- Method
has become deprecated, useSylius\Component\Channel\Repository\ChannelRepository::findOneEnabledByHostname
instead. Simultaneously with this changeSylius\Component\Channel\Context\RequestBased\HostnameBasedRequestResolver::findChannel
will start selecting only a channel from a range of enabled channels.
- Order Processors' priorities have changed and
has now a higher priority thansylius.order_processing.order_shipment_processor
Previous priorities:
sylius.order_processing.order_adjustments_clearer 60 Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderAdjustmentsClearer
sylius.order_processing.order_shipment_processor 50 Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderShipmentProcessor
sylius.order_processing.order_prices_recalculator 40 Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderPricesRecalculator
Current priorities:
sylius.order_processing.order_adjustments_clearer 60 Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderAdjustmentsClearer
sylius.order_processing.order_prices_recalculator 50 Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderPricesRecalculator
sylius.order_processing.order_shipment_processor 40 Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderShipmentProcessor
If you rely on previous priorities, you can bring them back by setting flag sylius_core.process_shipments_before_recalculating_prices
to true
in config/packages/_sylius.yaml
process_shipments_before_recalculating_prices: true
However, it is not recommended because new priorities fix invalid estimated shipping costs.
Sylius v1.11 comes with bump of minimal dependencies of PHP to v8.0. We strongly advice to make upgrade process step by step, so it is highly recommended updating your PHP version being still on Sylius v1.10, as it is supporting both PHP7.4 and PHP8.0.
After ensuring, that previous step succeed, you may move forward to the Sylius v1.11 update.
The pagination.html.twig
has been changed to use the Twig view.
There are differences in the markup between the PHP template and the Twig template.
The wrapping container from 2.x branch of Pagerfanta in the PHP template was:
<div class="ui stackable fluid pagination menu">
while in the Twig template in 3.x branch it's:
<div class="ui pagination menu">
The "stackable" class affects responsive display and "fluid" affects whether the pagination menu is full-width.
This obvious dev dependency was part of Sylius requirements. In 1.11 we've moved it to proper place. However,
it may lead to app break, as this container could be used in your Kernel, if you used Sylius-Standard as your template.
In such a case, please update your src/Kernel.php
class as follows:
protected function getContainerBaseClass(): string
- if ($this->isTestEnvironment()) {
+ if ($this->isTestEnvironment() && class_exists(MockerContainer::class)) {
return MockerContainer::class;
return parent::getContainerBaseClass();
If you were using MockerContainer in your app, you should also execute the following command:
composer req --dev polishsymfonycommunity/symfony-mocker-container
If you don't already have, add an empty directory api_platform
in your config
directory and customize there any API resources.
We added MinimumPrice to channelPricings entity, this price should be taken into account when customizing any promotions in Sylius. All calculating and distributing services provided by default depends on MinimumPrice.
Service sylius.calendar
has been deprecated. Use Sylius\Calendar\Provider\DateTimeProviderInterface
Add a new bundle to your list of used bundles in config/bundles.php
if they are not already there:
+ Sylius\Calendar\SyliusCalendarBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Passing a Sylius\Component\Core\Calculator\ProductVariantPriceCalculatorInterface
to Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderPricesRecalculator
constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.11 and will be prohibited in 2.0. Use Sylius\Component\Core\Calculator\ProductVariantPricesCalculatorInterface
If you don't already have configured the messenger transport, configure it according to your needs by setting an environment variable MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN
- Service
has been removed, use in your suitesSylius\Calendar\Tests\Behat\Context\Hook\CalendarContext
instead. - Service
has been removed, use in your suitesSylius\Calendar\Tests\Behat\Context\Setup\CalendarContext
In Sylius we are using WinzouStateMachine where as example sylius_order
state machine has declared 14 callbacks on one state.
If this will be customized and number of callbacks comes up to 16 and higher - the priority of callbacks will become randomized.
Sylius state machine callbacks from now on will have priorities declared. Ending at -100 with step of 100.
Please note that those priorities are being executed in ascending order. You can find all the new priorities at
Be aware that if those priorities were customized, this would lead to problems. You should check and adjust priorities on your application.
We've introduced promoted properties all over the code where it was possible. Please, pay attention especially to these classes:
In all of them constructor argument $templatingEngine
, previously typed as object
was changed to Environment
It should not cause any problems (only such services would work in these controllers), but is theoretically making the type
requirement stricter.
All form type extensions supplied by Sylius now specify a priority of 100, instead of relying on the default value of 0. This means that your form type extensions, including autowired ones, may now consistently override the effect of these stock form type extensions without you having to explicitly specify their priorities. However, if you relied on the old default values, you might have to review priorities of your own form type extensions, as well as any that you have overridden. Please note that unlike state machine callbacks, form extension priorities are being executed in descending order.
For changes according to the API v2, please visit API v2 upgrade file.