of the conventional scheme of consumption do not change easily"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0004.wav", "duration": 5.33, "text": "in the nature of things luxuries and the comforts of life belong to the leisure class"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0005.wav", "duration": 8.405, "text": "under the tabu certain victuals and more particularly certain beverages are strictly reserved for the use of the superior class"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0006.wav", "duration": 14.505, "text": "drunkenness and the other pathological consequences of the free use of stimulants therefore tend in their turn to become honorific as being a mark at the second remove of the superior status of those who are able to afford the indulgence"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0007.wav", "duration": 10.545, "text": "it has even happened that the name for certain diseased conditions of the body arising from such an origin has passed into everyday speech as a synonym for noble or gentle"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0008.wav", "duration": 9.495, "text": "the consumption of luxuries in the true sense is a consumption directed to the comfort of the consumer himself and is therefore a mark of the master"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0009.wav", "duration": 12.605, "text": "with many qualifications with more qualifications as the patriarchal tradition has gradually weakened the general rule is felt to be right and binding that women should consume only for the benefit of their masters"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0010.wav", "duration": 13.005, "text": "the objection of course presents itself that expenditure on women's dress and household paraphernalia is an obvious exception to this rule but it will appear in the sequel that this exception is much more obvious than substantial"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0011.wav", "duration": 11.03, "text": "the custom of festive gatherings probably originated in motives of conviviality and religion these motives are also present in the later development but they do not continue to be the sole motives"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0012.wav", "duration": 3.205, "text": "there is a more or less elaborate system of rank and grades"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0013.wav", "duration": 5.61, "text": "this differentiation is furthered by the inheritance of wealth and the consequent inheritance of gentility"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0014.wav", "duration": 11.255, "text": "many of these affiliated gentlemen of leisure are at the same time lesser men of substance in their own right so that some of them are scarcely at all others only partially to be rated as vicarious consumers"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0015.wav", "duration": 8.435, "text": "so many of them however as make up the retainer and hangers on of the patron may be classed as vicarious consumer without qualification"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0016.wav", "duration": 14.15, "text": "many of these again and also many of the other aristocracy of less degree have in turn attached to their persons a more or less comprehensive group of vicarious consumer in the persons of their wives and children their servants retainers et cetera"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0017.wav", "duration": 8.335, "text": "the wearing of uniforms or liveries implies a considerable degree of dependence and may even be said to be a mark of servitude real or ostensible"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0018.wav", "duration": 7.815, "text": "the wearers of uniforms and liveries may be roughly divided into two classes the free and the servile or the noble and the ignoble"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0019.wav", "duration": 3.755, "text": "but the general distinction is not on that account to be overlooked"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0020.wav", "duration": 14.035, "text": "so those offices which are by right the proper employment of the leisure class are noble such as government fighting hunting the care of arms and accoutrements and the like in short those which may be classed as ostensibly predatory employments"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0021.wav", "duration": 10.555, "text": "whenever as in these cases the menial service in question has to do directly with the primary leisure employments of fighting and hunting it easily acquires a reflected honorific character"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5694\\3570-5694-0022.wav", "duration": 4.295, "text": "the livery becomes obnoxious to nearly all who are required to wear it"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0000.wav", "duration": 4.83, "text": "in a general way though not wholly nor consistently these two groups coincide"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0001.wav", "duration": 14.715, "text": "the dependent who was first delegated for these duties was the wife or the chief wife and as would be expected in the later development of the institution when the number of persons by whom these duties are customarily performed gradually narrows the wife remains the last"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0002.wav", "duration": 7.805, "text": "but as we descend the social scale the point is presently reached where the duties of vicarious leisure and consumption devolve upon the wife alone"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0003.wav", "duration": 5.355, "text": "in the communities of the western culture this point is at present found among the lower middle class"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0004.wav", "duration": 10.6, "text": "if beauty or comfort is achieved and it is a more or less fortuitous circumstance if they are they must be achieved by means and methods that commend themselves to the great economic law of wasted effort"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0005.wav", "duration": 20.03, "text": "the man of the household also can do something in this direction and indeed he commonly does but with a still lower descent into the levels of indigence along the margin of the slums the man and presently also the children virtually cease to consume valuable goods for appearances and the woman remains virtually the sole exponent of the household's pecuniary decency"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0006.wav", "duration": 7.47, "text": "very much of squalor and discomfort will be endured before the last trinket or the last pretense of pecuniary decency is put away"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0007.wav", "duration": 9.755, "text": "there is no class and no country that has yielded so abjectly before the pressure of physical want as to deny themselves all gratification of this higher or spiritual need"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0008.wav", "duration": 6.845, "text": "the question is which of the two methods will most effectively reach the persons whose convictions it is desired to affect"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0009.wav", "duration": 5.025, "text": "each will therefore serve about equally well during the earlier stages of social growth"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0010.wav", "duration": 4.665, "text": "the modern organization of industry works in the same direction also by another line"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0011.wav", "duration": 8.26, "text": "it is evident therefore that the present trend of the development is in the direction of heightening the utility of conspicuous consumption as compared with leisure"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0012.wav", "duration": 14.76, "text": "it is also noticeable that the serviceability of consumption as a means of repute as well as the insistence on it as an element of decency is at its best in those portions of the community where the human contact of the individual is widest and the mobility of the population is greatest"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0013.wav", "duration": 4.64, "text": "consumption becomes a larger element in the standard of living in the city than in the country"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0014.wav", "duration": 10.54, "text": "among the country population its place is to some extent taken by savings and home comforts known through the medium of neighborhood gossip sufficiently to serve the like general purpose of pecuniary repute"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5695\\3570-5695-0015.wav", "duration": 7.95, "text": "the result is a great mobility of the labor employed in printing perhaps greater than in any other equally well defined and considerable body of workmen"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0000.wav", "duration": 11.415, "text": "under the simple test of effectiveness for advertising we should expect to find leisure and the conspicuous consumption of goods dividing the field of pecuniary emulation pretty evenly between them at the outset"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0001.wav", "duration": 16.735, "text": "but the actual course of development has been somewhat different from this ideal scheme leisure held the first place at the start and came to hold a rank very much above wasteful consumption of goods both as a direct exponent of wealth and as an element in the standard of decency during the quasi peaceable culture"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0002.wav", "duration": 7.51, "text": "other circumstances permitting that instinct disposes men to look with favor upon productive efficiency and on whatever is of human use"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0003.wav", "duration": 25.115, "text": "a reconciliation between the two conflicting requirements is effected by a resort to make believe many and intricate polite observances and social duties of a ceremonial nature are developed many organizations are founded with some specious object of amelioration embodied in their official style and title there is much coming and going and a deal of talk to the end that the talkers may not have occasion to reflect on what is the effectual economic value of their traffic"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0004.wav", "duration": 4.7, "text": "the salient features of this development of domestic service have already been indicated"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0005.wav", "duration": 13.025, "text": "throughout the entire evolution of conspicuous expenditure whether of goods or of services or human life runs the obvious implication that in order to effectually mend the consumer's good fame it must be an expenditure of superfluities"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0006.wav", "duration": 4.16, "text": "as used in the speech of everyday life the word carries an undertone of deprecation"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0007.wav", "duration": 9.5, "text": "the use of the word waste as a technical term therefore implies no deprecation of the motives or of the ends sought by the consumer under this canon of conspicuous waste"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0008.wav", "duration": 7.26, "text": "but it is on other grounds worth noting that the term waste in the language of everyday life implies deprecation of what is characterized as wasteful"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0009.wav", "duration": 8.86, "text": "in strict accuracy nothing should be included under the head of conspicuous waste but such expenditure as is incurred on the ground of an invidious pecuniary comparison"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3570\\5696\\3570-5696-0010.wav", "duration": 7.57, "text": "an article may be useful and wasteful both and its utility to the consumer may be made up of use and waste in the most varying proportions"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0000.wav", "duration": 8.23, "text": "and often has my mother said while on her lap i laid my head she feared for time i was not made but for eternity"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0001.wav", "duration": 2.99, "text": "why are we to be denied each other's society"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0002.wav", "duration": 18.99, "text": "why are we to be divided"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0003.wav", "duration": 7.595, "text": "surely it must be because we are in danger of loving each other too well of losing sight of the creator in idolatry of the creature"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0004.wav", "duration": 3.105, "text": "we used to dispute about politics and religion"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0005.wav", "duration": 7.34, "text": "she a tory and clergyman's daughter was always in a minority of one in our house of violent dissent and radicalism"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0006.wav", "duration": 8.3, "text": "her feeble health gave her her yielding manner for she could never oppose any one without gathering up all her strength for the struggle"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0007.wav", "duration": 7.775, "text": "he spoke french perfectly i have been told when need was but delighted usually in talking the broadest yorkshire"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0008.wav", "duration": 13.555, "text": "and so life and death have dispersed the circle of violent radicals and dissenters into which twenty years ago the little quiet resolute clergyman's daughter was received and by whom she was truly loved and honoured"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0009.wav", "duration": 6.73, "text": "january and february of eighteen thirty seven had passed away and still there was no reply from southey"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0010.wav", "duration": 4.79, "text": "i am not depreciating it when i say that in these times it is not rare"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0011.wav", "duration": 7.015, "text": "but it is not with a view to distinction that you should cultivate this talent if you consult your own happiness"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0012.wav", "duration": 5.8500625, "text": "you will say that a woman has no need of such a caution there can be no peril in it for her"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0013.wav", "duration": 9.175, "text": "the more she is engaged in her proper duties the less leisure will she have for it even as an accomplishment and a recreation"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0014.wav", "duration": 6.68, "text": "to those duties you have not yet been called and when you are you will be less eager for celebrity"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0015.wav", "duration": 14.425, "text": "but do not suppose that i disparage the gift which you possess nor that i would discourage you from exercising it i only exhort you so to think of it and so to use it as to render it conducive to your own permanent good"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0016.wav", "duration": 11.865, "text": "farewell madam"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0017.wav", "duration": 12.73, "text": "though i may be but an ungracious adviser you will allow me therefore to subscribe myself with the best wishes for your happiness here and hereafter your true friend robert southey"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0018.wav", "duration": 2.92, "text": "sir march sixteenth"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0019.wav", "duration": 6.155, "text": "i had not ventured to hope for such a reply so considerate in its tone so noble in its spirit"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0020.wav", "duration": 8.645, "text": "i know the first letter i wrote to you was all senseless trash from beginning to end but i am not altogether the idle dreaming being it would seem to denote"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0021.wav", "duration": 4.18, "text": "i thought it therefore my duty when i left school to become a governess"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0022.wav", "duration": 5.825, "text": "in the evenings i confess i do think but i never trouble any one else with my thoughts"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0023.wav", "duration": 9.095, "text": "i carefully avoid any appearance of preoccupation and eccentricity which might lead those i live amongst to suspect the nature of my pursuits"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0024.wav", "duration": 12.255, "text": "i don't always succeed for sometimes when i'm teaching or sewing i would rather be reading or writing but i try to deny myself and my father's approbation amply rewarded me for the privation"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0025.wav", "duration": 9.205, "text": "again i thank you this incident i suppose will be renewed no more if i live to be an old woman i shall remember it thirty years hence as a bright dream"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0026.wav", "duration": 16.735, "text": "p s pray sir excuse me for writing to you a second time i could not help writing partly to tell you how thankful i am for your kindness and partly to let you know that your advice shall not be wasted however sorrowfully and reluctantly it may be at first followed c b"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0027.wav", "duration": 4.58, "text": "i cannot deny myself the gratification of inserting southey's reply"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0028.wav", "duration": 5.53, "text": "keswick march twenty second eighteen thirty seven dear madam"}
{"key": "testdataset/LibriSpeech/test-clean/3575\\170457\\3575-170457-0029.wav", "duration": 6.055, "text": "your letter has given me great pleasure and i should not forgive myself if i did not tell you so"}